Title: Sliding Invisible Grille
Quality Products Served with Excellent Service.
Looking for something that can enhance the
security and at the same time complementing the
design of your house, look no further, Invisible
Grille is the best solution in this current new
age era. Range of designs, Ninja Speed
installation, Seamless Service Quality together
with Experienced Reliable Consultants, we are
here to assist you!
3What Makes DeGrille No.1 ?
- Highly durable. Only high quality materials used,
ensuring optimal safety for your family - Modern beautiful designs, adding to the beauty
of your home - 5 Years warranty provided so you can have a
peace of mind - Certified and experienced installers
salespeople with over 8 years experience in this
industry. - Affordable Prices. Get a free on-site quotation
to find out!
4BiFold Invisible Grille
BiFold Invisible Grille is a type of Openable
Invisible Grille. The others are Casement and
Sliding invisible grilles. This convenient
version allows for easy access for cleaning /
servicing aircon compressor etc.Our Invisible
Grilles are made from thin yet top quality
cables. Made with the Highest Grade of stainless
steel 316 Stainless Steel.
5Casement Invisible Grille
Casement Invisible Grille is a type of Openable
Invisible Grille. The others are BiFold and
Sliding invisible grilles. This convenient
version allows for easy access for cleaning /
servicing aircon compressor etc.Our Invisible
Grilles are made from thin yet top quality
cables. Made with the Highest Grade of stainless
steel 316 Stainless Steel.
6Sliding Invisible Grille
Sliding Invisible Grille is a type of Openable
Invisible Grille. The others are Casement and
BiFold invisible grilles. This convenient
openable version allows for easy access for
cleaning / servicing aircon compressor etc. Our
Invisible Grilles are made from thin yet top
quality cables. Made with the Highest Grade of
stainless steel 316 Stainless Steel.
Website http//www.degrille.com.sg/ Email
enquiry_at_degrille.com.sg Phone
69098025 Address 38 Woodlands Industrial Park
E1 04-14 Singapore 757700.