The Most Trusted Gynecology and Maternity Hospitals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Most Trusted Gynecology and Maternity Hospitals


Pregnancy and childbirth are two very significant phases in any couple’s life. From pre-conception to pregnancy to post delivery, adequate care needs be provided to a mother and her baby. Focusing on this necessary sector in healthcare, in our special issue “The Most Trusted Gynecology and Maternity Hospitals”, we have highlighted the stories of the top-notch hospitals that are providing quality healthcare services with incredible medical expertise, world-class facilities, and latest equipment. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Most Trusted Gynecology and Maternity Hospitals

Vol.6, Issue-1, 2019
The Perfect Partner Before, During, and After
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Perinatal Depression
A Less Addressed Maternity Condition
Aishwarya Nawandhar Editor
Tcarrying, delivering, and nurturing a baby can
sometimes be stressful. Whats worrying is that
sometimes, this
he joy of having a baby, the bare happiness when
you hold it for the ?rst time in your arms, the
feeling of
having that tiny wrist wrapped around the ?nger
is probably the best experience in the world.
goes beyond normal stress. An intense depressed
feeling during and after pregnancy is a serious
mental condition
known as Perinatal Depression. The long-lasting
stress, severe anxiety, and many other such
symptoms indicate that the parent needs
professional attention and people, many a times,
fail to recognize this. Caused by physical
changes as well as emotional complications,
perinatal depression should be treated in time
and with care. While mood swings, crying,
irritation, anxiety, appetite gain or loss,
insomnia, sadness, overwhelming feeling, loss of
concentration mark the issues of baby blues the
long-term, intense signs that can interfere with
not just the day-to-day activities of a person,
but in the care of the baby as well are related
to perinatal depression. Perinatal depression is
not only experienced by the mother, but also by
the father, sometimes. The symptoms in the new
dads are similar to that observed in
mothers. It is essential for a person to opt for
professional care if he/she notices the signs
such as depression, excessive crying,
disturbance in sleep patterns, appetite problems,
fatigue, feeling hopeless, shameful, guilty, and
worthless, social withdrawal, di?culty in
bonding with the child, severe anxiety, panic
attacks, suicidal thoughts, obsession over the
baby, agitation, agitation, hallucination, and
the thoughts of harming own self or the baby. It
usually occurs during the pregnancy, after the
delivery, or even a year after the child birth.
Therefore, it is important to take any symptoms
noticed throughout the pregnancy period as well
as after the delivery seriously. People with a
family history or past experiences about
depression are more prone to develop this
condition. People usually mistake perinatal
depression for baby blues and nothing can be more
harmful for the existing conditions than that.
It will only prolong the problem and even worsen
it. Awareness and education about the mental
health of the parent can be extremely helpful and
maternity hospitals can make it a practice to
inform the pregnant couples about the same
during their regular check-up sessions. People
are unaware of this issue and are sometimes even
embarrassed to share the problems with their
loved ones or seek professional help. Mistaking
perinatal depression for baby blues is common and
can prove to be harmful for the parent as well
as the child. We, as friends and family, should
be supportive and address the problem if we see
any change in the behavior of the new parents.
Depression screening during and after the
pregnancy, for both the parents, is always a
better idea. It aids in timely analysis and
addressing of perinatal depression.
Cover Story
theBirthplace The Perfect Partner Before,
During, and After Pregnancy!
Quick Read Five Minute Health Tips for Expecting
Technovation A Hope to Conquer Infertility
Naturally with a 5P Coin-sized Device
Medical Emphasis Preterm Babies and the Risks
CXO Standpoints
Expert Column Sahyadris Gynaecology
Department- A One Stop Solution for Women!
Doctors Insight High Risk Pregnancy Clinic
Intellectual Opinion New Ground Breaking IVF
Technologies other Art Techniques/in vitro
Fertilization(IVF) 3 decades of clinical
innovation and technological advancement
Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital Sculpting the Future
of Care with Love and Excellence
Rainbow Hospitals Re?ning Maternity and Child
Care with Commitment and Compassion
In and Around Womens Healthcare
Gwomen overcome various diseases and
complications. Alongside runs parental care.
Pregnancy and
ynecological care is an important health area for
a woman throughout her life span. With appropriate
professional expertise in gynecology and
oncology, doctors can provide comprehensive care
and help
childbirth are two very signi?cant phases in any
couples life. From preconception to pregnancy to
  • delivery, adequate care needs be provided to a
    mother and her baby.
  • Focusing on this necessary sector in healthcare,
    in our special issue The Most Trusted Gynecology
    and Maternity Hospitals, we have highlighted
    the stories of the top-notch hospitals that are
    providing quality healthcare services with
    incredible medical expertise, world-class
    facilities, and latest equipment. Not only do
    they render the best gynecological and parental
    care, but also provide compassionate and
    comfortable environment and support to their
  • Featured on the cover is a leading,
    Bangalore-based hospital, the Birthplace. It is a
    single-specialty hospital focused on obstetrics,
    neonatology, and gynecology.
  • Apart from the gripping cover story, the edition
    also brings to you the stories of several other
    top leaders in the industry. This list includes
    Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, an ISO 20012015
    certi?ed, NABH accredited 244- bedded
    super-specialty hospital located in the
    Hiranandani Gardens in Powai, Mumbai, and Rainbow
    Childrens Hospitals o?ering high standard
    pediatric super specialty and maternal care
  • We have also encompassed interesting articles
    from the industry experts viz Anita Soni,
    Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Dr L
    H Hiranandani Hospital Chandra Sekhar C, CEO at
    Apollo Health and Lifestyle Ltd. and Dr.
    Supriya Puranik, Infertility IVF Specialist,
    Gynae Endoscopist, and High Risk Obstetrician at
    Sahyadri Speciality Hospital. Along with this,
    there are some intriguing articles by our in-
    house editors, crafted specially for you!
  • So, ?ip through the pages and enjoy a good read!

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Cover Story
The Perfect Partner Before, During, and After
Tsmall nursing homes and large
he market for obstetrics in
memorable delivery experience for a mother. With
its motto being Expect More, the hospital
caters to all the needs of its patients and
o?ers even more! At the Birthplace, one delivers
with all the conveniences and facilities that a
woman and her family desire during pregnancy -
from on time appointments with their doctors to
5 star amenities in their rooms. The Birthplace
o?ers complete care and support from the
pre-conception period to pregnancy and delivery
period, extending up to after the child is born.
With a team of highly quali?ed and expert
doctors, backed with latest equipment and
best-in-class infrastructural facilities, it
provides world-class gynecology, maternity, and
pediatric services. It has created a phenomenal
experience out of the child
birth event for the mother and the family,
backed by an uncompromising quality in the
clinical and non-clinical infrastructure,
people, and processes. About the Birthplace The
Birthplace began its operations around six years
ago with a focus on obstetrics, neonatology, and
gynecology. The main facility of the hospital
is 25 bedded, all in a private and suite
setting, and the outreach clinic caters to
everything that a woman needs up until the time
of delivery. The Birthplace provides a full
range of gynecological care to meet the needs of
women of all ages. With the help of advanced
imaging, diagnostics, and surgery services,
thousands of women turn to the Birthplace each
year, for expert care in a compassionate setting.
India is primarily served by
multi-specialty hospitals. Given the
signi?cance of the birth of a child in
ones family, there is a tremendous opportunity
in creating an experience that is memorable,
joyful, and hassle- free with the comfort of
world class clinical care for the delivery. On
one hand, the nursing homes provide a very
transactional experience with a limited scope of
services for the mother and the child and on the
other hand, large multi-specialty hospitals
provide a daunting experience for the family in
a setting that is geared towards serving people
with complicated ailments. The Birthplace, a
leading gynecology and maternity
single-specialty hospital, not only ensures safe
but luxurious and
so far, the Birthplace has been recognized
nationally for its brand identity by being
honored with the Designomics grand prix award
for strategic brand identity and the Kyoorius
award for brand identity. It has been
shortlisted within the top 3 in the country, as
a trendsetter in customer service excellence in
the New India Assurance Healthcare Achievers
Awards in 2014 by a well-renowned media house.
The hospital has also been ranked as the 1
Hospital for Gynecology in Hyderabad through a
study conducted by prominent media house in
March 2015 and Jan 2016 and 2 in South India
and 10 in India in Jan 2016. In 2017, it was
ranked as 1 in Hyderabad, 1 in South India,
and 2 in India for its focused specialty of
Obstetrics and Gynecology. Di?erentiated
Appeal The Birthplace strongly believes that
the hospitals di?erentiator and competitive
advantage is a result of its focus on the
guest experience. The clients are treated as
guests and not patients in its facility. From
the training of its people to the design of the
processes, the Birthplace has an intense focus
on how to ensure that a guest at its facility
will have an unmatched experience in delivering
a baby. No wait time for appointments,
transparent delivery packages, ?exible visiting
hours, dedicated pregnancy manager, foot
massages for the mom these are just a few
things that the Birthplace does to create a
fantastic experience for the mother! Innovative
Thinking The Birthplace owns its technology and
this gives it a distinctive competitive
advantage. Its technology
stack proves itself in enabling superior
?nancial results for the Birthplace. Every system
deployed at the hospital is focused on improving
customer experience. Its out-patient services
begin even before the patient walks in they
begin the moment a patient engages with its
marketing e?ort. The customer is assigned a
Single Point of Contact even before she walks
into the facility. Although its marketing e?orts
are ruthlessly driven by numbers, the
Birthplaces customer engagement is extremely
high touch. Impacting Lives The Birthplace has
successfully handled several high risk
pregnancies. Through its quality healthcare
services, the hospital has saved several lives
and made many others better. Talking of high
risk pregnancy, one of the case was supervised
by a senior gynecologist, where there was a
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growth discordancy of 48 between twin fetuses.
Under the teams diligent care and observation,
the babies quickly gained health and are doing
well now. Another challenging case successfully
handled by the hospital was when the
gynecologist treated a ?rst-time pregnant woman
with ?broid complications in the uterus. This
complex surgery involved ?rst removing the large
?broid from the uterus without harming the baby
and then bringing the baby out with a C-section.
The doctor helped the mother successfully deliver
a healthy baby, without signi?cant discomfort or
loss of blood. Throughout the course of the
treatment, the gynecologists work along with a
multidisciplinary team of
urologists, surgeons, radiologists, and other
experts to ensure the most appropriate care. To
address fertility concerns, it works with
experts in fertility treatments, at the
Birthplace and other centers of excellence. The
Birthplaces state-of-the-art NICU means that
even parents of new-born babies, who need
critical care, can be assured about delivering
in not just a comfortable place but also a safe
place tailored to the needs of the mother and
baby, regardless of the criticality of care
required for either of them. Caring for tiny,
fragile babies is a big part of what the
hospital does, at the Level III NICU. Here,
premature babies and babies with complex medical
needs get the expert care they need to survive
and thrive. Additionally, theyre surrounded and
supported by a team that is passionate, highly
skilled, and
dedicated. In fact, some remarkably tiny
surviving babies, with birth- weights as low as
700 grams, have been born at the Birthplace.
Theyre healthy toddlers today, partly because
of the care they got at the Birthplace. Whether
it is about treating a woman who had an ovarian
tumor weighing close to 5kg, to helping someone
with a renal failure to conceive, to many
successful Vaginal Births after C-section (VBAC),
or delivering babies for mothers who have had a
history of multiple miscarriages, the Birthplace
is proud to be a place that brings together
leading maternity and new-born care experts
under one roof to ensure safe outcomes.
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Five Minute Health Tips for Expecting Moms
18 June 2019
Quick Read
-Aishwarya Nawandhar, Editor June 2019 19
rTtiUliRtAyLNLYaWtuITrHalAly5P with a
20 June 2019
A few British scientists have brought hope to
numerous infertile couples yearning to have
children by developing a tiny device. This device
can eliminate the need to turn to the arduous
IVF treatment. The geniuses at the University of
Southampton can now help diagnose the causes of
unexplained infertility with their device that is
as small as a 5p coin. This sensor was devised
by Professor Cheong along with a bioelectronics
engineer Professor Hywel Morgan. They have
established Vivoplex Medical, a Southampton
University spin-out company, where they started
developing this device. For the clinical trial of
the gadget, the start of which is due in the
next few months, the research branch of NHS-
National Institute for Health Research has
provided them with of 850,000 grant.
The tool helps in monitoring the vital elements
that have a major impact on fertility-
temperature, oxygen levels, and pH in a mothers
womb. It is to be implanted in the uterus by a
doctor or a nurse, just like a contraceptive coil
is inserted. The process of implantation may not
take more than a few minutes. The inserted
device then monitors the wombs conditions for
about seven days. The sensor is connected to an
electronic device, say a smartphone or a
computer. The data that it gathers is wirelessly
transmitted to a small transmitter that is worn
on a piece of clothing. This transmitter, in
turn, transfers the data to the electronic
Myriads of couples around the globe are facing
the problem of infertility. Until now, fertility
doctors have had no reliable way of investigating
the natural conditions of the womb- its
temperature, oxygen, and pH factors. With this
device, something as small and simple as aspirin
can change the conditions of the uterus. Not
only could it give doctors the ability to
diagnose fertility issues sooner and
potentially reduce the burden that fertility
treatment brings to our patients but it also
has promising potential to inform the development
of new fertility therapies and treatments, says
Professor Cheong. -Aishwarya Nawandhar, Editor
June 2019 21
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Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital
Sculpting the Future of Care with Love and
Dlegend, Dr L H Hiranandani,
The Greatest Source of Inspiration Dr L H
Hiranandani was the inspiration behind the
edi?ce of the hospital. Academically very well
quali?ed and seasoned with years of experience
in the healthcare sector as an ENT surgeon, he
initiated several operative techniques which are
known as Dr Hiranandanis Operations
globally. Dr. Hiranandanis work earned him many
prestigious accolades, like ENT Surgeon of the
Millennium Award, SAARC Award, and many more.
Social causes deeply motivated him. His humane
nature made him stand up for the rights of
people and ?ght against capital punishment and
euthanasia. In 1972, the Government of India
awarded him the Padma Bhushan, the third highest
civilian national award, for his contribution to
the nation. In 1987, he was conferred the
r L H Hiranandani Hospital,
founded in honor of the
Working with love and social cause at our
heart, we strive to provide the best possible
care and facilities to all our patients
was commissioned on 22nd February
2004. The hospital is a 244-bedded
super-specialty hospital located at the
picturesque Hiranandani Gardens in Powai,
Mumbai. It addresses 50 specialties and super
specialties. Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital has
always focused on quality and processes and
hence, has been awarded and accredited by
various prestigious organizations. It is an ISO
90012015 certi?ed hospital. Its journey in
quality started from inception and got the ISO
certi?cation in 2006. In 2007, it was the ?rst
hospitals in Western India to receive the
prestigious NABH accreditation. It received the
IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award
for excellence in healthcare in 2008 and the
coveted International
Asia Paci?c Quality Award, famously known as the
Malcolm Baldridge Award in the U.S., in
2009. Hiranandani is also the proud winner of
International Asia Paci?c Quality Award, in both
2009 2016, and is the only hospital from India
to win this prestigious award.
24 June 2019
audiology and speech therapy center with facility
for cochlear implant advanced cancer care and
oncology services advanced gastroenterology and
liver treatment womens care from womb to tomb
with a special focus on high risk pregnancy and
reproductive research physical rehabilitation
and sports medicine advanced eye care and
microsurgery under ophthalmology center and
executive health check-up. All departments are
supported by the expert national and
international medical specialists and sta? and
all the comprehensive services are provided
under proper supervision. Additionally, the
hospital has new patient rooms designed for
maximum comfort and privacy, with an access to a
host of new amenities. In addition to the world-
class accommodation and a warm ambience, the
rooms feature a superior nurse call system,
out?tted with the best that modern technology
has to o?er. The prime focus of Hiranandani
hospital is on patient safety. Breakthrough
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department The
department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Dr L H
Hiranandani Hospital is very vibrant with latest
equipment and cutting edge technology, backed by
a highly quali?ed team of experts. It also has
latest suites for child birth and other
high-class infrastructural facilities. The
hospital has ensured that every need of the
mother and child can be met with a warm ambience
and the tender loving care. Dr L H Hiranandani
hospital o?ers various services in this
department, including pre-pregnancy counseling,
antenatal clinic, high-risk pregnancy clinic,
post-natal care and contraception clinic,
antenatal exercise clinic, and genetic
clinic. The Managing Team Dr. Sujit Chatterjee,
M.D., is the CEO of Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital
since its inception. He has successfully led the
Hiranandani Group to arguably the ?rst
Public-Private partnership in healthcare with
Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation. Dr.
Chatterjees area of specialization is
obstetrics and gynecology and gynec-oncology. He
has served as a doctor in the armed forces from
1976 to 1999 and was a professor of obstetrics
and gynecology at Mumbai University. For his
extraordinary contribution, he has been awarded
the Chief of Naval Sta? Commendation Medal for
outstanding service rendered. Dr. Chatterjee has
papers published under his name in various
scienti?c journals and has won awards for the
best scienti?c presentation. When asked about the
future plans for the Dr L H Hiranandani
Hospital, Dr. Chatterjee asserts, We plan to
create three established centers of excellence
into the leading centers in the city and the
country by year 2021.
Dr. Sujit Chatterjee
Dhanvantari Award, awarded for the ?rst time in
the ?eld of ENT, for his notable contribution to
medical science. The Cornerstone of Love and
Success Even before the inception of Dr L H
Hiranandani Hospital, everyone associated with
it could see that it was a more sublime a?air
than mere brick and mortar. Being a tribute to
an iconic father by his almost equally
accomplished sons, it transcended the question
of honor it became an act of love. At the heart
of the Hiranandani mission is the passionate
commitment to stay at par with global standards.
The hospital performs the simplest to the most
complex surgical procedures and is equipped with
the medical equipment purchased from the
foremost vendors in the world. Today, this
multi-specialty tertiary and quaternary
care hospital is a frontline provider of
comprehensive healthcare. It has seen tremendous
growth since its inception not only in terms of
added beds but also newer service modalities. The
hospital is modernized and is in the same league
with the best hospitals in the world. Top-notch
Services Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital o?ers
special services in multiple departments that
are at par with the global standards of care.
These services encompass cardiovascular and
thoracic surgery orthopedics, joint replacement,
and spine surgery advanced ENT care with a
June 2019 25
Dr. Anita Soni Consultant Obstetrician
Gynecologist Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital
26 June 2019
Doctors Insight
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Anita Soni is a practicing
doctor at the well-renowned Dr. L H Hiranandani
Hospital, Mumbai, practicing as a full time
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist. She
has worked at the hospital since its inception
in 2004. Dr. Soni is an expert in the ?eld with
the academic excellence as an MD, DNB, FCPS,
DGO, and FICOG. She has special interest in the
areas of High Risk Pregnancies, Gynecological
Surgeries, Ultra Sonography, and Maternal Fetal
Medicine. Today, there are a number of national
and international publications to her credit.
High Risk
Pregnancy Clinic
  • and neonatal death.
  • Events occurring during the present pregnancy
    like growth restriction, tendency for premature
    delivery, bleeding per vaginum (placenta previa,
    abruptio placentae, vasa previa), leaking of
    liquor per vaginum (preterm premature rupture of
    membranes), utero-placental insu?ciency,
    oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios.
  • Medical diseases complicating pregnancy like
    high blood pressure ( Chronic hypertension,
    pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension, chronic
  • What is High Risk Pregnancy (HRP)?
  • A high risk pregnancy is a condition during
    pregnancy that threatens the health and life of
    the mother and/or fetus. A high risk pregnancy
    needs special care, follow up and management.
  • What are the aims of High Risk Pregnancy Clinic?
  • To provide education, surveillance and
    management of pregnancies at risk.
  • To provide Multidisciplinary Team
  • (MDT) approach in managing the high risk
  • To provide advanced facilities for managing and
    delivering the high risk pregnancies.
  • Who falls in the category of High Risk
  • Pregnant women who seek consultation at our
    hospital are categorized under high risk.
  • Pregnancy considering the below
  • mentioned factors and are then enrolled in HRP
  • Past obstetric outcomes like recurrent pregnancy
    loss, bad obstetric history, previous preterm
    delivery, previous still birth, previous Downs
    syndrome child

June 2019 27
  • with superimposed pre-eclampsia), diabetes
    (Gestational diabetes mellitus, overt diabetes
    mellitus), hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,
    heart disease, liver disorders, kidney diseases,
    anaemia, obesity, thrombophilias, systemic lupus
    erythematosus, other collagen vascular diseases,
    rheumatoid arthritis etc.
  • Infections during pregnancy like Toxoplasmosis,
  • Rubella, CMV, Herpes, Chicken pox, Tuberculosis,
  • Surgical disorders complicating pregnancy like
  • ?broid uterus, previous history of myomectomy,
    previous classical caesarean section, ovarian
    cyst, renal and ureteric calculi, recent
    bariatric surgery etc.
  • Extremes of age like elderly gravida and
  • pregnancy.
  • Multifetal gestations like Twins, Triplets or
    Quadruplets with or without associated
  • Special situations like pregnancy after renal
  • What are the Advantages of High Risk Pregnancy
  • Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) approach is followed
    involving the Consultant Obstetrician, HRP
    Clinic Coordinator, Pediatricians,
    Neonatologist, Radiologist, Fetal Medicine
    Consultant and other specialists like Physician,
    Endocrinologist, Cardiologist, Hematologist,
    Nephrologist, Rheumatologist, Gastro-enterologist
    etc. according to the individual case scenario.
  • All specialists under one roof consulting as a
  • A multidisciplinary team involves a range of
    health professionals working together to deliver
    comprehensive patient care.
  • MDT approach has come out as a way of rendering
    comprehensive medical care by bringing together
    professionals from a broad range of disciplines
    in a coordinated and e?ective manner to upgrade
    maternal and neonatal outcomes.
  • State of the art Labour room and NICU facilities
  • What are the Investigations and Services o?ered?
  • Genetic counselling
  • Pre-conceptional counselling
  • Prenatal screening and diagnosis with facilities
    which include biochemical marker screening like
    double marker, quadruple marker test advanced
    ultrasound for the detection of fetal anomalies
    like NT scan and a detailed malformation scan,
    fetal 2D Echo whenever required advanced
    procedures like chorionic villous sampling,
    selective fetal reduction, amniocentesis, fetal
    blood sampling, intrauterine transfusion in cases
    of Rh isoimmunisation, fetal therapy other
  • investigations like karyotype and microarray for
    products of conception etc.
  • Regular follow up with obstetrician in OPD.
  • Extensive ante-partum and intra-partum fetal
  • State of the art LDRP suites with hydrotherapy,
  • Room and well equipped Operation Theatre.
  • Labour analgesia by the anaesthetists.
  • Blood bank facility in case of obstetric
  • NICU with advanced neonatal care managed by
  • How do we monitor a High Risk Pregnancy?
  • Monitoring includes more frequent visits to the
    doctor, routine blood tests, tests to monitor
    the medical problems, speci?c tests and
    procedures, several ultrasound examinations
    (routine and special) and fetal monitoring.
  • These tests and investigations are designed to
    track the
  • condition of mother and fetus.
  • How does High Risk Pregnancy di?er from normal
  • Frequent antenatal visits
  • Close monitoring of maternal and fetal well being
  • Special investigations (other than the routine )
    and management of risk factors
  • Multidisciplinary Team Approach
  • How do we improve our maternal and fetal outcomes
    in High Risk Pregnancy Clinic?
  • Use of tools like Diet charts/ hand-outs for

28 June 2019
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I love these little people and it is not a
slight thing when they, who are so fresh from
God, love us. - Charles Dickens
30 June 2019
Medical Emphasis
June 2019 31
- Shambhavi Mhetre,Editor
32 June 2019
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3 decades of clinical innovation and
technological advancement ITechnology has emerged
over the years with increased success rates.
Laboratory technology and
VF, which is an acronym for In-Vitro
Fertilization was introduced to the world in 1978
and since then
it has attracted and given hope to millions of
couples aspiring to have a child. Assisted
clinical practices have gone through many
re?nement cycles to emerge as a medical procedure
that is
e?cient, safe, easily accessible and relatively
a?ordable to a larger population than what it was
way back in 1978. According to available
records, more than 2 million children are born
till date through IVF technology, which has the
potential to widen its appeal and application
with further enhancements for a larger section
of society. Timeline of major milestones in
assisted reproductive technologies. Abbreviations
Other types of assisted reproductive technology
includes GIFT - Gamete Infra-Falloplan Transfer,
HLA - Human Leukocyte Antigen, ICSI -
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection, IVF - In-Virto
34 June 2019
Intellectual Opinion
About the Author Chandra Sekhar C is the Chief
Executive Of?cer of the Apollo Health and
Lifestyle Ltd. He also has a strong academic
background with an MBA from Osmania University,
Hyderabad, India and Advanced Management
Programs from the Indian School of Business and
the Kelloggs School of Management, Chicago,
USA. Seasoned with the experience of over 25
years he has played a signi?cant role in the
Health Care and Health Insurance Industries in
India. He has worked for over 18 years in the
healthcare industry and has been a catalyst to
the formation of a Standalone Health Insurance
company in India. Other than this, he has
successfully justi?ed various management
positions he was at in different spheres of
healthcare. As the CEO of Apollo Health
Lifestyle (AHLL), the retail healthcare business
of Apollo Hospitals Group, he leads eight
business units - Apollo Clinics, Apollo Spectra,
Apollo Cradle, Apollo Diagnostics, Apollo
Sugar, Apollo White Dental, Apollo Dialysis and
Apollo Fertility.
Chandra Sekhar C Chief Executive Of?cer Apollo
Health and Lifestyle Ltd.
June 2019 35
Fertilization and PGD - Preimplantation Genetic
Diagnosis. Many women tend to postpone pregnancy
to a later time due to various reasons. For
some, it is not to have children until they
achieve their career goals and for others, it is
lack of knowledge and understanding about
fertility and pregnancy coupled with stress and
lifestyle issues. To many having a child before
their mid-30s is low on priority and when they
decide to have one, its rather too late causing
problems in natural conception. Thats when they
opt for advanced assisted reproductive
techniques. Thanks to latest advancements,
couples can now ful?ll their dream of having a
baby. Some of these technologies
include Fertility preservation (Vitri?cation)
This is the latest technique that helps patients
retain their fertility, or ability to procreate.
Patients taking treatment for Beehcets disease,
acute glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus
erythematous, sarcomas, lymphomas,
fertileukemias can also bene?t from this. This
latest advancement in reproductive medicine is
indubitably a boon for men and women, as they
can now hit pause on their biological clock,
until they are ready to start a
family. Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)
It is done to diagnose embryos to check for
structural chromosomal abnormalities. The
process can be termed as aneuploidy (missing or
additional numbers of chromosomes) screening.
Aneuploidy is a leading cause of miscarriage and
implantation failure. Preimplantation Genetic
Diagnosis (PGD) PGD can help diagnose
single-gene disorders and chromosomal
translocations. The main aim of this technique is
to detect any possible chromosomal and/or
genetic abnormalities. Thalassemia, Myotonic
Dystrophy, Fragile X, and Cystic Fibrosis are
some of the most common diseases tested. It has
played a key role in putting an end to the
transmission of a given condition to o?spring
and making sure that children are born
healthy. ERA (Endometrial Receptivity Analysis)
The expression of genes is evaluated by ERA
(Endometrial Receptivity Analysis), which is a
genetic test to ascertain whether the
endometrial lining is properly developed to
accept an embryo. Some of the latest scienti?c
technologies are used to analyse the expression
levels of 236 genes in order to access the
optimal time to place an embryo into the uterus
resulting in successful implantation and
pregnancy. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) PRP
(Platelet Rich Plasma) or PDGF (Platelet Derived
Growth Factors) therapy can be applied to
rejuvenation of Ovaries, Endometrium and Vagina.
It is done under sedation with Anesthesia. This
non- surgical technique done under sedation with
Anesthesia is used to inject the cells into the
ovaries, Intrauterine or Vagina. INVOcell
Unlink the usual method of IVF where the embryo
is grown in an incubator for a few days and then
implanted in the uterus, this technology allows
the sperm and the egg to be brought together in
the form of a capsule that is inserted into the
vagina for a few days of incubation period and
then the embryos are implanted in the uterus.
This method is considered more cost-e?ective
compared to the regular IVF procedure. Addressin
g the needs of infertile men Conventional IVF was
not much successful when semen parameters are
below the reference values for morphology
(teratozoospermia), motility (asthenozoospermia),
and concentration (oligozoospermia). This leads
to fewer embryos available for transfer, leading
in lower fertilization rates. Intracytoplasmic
sperm injection (ICSI), where a single
spermatozoon is microinjected into the oocyte
helps achieve fertilization rates of
approximately 6070. Simple to advanced
fertility treatment options are more numerous
and varied than ever. A host of advanced assisted
reproductive technologies, as well as other
support services including fertility counseling,
nutrition program provide couples with
everything they need to be successful in
building their family. At Apollo Fertility, we
stay updated on the latest advancements with
infertility treatments, and were able to o?er
the evidence based practice with the
personalized and holistic approach for all our
36 June 2019
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Mlife. This is a popular

edicine is not a book but
has become an area of serious concern and hence
advancement in Obstetrics and Gynaecology has
become very important. There is demand for more
expertise and availability of advance medicine
in this ?eld to address complex health issues
seen in women. Along with treatment, the need
for counselling and tertiary healthcare
facilities has also become the need of the
hour. Understanding this, Sahyadri Hospital has
been undertaking several initiatives to provide
holistic healthcare facilities to women. Out of
the various specialties o?ered at the hospital,
the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
has made its unique mark o?ering state of the
art diagnostic evaluation, clinical care and
education for all womens health needs. The
hospital has consultants specializing in general
obstetrics and gynaecology services as well as
expertise in the area such as high-risk
pregnancy, infertility, urogynaecology,
gynaecologic cancer screening and treatment,
pelvic pain, menopause etc. According to doctors
from Sahyadri hospital, in recent years, late
pregnancies have become a norm in India and
hence doctors have to be handled complex
high-risk pregnancies like never before. Dr.
Suprita Purnik, Head of IVF Gynaecology
department at Sahyadri Super Specialty Hospital
said, As we all know there is a problem of
obesity in women and with advance age the egg
quality deteriorates. There are chances of
having ?broid in the uterus and the ovarian
reserve goes down with age. Understanding all
these complexities that can be involved with
late pregnancies, women need to be given the
right guidance and support. Thus, counselling
has become an integral part of our treatment and
encouraging women to exercise, meditate,
practice yoga and eat right has become
important. Dr. Puranik said that Sahyadri
hospital has been able to tackle various
complex cases due to the huge technological
support that it has along with the doctor
expertise that the hospital boasts of. Speaking
of a case, Dr. Puranik said, We had a case in
which a 34-year-old woman and her husband were
trying to conceive for 5 years with donor eggs
and surrogates and several rounds of
mind, not a business but
saying by Farid F. Ibrahim and it truly
describes the essence with which patients are
cared for at the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology at Sahyadri Hospitals. Started in
2004, Sahyadri Hospitals is
today the largest chain of hospitals in
Maharashtra. It is the brainchild of Dr.
Charudutt Apte, a well renowned neurosurgeon and
an ardent practitioner of ethical medical
practices. It was his philosophy to make quality
healthcare available, accessible, accountable
to all. Currently, Sahyadri group has 8
Hospitals with more than 900 beds and 200 ICU
beds. It has more than 2000 clinicians along
with 2600 supporting sta?. With such reach,
Sahyadri Hospitals has been successful in
making a di?erence in the lives of more than 50
lakh people by providing quality care. In
todays times, lifestyle changes have brought
with itself several diseases. Bad food habits and
growing stress levels are a?ecting all. Women
38 June 2019
Expert Column
Dr. Supriya Puranik Infertility IVF Specialist,
Gynae Endoscopist,
High Risk Obstetrician
About the Author
Dr. Supriya Puranik, MBBS, DGO, DNB, is a
renowned Infertility IVF Specialist, Gynae
Endoscopist, and High Risk Obstetrician at
Sahyadri Speciality Hospital, Pune. She is a
passionate, hardworking, ambitious, and devoted
doctor available for all those seeking the best
treatment in fertility and high risk pregnancy.
With around two decades of rich experience, she
has developed the expertise in world-class IVF,
operative hysteroscopy-laparoscopy, laparoscopic
hysteroscopy, and high- risk obstetrics. Dr.
Puranik has various achievements and successful
cases under her name.
June 2019 39
VF at many clinics but failed. They later
approached us at Sahyadri Super Speciality
Hospital Nagar Road and with IVF
treatment, the patient was able to conceive with
her own eggs.
Dr. Puranik said that the success of IVF at
Sahyadri hospital is mainly because multiple
advanced methods of fertilisation are tried
after understanding the case of the patient in a
single fee. This has proven to be successful in
helping couples conceive and having a healthy
baby after a healthy delivery. The hospital today
boasts of an experience of over 4000 cases which
has been cost e?ective with handled with
advanced technological help. Dr. Puranik also
spoke of Late Prathamesh Patils case, in which
Prathamesh was diagnosed with brain tumour.
Prathamesh Patil was in Germany at that time
and preserved his semen before he began his
treatment. Later he came back to India but
unfortunately succumbed to the disease.
Prathameshs mother, Mrs. Rajshree Patil later
visited Sahyadri hospital with the preserved
semen, of her son and was blessed with her two
grandchildren with the help IVF. We still
remember the joy that the grandchildren brought
to his mother which became possible only due to
IVF. Taking this a step further, Sahyadri
Hospital has launched a novel intervention model
for a home-based pregnancy programme-Relax
Mommy, wherein services for monitoring pregnancy
will be provided well within the comfort of your
home. Speaking about the initiative, Dr Puranik
said, Relax Mommy is a unique concept, which
attempts to reduce the burden of regularly
visiting the hospital and also empowers the
would be mother to access necessary health
services _at_ Home. This service will complement
clinic visit and provide e?ective pregnancy care
beyond clinic. With all such systems in place,
gynaecology department in Sahyadri hospitals is
catering to every complication that may arise in
women especially during pregnancy and ensures
holistic care for all class of women. 40 June
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Rainbow Hospitals
Re?ning Maternity and Child Care with Commitment
and Compassion
Rgroup of childrens hospitals
ainbow Childrens
critically ill children and has emerged as one
of the best childrens hospital group in the
Hospitals is Indias leading
with almost two decades of
experience in o?ering high standard Perinatal
Care and Pediatric Super Specialty services. It
is the ?rst corporate childrens hospital in
The Group has a separate maternity wing,
Birthright By Rainbow, under the same roof,
which lays the foundation of a comprehensive
model of complete care for a mother and her
child, from conception to childhood. Backed up
by state-of- the-art infrastructure, it is
driven by a highly motivated team of highly
quali?ed and experienced consultants, dynamic
team of residents and fellows, well trained
nurses, and paramedical sta?.
We aim to provide high standards of care for
the mother, fetus, newborn, and children, so
that none of them is deprived of a tertiary
care facility
Today, it has the occupancy of 1200 beds, with
30 of beds dedicated to Neonatal and Pediatric
Intensive Care services, with 12 units over
Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Vijayawada, Delhi, and
Chennai. Setting the benchmark in Neonatal and
Pediatric Intensive Care, Rainbow has played a
major role in saving thousands of
42 June 2019
  • The Prodigious Leader
  • Dr. Ramesh Kancharla, the Founder and Managing
    Director of the Rainbow Group of Hospitals
    pursued medicine to ful?ll the dream his father
    had seen for him. Having completed his MBBS and
    MD (Pediatrics) from India, he went to UK for
    his further studies (MRCP-UK). There he worked
    in institutions like Great Ormond Street
    Hospital for Children Kings College for
    Specialty Services, for several years. Following
    his return to India, he was hard-pressed to ?nd
    a place to practice his clinical skills due to
    lack of meaningful dedicated pediatric hospitals
    in the country. Therefore, he, along with some
    of his expert friends, started the success giant
    known as Rainbow Childrens Hospitals.
  • Comprehensive Pediatric and Maternity Services
  • Having set high standards in pediatric and
    neonatal tertiary care, Rainbow Group has also
    made its mark in maternal care services under
    the brand birthright, addressing the profound
    e?ect of perinatal factors on child birth and
    future health. The services it provides
  • 24X7 Consultant Availability
  • Advanced NICU, PICU and MICUs - Round the clock
    Emergency services with full monitoring and
    resuscitation capabilities
  • Dedicated childrens transport services, geared
    to carry long distance retrievals.
  • All pediatric super specialties under one roof
    General Pediatrics, Neonatology, Pediatric
    Intensive Care, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric
    Nephrology, Pediatric Gastroenterology,
    Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Pulmonology
    and Allergy, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric
    Urology, Pediatric Orthopedics, Pediatric ENT,
    Pediatric Metabolic Medicine, Child Psychology,
    Pediatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and
    Pediatric Emergency.
  • Comprehensive Maternal Care Set-up Obstetrics
    and Gynecology, Fetal Medicine, General Medicine,
    Fertility IVF, IUI, and more.
  • Holistic Care Program It believes that the ?rst
    1000 days, from conception to toddlerhood, are
    not only

Dr. Ramesh Kancharla
Founder and Managing Director
Journey to the Top Incepted on 14th November
1999, on the occasion of Childrens Day, Rainbow
set course towards success. Its cornerstone was
established in Hyderabad by Dr. Ramesh Kancharla
and a group of highly brilliant doctors. Rainbow
was started as a pilot project to demonstrate
the need of comprehensive maternal and child
care under one roof. Currently, it is Indias
?rst childrens hospital with NABH accreditation
with clinical outcomes very close to the
developed countries. Rainbow Group has always
focused on patient safety, integrity,
excellence, innovation, and team work and has
created benchmarks in childrens healthcare and
perinatal services. Although obstetrics care
started at Rainbow from 2006, this special unit
came to be known as Birthright By Rainbow in
2014. Today, the maternal care infrastructure of
birthright is perhaps the best in the country
with maternal ICU, fetal medicine, obstetrics,
and neonatology under one roof. It strongly
believes in the comprehensive maternal and child
healthcare model, which is safer and addresses
the patients special needs.
June 2019 43
  • the most joyous but also the most signi?cant time
    of a childs as well as mothers life. It o?ers
    a 1000 Day program to spread awareness and
    assist the mothers- to-be and new mothers in
    every possible way to bring up a healthy and
    happy child.
  • Recently, Rainbow Group has also established a
    dedicated pediatric cardiac care centerRainbow
    Childrens Heart Institutethat o?ers
    comprehensive cardiac care services, including
    fetal cardiology.
  • Why Rainbow Hospitals?
  • Rainbow has strived to achieve excellence in the
    services it provides to children requiring super
    specialty care in a child-friendly environment
    with high medical standards, compassion, and
    care. Team Birthright specializes in providing
    tertiary level care to women with normal or
    high-risk pregnancy. The hospital also has
    fetal-medicine department to ensure that most
    problems in a newborn, which can be recognized
    during pregnancy, are addressed and the care can
    start when the child is in the womb.
  • The integrated team, consisting of obstetricians,
    fetal medicine specialists, and geneticists,
    work closely in conjunction with neonatologists,
    medical sub-specialists, and maternal
    intensivists to optimize maternal and fetal
    outcomes. They are supported by the in-house
    Neonatal team at Rainbow and round-the-clock
    obstetric anesthesia and epidural facilities. A
    full-?edged pediatric set-up proves, evidently,
    a great advantage for post-natal care.
  • Additional Facilities
  • Birthright By Rainbow also ensures ultra-comfort
    for the mother and the child with specially
    designed delivery packages, including premium
    services for those who are looking for luxury
    birthing options. Additionally, birthright By
    Rainbow and Rainbow Childrens Hospitals has
    infrastructure at par with the international
    standards, equipped with state-of-the art
    technology and equipment to treat them. To
    understand the nerve of its patients, there are
    a bunch of internal applications in place to
    track treatment progress, keep the patient
    noti?ed and up-to-date and record timely patient

44 June 2019
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