Title: Signs and Symptoms of HIV/AIDS | Hiv Singles Dating
1Signs and Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
2Stage 1 Primary HIV Infection Many people who
are infected with hiv do not develop symptoms or
signs at all. Others will have signs and symptoms
in first two to four weeks after HIV infection,
referred to as primary. The most common symptoms
are flu-like or mononucleosis-like illness within
several days to weeks after exposure to the
virus, including
3Fever Headache ulcers in the mouth Fatigue
weight loss Sweating rash that may come and go
quickly sore throat swollen lymph nodes
4- Stage 2 Clinical Latency Stage
- After a cute infection,this virus appears to
become dormant, and the person feels normal. - This stage of HIV may last an average of 8 to 10
years, but it can vary among individuals and
strains of HIV. - During the latent period, the infection continues
to multiply actively. - It infects and kills critical infection fighting
cells, a type of white blood cell called as CD4
cells or T helper cells.
5- Even though the person has no symptoms can pass
HIV through the routes - As the virus overwhelms to CD4 cells, the HIV
viral load starts to rise, and the CD4 begins to
drop. - As this happens, he or she may begin to have
symptoms as the virus levels increases in the
6- Stage 3 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
(AIDS) - AIDS is the later stage of HIV virus, when the
body starts losing T cells and its ability to
fight infections. - Once the CD4 cells count falls low enough then
infected person is said to have AIDS or HIV
disease. - Sometimes, the diagnosis of AIDS is made because
of the person has unusual infections that signal
how weak the immune system is.
7- This type of infections that occur with AIDS are
called opportunistic infections because they take
advantage of the opportunity to infect a weakened
host. - The person diagnosed with AIDS may need to be on
antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent certain
opportunistic infections from occurring. The
AIDS-defining infections includes following
8- Pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis jiroveci.
- Toxoplasmosis, a brain infection.
- Widespread (disseminated) infection with a
bacteria. - Yeast (Candida) infection of the mouth and
swallowing tube. - Disseminated diseases with certain fungi.
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