Title: HIM 435 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
1HIM 435 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
2HIM 435 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
HIM 435 Week 1 Assignment For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Assignment View the
Organizational Management Tutorial located in the
Week 1 Lecture. Write a short paper (12 pages)
that describes the application of one of the four
management principles to an HIM function or
service. You will want to choose from either
planning, organizing, controlling, or leading.
Determine how to
3HIM 435 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
HIM 435 Week 3 Assignment Workflow and
Redesign For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com HIM 435 Week 3 Assignment Workflow and
4HIM 435 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
HIM 435 Week 3 Assignment For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Assignment Complete
the Work Space Management interactive in this
weeks lecture. Workflow Assignment Copy and
paste the completed room designs, and answer the
following questions. This assignment can also be
found in Doc Sharing. The following is the
grading rubric for this assignment.
5HIM 435 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
HIM 435 Week 6 Assignment For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Assignment Complete
the UHDDS Data Collection tutorial located in the
Week 6 Lecture. Once completed, you will need to
submit the UHDDS form from the tutorial to the
Week 6 Assignment Dropbox. In order to save your
work, you will need to do a
6HIM 435 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
HIM 435 Week 7 Course Project For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Topic Selection Back
to Top Week 2 Course Project Assignment Topic
Selection (10 points) The topic area must relate
to the HIM department functions and or services.
Some examples of the types of training or
in-service you may want to present to employees
include, but are not limited to, employee
motivation confidentiality and
7HIM 435 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com