The Immune System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Immune System


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Subject: The Immune System Author: Parham Last modified by: student Created Date: 12/16/2002 8:36:41 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Immune System

Primary and secondary immune deficiencies HIV
Points to ponder in this Module
  • What are immune deficiencies?
  • What are primary immune deficiencies?
  • What are secondary immune deficiencies?
  • What are the different types of influenza virus
    and the corresponding immune mechanisms?
  • Who discovered the HIV virus, and how?
  • What are the mechanisms responsible for HIV
    infection and development of AIDS?
  • What are the available anti-HIV therapies? HIV
  • DVD Spanish Flu

  • Immunodeficiency Failure of the immune system to
    protect against disease or malignancy.
  • Primary Immunodeficiency Caused by genetic or
    developmental defects in the immune system. These
    defects are present at birth but may show up
    later on in life.
  • Secondary (acquired immunodeficiency) Loss of
    immune function as a result of exposure to
    pathogens, environmental factors,
    immunosuppression, or aging.

  • Primary immunodeficiencies are inherited defects
    of the immune system.
  • These defects may be in the specific or
    non-specific immune mechanisms.
  • They are classified on the basis of the site of
    lesion in the developmental or differentiation
    pathway of the immune system.
  • Individuals with immunodeficiencies are
    susceptible to a variety of infections and the
    type of infection depends on the nature of

Characteristic infections of the primary
Component Primary pathogen Primary site Clinical example
T-cells Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, non-specific SCID, DiGeorge
B-cells Pneumococcus, Streptococcus, Haemophilus Respiratory, skin, CNS, GI, IgG, IgM, IgA deficiency
Phagocytes Staphylococcal, Pseudomonas, Respiratory, skin, lymph nodes chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
Complement Haemophilus, Pneumococcus, Streptococcus CNS, lung, skin C3, late C components
Disorders of T cells
  • T cell disorders affect both cell- and humoral
    immunity making the patient extremely susceptible
    to infections.
  • Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) is a
    primary immunodeficiency in which there is an
    absence of functional T-cells. Because T cells
    are missing, patients cannot produce also any
    antibodies, even though they might have B cells.
  • The SCID leads to extreme susceptibility to
    serious infections. This condition is generally
    considered to be the most serious of the primary

David Vetter was a boy who was born in 1970s with
SCID. In order to survive, he had to live in a
plastic bubble for 12 years, to avoid any
infections. He died at the age of 12 after an
unsuccessful transplantation of bone marrow.
All T cells are absent in SCID patients
B cell-mediated immunity
T cell-mediated immunity
X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA)
Disorders of B lymphocytes
  • The first immunodeficiency disease to be
  • It was first characterized by Dr. Bruton in a
    1952 case study of an eight year old boy.  Bruton
    describes the boy as having chronic infections
    with a variety of pathogens over a four year
    period, each of which was successfully treated
    with penicillin. 
  • Since the majority of his infections had been
    caused by pneumococcus, Bruton attempted to
    vaccinate him against this pathogen.  When it was
    discovered that no antibody was produced by the
    vaccination, the boy was tested to determine
    whether he could produce antibodies to any
    antigen.  It was soon proven that the boy could
    produce virtually no immunoglobulin in response
    to any pathogen. 
  • Bruton therefore named the condition
    agammaglobulinemia (Bruton, 1952).  The condition
    was soon observed to only occur in males and was
    therefore determined to be X-linked.  The disease
    is now commonly known as Bruton's X-Linked

IgA deficiency
  • IgA deficiency is the most common of all
    immunodeficiencies (1/700 of all Caucasians) and
    results from a defect in class switching.
  • IgA-deficient patients are very susceptible to
    gastrointestinal, eye and nasopharyngeal
  • Patients with IgA deficiency have a high
    incidence of autoimmune diseases (particularly
    immune complex type) and lymphoid malignancies.
  • Laboratory diagnosis is based on IgA measurement.
  • Selective IgA deficiency is less harmful than
    many other immunodeficiency diseases.
  • Some people with IgA deficiency will recover on
    their own and begin to produce IgA in larger
    quantities over a period of years.

Treatment to cure primary immunodeficiencies
  • Stem cell transplantation. Stem cell
    transplantation offers a permanent cure for
    several forms of life-threatening
    immunodeficiency. With this treatment, normal
    stem cells are transferred to the person with
    immunodeficiency, giving them a normally
    functioning immune system. Stem cells can be
    harvested through bone marrow, or they can be
    obtained from the placenta at birth (cord blood
    banking). For stem cell transplantation to work,
    the donor usually a parent or other close
    relative must have body tissues that are a
    close biological match to those of the person
    with primary immunodeficiency. Stem cells that
    aren't a good match may be rejected by the immune
    system. Additionally, the treatment often
    requires that any functioning immune cells be
    destroyed using chemotherapy or radiation prior
    to the transplants, leaving the transplant
    recipient even more vulnerable to infection
  • Future treatments Gene therapy. Researchers hope
    this treatment will one day be a cure for primary
    immune disorders and many other conditions. Gene
    therapy actually replaces defective genes with
    genes that work correctly. A harmless virus is
    used to carry the genes into the body's cells. In
    turn, the newly introduced genes trigger the
    production of healthy immune system enzymes and
    proteins. Although the technique has shown
    promise in some initial trials, gene therapy is
    still experimental.

Secondary immune deficiencies
  • Immune deficiencies that are acquired, caused by
  • Some pathogens evolved sophisticated ways how to
    escape or subvert the immune defenses.
  • These pathogen-mediated immune deficiencies can
  • A. Genetic variations of pathogen (Strep)
  • B. Mutations of pathogen (Flu)
  • C. Dormancy of pathogen (Herpes)
  • D. Destruction of the immune system (HIV)

A. Genetic variation within some species of
pathogen prevents effective long-term immunity
  • Antibodies directed against macromolecules on the
    surfaces of pathogens are the most important
    source of long-term immunity to many infectious
  • Bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (causing
    pneumonia) consists of 90 different genetic
    strains (mutants serotypes) that differ in the
    structure of polysaccharides present on the cell
  • After resolution of infection with a particular
    serotype, a person will have made antibodies that
    prevent re-infection with that strain, but will
    not prevent infection with another serotype.
  • S. pneumonia is a common cause of bacterial
    pneumonia because its genetic variation prevents
    people from developing an effective immunological

Figure 9-1
B. Mutation and recombination allow influenza
virus to escape from immunity
  • Influenza virus is an RNA virus consisting of
    eight RNA molecules, and containing hemagglutinin
    on the viral envelope.
  • The flu virus infects epithelium of the
    respiratory tract and passes easily from one
    person to another.
  • The virus is cleared from the body by a
    combination of cellular and humoral
    (antibody-based) immunity.
  • The antibodies are made against the viral
    hemagglutinin, during the primary response to the
  • The pattern of flu infection characteristically
    causes epidemics, in which the virus spreads
    rapidly in the population and then quickly

Variations in flu virus due to mutation and
recombination allow repeated infections
  • The flu virus easily mutates, and the new mutant
    strains are not recognized by the antibodies made
    during the first infection/response, causing
    epidemics this type of virus mutation is called
    antigenic drift.
  • In contrast, every 10-15 years a new virus
    emerges that is quite different from the previous
    strains, and can infect almost everyone. These
    new viruses are recombinant viruses that have
    part derived from the human flu virus, and part
    from an avian (bird) virus. This type of
    evolution is called antigenic shift these new
    viruses can cause pandemics.

Epidemic vs. Pandemic
  • Epidemic
  • Epidemic occurs when an infectious disease
    spreads rapidly to many countries and people.
  • In 2003, the severe acute respiratory syndrome
    (SARS) epidemic took the lives of nearly 800
    people, mainly in Asia.
  • Pandemic
  • Pandemic is a global disease outbreak. HIV/AIDS
    is an example of one of the most destructive
    global pandemics in history.
  • Influenza pandemics have occurred more than once.
  • An influenza pandemic occurs when a new subtype
    of virus arises. This means humans have little or
    no immunity to it. Everyone is at risk.
  • Pandemic occurred in 1918, when the Spanish
    influenza killed 50 million people worldwide.

Influenza (Flu)
  • From the French word influentia, which refers
    to the belief that all epidemics were influenced
    by the stars
  • Caused by influenza virus
  • classified into three groups (A, B, and C) based
    on the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA
    target for TAMIFLU) antigens
  • Mutations in the viral genome occur
  • antigenic drift small changes, result in flu
  • antigenic shift extensive changes in the viral
    genome, result in pandemics
  • clinical manifestations
  • chills, fever, headache, malaise, and general
    muscular aches and pains
  • recovery usually within 3 to 10 days
  • CDC estimates that each year, about 36,000 people
    in the US die from flu infection

Figure 9-2
Antigenic shift Caused by recombination and
resulting in pandemics
Antigenic drift Caused by mutation and resulting
in epidemics
How Influenza Viruses Change Drift and Shift
  • Influenza viruses can change in two different
  • One type is called "antigenic drift," which
    occurs through small changes in the virus that
    happen continually over time this can cause
    epidemics. Antigenic drift produces new virus
    strains that may not be recognized by antibodies
    to earlier influenza strains. This process works
    as follows a person infected with a particular
    flu virus strain develops antibody against that
    virus. As newer virus strains appear, the
    antibodies against the older strains no longer
    recognize the "newer" virus, and infection with a
    new strain can occur. This is one of the main
    reasons why people can get the flu more than one
    time. In most years, one or two of the three
    virus strains in the influenza vaccine are
    updated to keep up with the changes in the
    circulating flu viruses. For this reason, people
    who want to be immunized against influenza need
    to receive a flu vaccination every year.
  • The other type of change is called "antigenic
    shift." Antigenic shift is an abrupt, major
    change in the influenza A viruses, resulting in a
    new influenza virus that can infect humans and
    has a hemagglutinin protein and neuraminidase
    protein combination that has not been seen in
    humans for many years. Antigenic shift results in
    a new influenza A subtype. If a new subtype of
    influenza A virus is introduced into the human
    population, if most people have little or no
    protection against the new virus, and if the
    virus can spread easily from person to person, a
    pandemic (worldwide spread) may occur.

Types, Subtypes, and Strains of the Flu Virus
  • There are three types of influenza viruses A, B,
    and C.
  • Influenza Type AInfluenza type A viruses can
    infect people, birds, pigs, horses, and other
    animals, but wild birds are the natural hosts for
    these viruses.
  • Type A flu can cause pandemics.
  • Influenza type A viruses are divided into
    subtypes based on two proteins on the surface of
    the virus. These proteins are called
    hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). There
    are 16 different HA subtypes and 9 different NA
    subtypes. Many different combinations of HA and
    NA proteins are possible.
  • Subtypes of influenza A virus are named according
    to their HA and NA surface proteins. For example,
    an H7N2 virus designates an influenza A subtype
    that has an HA 7 protein and an NA 2 protein.
    Similarly an H5N1 virus has an HA 5 protein and
    an NA 1 protein.
  • Influenza Type BInfluenza B viruses are normally
    found only in humans. Unlike influenza A viruses,
    these viruses are not classified according to
    subtype. Although influenza type B viruses can
    cause human epidemics, they have not caused
  • Influenza Type CInfluenza type C viruses cause
    mild illness in humans and do not cause epidemics
    or pandemics. These viruses are not classified
    according to subtype.

Influenza pandemics
  • Spanish influenza H1N1 killed 50 million people
    in 1918.
  • Asian influenza killed 2 million people in 1957.
  • Hong Kong influenza killed 1 million people in
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) provides an
    influenza pandemic alert system, with a scale
    ranging from Phase 1 (a low risk of a flu
    pandemic) to Phase 6 (a full-blown pandemic)
  • Phase 1 A virus in animals has caused no known
    infections in humans.
  • Phase 2 An animal flu virus has caused infection
    in humans.
  • Phase 3 Sporadic cases or small clusters of
    disease occur in humans. Human-to-human
    transmission, if any, is insufficient to cause
    community-level outbreaks.
  • Phase 4 The risk for a pandemic is greatly
    increased but not certain.
  • Phase 5 Spread of disease between humans is
    occurring in more than one country.
  • Phase 6 A global pandemic is under way.

The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 (Spanish Flu)
  • The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed about
    50 million people more than the World War I.
  • It was caused by the H1N1 type of influenza
  • The effect of this pandemic was so severe that
    the average life span in the US was depressed by
    10 years. The influenza virus had a profound
    virulence, with a mortality rate at 2.5 compared
    to the previous influenza epidemics, which were
    less than 0.1.
  • The origins of this influenza variant is not
    precisely known. It is thought to have originated
    in China in a rare genetic shift of the influenza
    virus. The recombination of its surface proteins
    created a virus novel to almost everyone and a
    loss of herd immunity. Recently the virus has
    been reconstructed from the tissue of a dead
    soldier and is now being characterized.
  • The name of Spanish Flu came from the early
    affliction and large mortalities in Spain, where
    it killed 8 million in May 1918.
  • However, the first wave of influenza appeared
    early in the spring of 1918 in Kansas and in
    military camps throughout the US. Few noticed the
    epidemic in the midst of the war. The war brought
    the virus back into the US for the second wave of
    the epidemic. It first arrived in Boston in
    September of 1918 through the port busy with war
    shipments of machinery and supplies. The flu that
    winter was beyond imagination as millions were
    infected and thousands died. Just as the war had
    effected the course of influenza, influenza
    affected the war. Entire fleets were ill with the
    disease and men on the front were too sick to
    fight. The flu was devastating to both sides,
    killing more men than their own weapons could.

Swine flu was type A, H1N1, influenza (the
same type as the Spanish Flue in 1918)This type
of flu virus can cause pandemics.
2009 H1N1 pandemics
Genetic characterization found that the HA gene
is similar to that of swine flu viruses. The
genes from American swine flu are mixtures of
swine flu, bird flu, and human flu viruses. On
June 11, 2009, the WHO declared an H1N1 pandemic,
moving the alert level to phase 6, marking the
first global pandemic since the 1968 Hong Kong
  • Tamiflu (Oseltamivir ) and Relenza are the main
    antiviral drugs available in the United States
    for both the treatment and prevention of the most
    common strains of influenza, types A and B.
  • Neuraminidase is an enzyme that enables influenza
    virus to spread from infected cells to healthy
  • Oseltamivir and Relenza block the action of
    neuraminidase (they are neuraminidase
    inhibitors), thereby reducing the spread of
  • By preventing the spread of virus from cell to
    cell, the symptoms and duration of influenza
    infection are reduced.

Flu vaccines
  • Vaccine Production in Eggs
  • Traditionally, flu vaccines have been produced in
    chicken eggs.
  • The egg-based production is physically limited by
    the availability of specialized eggs and may not
    be able to meet the accelerated demands of a
    global influenza pandemic.
  • In order to produce 300 million doses of vaccine,
    egg-based production would require 900 million
  • People allergic to eggs cannot receive the
    egg-based vaccines.
  • Vaccine Production in Cell Cultures
  • The new approach uses mammalian cells (kidney
    cells) to grow the influenza viruses.
  • In place of eggs, cell-based vaccine production
    utilizes laboratory-grown cell lines that are
    capable of hosting a growing virus. The virus is
    injected into the cells where it multiplies. The
    cells' outer walls are removed, harvested,
    purified, and inactivated. A vaccine can be
    produced in a matter of weeks. Polio vaccine is
    currently produced using the cell-based method.
  • While eggs are perishable, cell lines can be
    safely kept frozen indefinitely, increasing the
    capability to rapidly produce vaccines if an
    influenza pandemic were to occur.
  • People allergic to eggs cannot receive vaccines
    produced from chicken eggs, but can be immunized
    with a cell-based vaccine.

C. Some viruses enter a dormant state and cannot
be recognized by the immune system
  • In contrast to flu virus, some other viruses are
    difficult to clear because they enter a quiescent
    (resting) state within human cells, in which they
    neither replicate nor generate enough
    virus-derived peptides to assemble the MHC class
    I complexes.
  • Very often these viruses hide in the brain, which
    does not express any MHC class I molecules, and
    therefore viruses are not recognized there.
  • Development of this dormant state, called
    latency, does not cause disease. After the
    initial immune response subsides, the virus
    reactivates, causing a disease.

Herpes virus persists in human hosts by hiding
from the immune response Herpes simplex virus,
the cause of cold sores, first infects epithelial
cells and then spreads to sensory neurons in the
brain. In the neurons, the virus persists in a
latent state, and is re-activated by various
stresses (hormonal changes, bacterial infection,
sunlight). Re-activated virus travels down the
neurons and re-infects the epithelium, causing
cold sores again.
Chickenpox (Varicella) and Shingles (Herpes
  • Shingles and chickenpox were once considered
    separate disorders. It is now known that they are
    both caused by a single virus of the Herpes
    family known as Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV).
  • Varicella the primary infection that causes
  • Herpes zoster the reactivation of the virus that
    causes shingles.
  • Varicella (Chickenpox). When patients with
    chickenpox cough or sneeze, they expel tiny
    droplets that carry the virus, which in this
    early form is referred to as varicella virus. If
    a person who has never had chickenpox or been
    vaccinated inhales these particles, the virus
    enters the lungs. From here it passes into the
    blood stream. When it is carried to the skin it
    produces the typical rash of chickenpox.
  • Herpes Zoster (Shingles). The virus also travels
    to nerve cells called dorsal root ganglia. These
    are nerves that transmit sensory information from
    the skin to the brain. Here, the virus can hide
    in the latent form from the immune system for
    years, often for a lifetime.
  • If the virus becomes active after being latent,
    it causes the disorder known as shingles. The
    virus in this later form is referred to as herpes
    zoster. The virus spreads in the ganglion and to
    the nerves connecting to it. Those nerves most
    often affected are those in the face or the
    trunk. The virus, however, can also spread to the
    spinal cord and into the blood stream.
  • It is not clear why the virus reactivates in some
    people and not in others. In many cases, the
    immune system has become impaired or suppressed
    from certain conditions such as AIDS. Aging
    itself may increase the risk for shingles.

Chicken pox
post- herpetic neuralgia
D. Destruction of the immune system (HIV-AIDS)
  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was
    first described by physicians in the early 1980s
  • The disease is characterized by a marked
    reduction in CD4 T cells, and accompanied by
    severe infections
  • In 1983, the virus known to cause AIDS, the human
    immunodeficiency virus (HIV), was first isolated
    by Gallo at NIH, and Montagnier in France
  • Two types of HIV are now distinguished HIV-1 and
  • In most countries, HIV-1 is the principle cause
    of AIDS. HIV-2 is less virulent, has a slower
    progression, and spreads widely through Asia

Proviral DNA of a retrovirus, human T-cell
leukemia virus, in two patients with
AIDS.Gelmann EP, Popovic M, Blayney D, Masur H,
Sidhu G, Stahl RE, Gallo RC.Science. 1983 May
20 220 862-865.
  • The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
    is characterized by T-lymphocyte dysfunction and
    is frequently accompanied by opportunistic
    infections and Kaposi's sarcoma. Human T-cell
    leukemia virus (HTLV) is associated with T-cell
    malignancies and can transform T lymphocytes in
    vitro. In an attempt to find evidence of HTLV
    infection in patients with AIDS, DNA from samples
    of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 33 AIDS
    patients was analyzed by Southern
    blot-hybridization with a radiolabeled cloned
    HTLV DNA probe. Analysis of DNA from both the
    fresh (uncultured) lymphocytes and from T cells
    cultured with T-cell growth factor revealed the
    presence of integrated HTLV proviral sequences in
    lymphocytes from two of the patients, both of
    whom had antibody to HTLV. The proviral sequences
    could not be detected in blood samples obtained
    from these individuals at a later date,
    consistent with the possibility that the
    population of infected cells had become depleted.

Isolation of a T-lymphotropic retrovirus from a
patient at risk for acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS). Barre-Sinoussi F, Chermann JC,
Rey F, Nugeyre MT, Chamaret S, Gruest J, Dauguet
C, Axler-Blin C, Vezinet-Brun F, Rouzioux C,
Rozenbaum W, Montagnier L.Science. 1983 May 20
220 868-871.
  • A retrovirus belonging to the family of recently
    discovered human T-cell leukemia viruses (HTLV),
    but clearly distinct from each previous isolate,
    has been isolated from a Caucasian patient with
    signs and symptoms that often precede the
    acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). This
    virus is a typical type-C RNA tumor virus, buds
    from the cell membrane, prefers magnesium for
    reverse transcriptase activity, and has an
    internal antigen (p25) similar to HTLV p24.
    Antibodies from serum of this patient react with
    proteins from viruses of the HTLV-I subgroup, but
    type-specific antisera to HTLV-I do not
    precipitate proteins of the new isolate. The
    virus from this patient has been transmitted into
    cord blood lymphocytes, and the virus produced by
    these cells is similar to the original isolate.
    From these studies it is concluded that this
    virus as well as the previous HTLV isolates
    belong to a general family of T-lymphotropic
    retroviruses that are horizontally transmitted in
    humans and may be involved in several
    pathological syndromes, including AIDS.

2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for HIV Discovery
  • In 1986, Dr. Gallo and Dr. Montagnier shared a
    prestigious Lasker award, given in the United
    States Dr. Montagnier was cited for discovering
    the virus and Dr. Gallo for determining that it
    caused AIDS.
  • In 1987, President Reagan and Prime Minister
    Jacques Chirac of France signed an agreement to
    share royalties and credit for the discovery.
  • 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to
    Montagnier and other two European scientists for
    discovery of HIV and HPV viruses, while Robert
    Gallo was omitted

Incidence of HIV infection
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is now
known to have originated from chimpanzees.
Transmission from chimps to humans probably
occurred while animals were killed for food in
sub-Saharan Africa, with animal blood
contaminating wounds of humans. The WHO
estimates that there are 60 million people
infected today.
Transmission of HIV
  • HIV is stopped by innate defenses. HIV cannot
    penetrate unbroken skin. HIV is transmitted
    through direct exchange of body fluids (blood,
    semen, breast milk). Infected mothers can pass
    HIV to their infants during pregnancy, birth and
  • These body fluids must have direct access to the
    bloodstream in order to cause an infection.
  • Saliva, tears, sweat, and urine can contain HIV,
    but in such small concentrations that nobody has
    ever been infected through contact with these
  • HIV is NOT transmitted through any form of casual
    contact. HIV is NOT transmitted through shaking
    hands, hugging, or living in the same house with
    someone who is HIV.
  • HIV is not transmitted through insect bites.

Facts about HIV (from Nature 410 968, 2001)
  • By the end of 1997, 8.2 million children had lost
    their mother to AIDS before they turned 15.
  • More than 4 million children under the age of 15
    have been infected. HIV infection in children
    progresses more quickly to AIDS, leading to
  • Around 1/3 of the 42 million people living with
    HIV in the world are young people aged 15-24.
  • In 2000, 5 million people became infected with
    the virus more than seven men and women every
    minute of the day (14,000/day).
  • Where they have access to appropriate knowledge,
    skills, and means, today's young people show a
    remarkable propensity to adopt safer behaviors
    better than previous generations or older

HIV/AIDS History
  • 1926-46 - HIV possibly spreads from monkeys to
  • 1959 - A man dies in Congo in what many
    researchers say is the first proven AIDS death.
  • 1981 - The Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention (CDC) notices high rate of otherwise
    rare cancer
  • 1982 - The term AIDS is used for the first time,
    and CDC defines it.
  • 1983/84 - American and French scientists each
    claim discovery of the virus that will later be
    called HIV.
  • 1985 - The FDA approves the first HIV antibody
    test for blood supplies.
  • 1987 - AZT is the first anti-HIV drug approved by
    the FDA.
  • 1991 - Basketball star Magic Johnson announces
    that he is HIV-positive.
  • 1996 - FDA approves first protease inhibitors.
  • 2000 - An estimated 1,000,000 Americans living
    with HIV/AIDS.
  • 2010 10,000 people die of AIDS every day.

HIV is a retrovirus that causes slowly
progressing disease
  1. HIV is a single-stranded RNA virus, called
  2. Retroviruses use an RNA genome to direct
    synthesis of DNA ( a situation backwards, or
    retro from that is used by most organisms).
  3. The HIV virus contains RNA nucleoprotein core
    surrounded be a lipid envelope.
  4. Gp120 and gp41 are virally encoded envelope
    proteins that mediate the viral entry into human

Composition of HIV virus
  • When HIV infects a cell, the RNA genome is first
    copied into a complementary DNA cDNA, by reverse
  • The viral integrase then integrates the viral DNA
    into the genome of the host cell, to form a
  • The HIVs RNA genome consists of nine genes
    flanked by repetitive DNA sequences called long
    terminal repeats (LTR), which facilitate
    integration of the virus into the host genome.
  • Proviruses use the transcriptional and
    translational machinery of the host cell to make
    viral proteins which assemble into new infectious

HIV infects CD4 T cells, macrophages and
dendritic cells
  • The HIV virus infects cells expressing the CD4
    glycoprotein receptor CD4 T cells, macrophages
    and dendritic cells.
  • Chimpanzees, which are closest to humans, are
    resistant to HIV because of a small difference in
    the CD4 glycoprotein primary structure.
  • In addition to CD4, HIV virus also binds through
    the viral gp120 glycoprotein to two chemokine
    receptors expressed on the surface of macrophages
    and T cells CCR5 and CXCR4.

Structure of HIV Virus
The life cycle of HIV in human cells
  • Macrophages and dendritic cells present at the
    site of virus entry are the first cells to be
  • Subsequently, the virus produced by macrophages
    infects also the CD4 T cells, which is followed
    by a rapid decline in CD4 T cells and progression
    to AIDS.
  • The synthesis of viral proteins in the infected
    CD4 T cells is regulated at the level of
    transcription by the transcription factor NFkB.

HIV infection
Figure 9-15
Early stages of HIV infection
  • Infection with HIV occurs after transfer of body
    fluids from infected person to an uninfected
    recipient. Immediately after HIV infection, a
    person can be either asymptomatic, or experience
    a transient flu-like symptoms. This is
    accompanied by viral presence in the blood, and
    the rapid decline in CD4 T cells.
  • This is associated with activation of an
    HIV-specific immune response, in which anti-HIV
    antibodies are produced, and CD8 T cells become
    activated to kill the virus-infected cells.
  • First appearance of anti-HIV antibodies in the
    blood serum is called HIV seroconversion, and
    occurs 2-6 weeks after infection.

Acute HIV diagnostic timeline
  • The diagnostic challenge in acute HIV infection
    is made more difficult by the fact that routine
    HIV antibody tests will typically remain negative
    for 2-6 weeks following infection.
  • While HIV nucleic acid amplification assays are
    now extremely sensitive and can reliably detect
    HIV by days 911 of infection, they are
    vulnerable to false-positive rates as high as 1.
    Such tests remain relatively expensive and have
    not traditionally been used for routine clinical
    HIV screening.

Most people who become infected with HIV progress
in time to develop AIDS
  • The initial phase of infection is followed by an
    asymptomatic period, called clinical latency,
    which can last 2-15 years.
  • When the amount of CD4 T cells drops below a
    critical level, a period of increased
    immunodeficiency starts, which is the onset of
  • Patients with AIDS are susceptible to
    opportunistic infections and some cancers this
    is also the cause of death in AIDS patients.

After infection with HIV there is a gradual
extinction of CD4 T cells
Stages of HIV Infection
Function of CCR5 chemokine receptor in HIV
  • Some people who are heavily exposed to HIV never
    become infected they are resistant to HIV.
  • This resistance is conferred by a mutation in the
    CCR5 co-receptor.
  • CCR5 is a chemokine receptor only individuals
    who are homozygous for the mutation (CCR5 genes
    on both chromosomes are mutated) are resistant to
  • On average, about 0.2 of population carries this
  • In some parts of Europe, it can be up to 10, and
    this is thought to be associated with the
    previous selection for this mutation during the
    Black Death, the pandemic of plague that
    occurred in Europe during the Middle Ages
    (causing up to 30 mortality), or with the small
    pox pandemic.

The black death and ccr5 (from Nature, March 11,
  • Devastating epidemics that swept Europe during
    the Middle Ages seem to have had an unexpected
    benefit - leaving 10 of today's Europeans
    resistant to HIV infection.
  • But epidemics of which disease? Some researchers
    claim that plague helped boost immunity to HIV,
    but rival teams are arguing that the credit
    should go to smallpox.
  • What is clear is that something has boosted the
    prevalence of a mutation that helps protect
    against the virus. The mutation, which affects a
    protein called CCR5 on the surface of white blood
    cells, prevents HIV from entering these cells and
    damaging the immune system, if inherited from
    both parents.
  • Around 10 of today's Europeans carry the
    mutation, a significantly higher proportion than
    in other populations. The incidence is only 2 in
    central Asia. The mutation is completely absent
    among East Asians, Africans, and American

Mutation that Protects Against HIV Infection May
Raise Risk of West Nile Virus Illness(Journal
of Experimental Medicine, 2005)
  • People who lack a cell surface protein called
    CCR5 are highly resistant to infection by HIV but
    may be at increased risk of developing West Nile
    virus illness when exposed to the mosquito-borne
    virus, report researchers from the NIH.
  • The findings may have cautionary implications for
    physicians who are treating HIV-positive
    individuals with experimental CCR5-blocking
    drugs, say the scientists.
  • This is the first genetic risk factor to be
    identified for West Nile virus infection, says
    NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D. While
    infection does not always lead to illness, the
    virus can sometimes cause serious problems and,
    according to the Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention, there were 102 deaths in the United
    States from West Nile virus infection in 2005.

HIV escapes the immune response and develops
resistance to antiviral drugs by rapid mutations
  • HIV and other retroviruses (flu virus) have high
    mutation rates because their reverse
    transcriptase introduces many errors during the
    reverse transcription of RNA into cDNA? gives
    rise to new mutant strains.
  • This high mutation rate complicates development
    of an effective vaccine, as well as effectiveness
    of anti-viral therapy.

Current anti-HIV therapy
  • Based on inhibition of
  • 1. Inhibition of HIV entry into the cell
  • 2. Inhibition of reverse transcriptase
    (zidovudine, AZT)
  • 3. Inhibition of viral integrase
  • 4. Inhibition of viral protease
  • Currently, combination therapy (or highly active
    anti-retroviral therapy HAART) is the most
    successful (several antiviral drugs are used
    together). This therapy does not stop virus
    production by cells that are already infected,
    but prevents infection of new cells.

Anti-HIV treatment strategies
Combination therapy reduces HIV virus in the
blood to below detectable levels.
  • Two weeks after combination therapy, the amount
    of virus in the blood drops to 5 of the original
  • However, the virus never becomes completely
    eliminated, since it persists in dormant CD4
    cells and macrophages (that are not replicating
    and therefore are not affected by the therapy).

HIV infection leads to immuno-deficiency and
death from opportunistic infections
  • As the number of CD4 cells decreases,
    HIV-infected people become progressively
    susceptible to opportunistic infections (caused
    by pathogens that are usually present in healthy
    people, but can be effectively kept under
  • Opportunistic pathogens include Candida (fungi),
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (bacteria), Herpes
    simplex (viruses) and Toxoplasma species
  • With the collapse of the immune system, the
    opportunistic infections associated with HIV,
    eventually cause death.

Development of HIV vaccines
  • There have been many experimental trials aimed at
    developing HIV vaccine.
  • In 2007, Merck stopped a study of its
    experimental vaccine after seeing it did not
    prevent HIV infection analysis suggested the
    vaccine might even raise the risk of HIV.
  • In September 2009, WHO announced a development of
    new vaccine - a combination of two previously
    unsuccessful vaccines that cut the risk of
    becoming infected with HIV by more than 31 in
  • They are ALVAC, from French drugmaker
    Sanofi-Aventis and AIDSVAX, developed by Vaxgen.
  • ALVAC uses canarypox, a bird virus altered so it
    can't cause human disease, to carry synthetic
    versions of three HIV genes into the body.
    AIDSVAX contains a genetically engineered version
    of gp 120 developed by Vaxgen . The vaccines are
    not made from whole virus dead or alive and
    cannot cause HIV.
  • The study used strains of HIV common in Thailand.
    Whether such a vaccine would work against other
    strains in the U.S., Africa or elsewhere in the
    world is unknown.

Vaccination with ALVAC and AIDSVAX to Prevent
HIV-1 Infection in Thailand
October 2009
  • Background The development of a safe and
    effective vaccine against the human
    immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is critical
    to pandemic control.
  • Methods In a community-based, randomized,
    multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled
    efficacy trial, we evaluated four priming
    injections of a recombinant canarypox vector
    vaccine (ALVAC-HIV) plus two booster injections
    of a recombinant glycoprotein 120 subunit vaccine
    (AIDSVAX). The vaccine and placebo injections
    were administered to 16,402 healthy men and women
    between the ages of 18 and 30 years in Thailand.
  • Results In the intention-to-treat analysis
    involving 16,402 subjects, there was a trend
    toward the prevention of HIV-1 infection among
    the vaccine recipients, with a vaccine efficacy
    of 26.4.
  • Conclusions This ALVAC-HIV and AIDSVAX B/E
    vaccine regimen may reduce the risk of HIV
    infection in a community-based population with
    largely heterosexual risk. Although the results
    show only a modest benefit, they offer insight
    for future research.

And the Band Played On
  • Chronicles the discovery and spread of HIV and
    AIDS with a special emphasis on government
    indifference and apathy, which allowed the spread
    of the disease to become much worse.
  • Although NIH officials spoke publicly about the
    epidemic, calling it in 1983 its "Number One
    Health Priority" no extra funding was given to
    the CDC or the NIH for research.
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