DEEP SEA DRONES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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There appears to be no limit to the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles, better known as drones, with technology pushing them to achieve feats few would have thought possible a decade or so ago. NASA’s propulsion laboratory, have joined forces with WHOI – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – to design and build a drone that could set the new standard for deep sea exploration. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • There appears to be no limit to the capabilities
    of unmanned aerial vehicles, better known as
    drones, with technology pushing them to achieve
    feats few would have thought possible a decade or
    so ago. NASAs propulsion laboratory, have joined
    forces with WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic
    Institution to design and build a drone that
    could set the new standard for deep sea
  • Orpheus The Underwater Drone
  • In fact, Orpheus does a lot more than simply
    travel underwater this small autonomous
    robot-like drone can travel down to the very
    depths of the worlds deepest oceans, some of
    which have never been seen before, let alone

  • There is even the hope that one day, this tiny
    drone may venture as far as the solar system and
    explore the extraterrestrial worlds oceans.
  • Orpheus was deployed off the waters of Cape Cod
    back in September 2018, and once it had completed
    its mission, it was successfully brought out of
    the water, much to the relief of the deep-sea
    biologists and scientists involved in the
    mission. One of the biologists present that day
    had sent a previously designed autonomous craft
    far many miles beneath the oceans surface, but it
    had never re-emerged, lost forever in the murky

  • Designed to land 36,000 feet down on the deepest
    part of the ocean floor, the crafts job is to
    sift through the ground never explored before,
    remember gather up samples and bring them back
    up to the surface.
  • How successful was Orpheus in its first
    underwater mission?
  • Quite apart from the fact that the robot returned
    to the surface when recalled, it had driven alone
    into the deepest depths of the ocean for a full
    hour with no human at the controls. There are 4
    cameras attached to the drone, with each one
    taking images that would later be pieced
    together, but the hope is to have a fleet of them
    working together.

  • So successful was Orpheuss first mission, that
    it has driven scientists and tech designers to
    continue improving upon its capabilities. The
    craft was able to successfully provide 3D images
    of the sea floor to those waiting up on dry land,
    proving that it can explore, map and photograph
    such a murky and potentially dangerous area of
    the ocean with no human at the controls, and with
    no tangible link from craft to human.
  • What the future holds for autonomous deep sea
  • With vast areas of the worlds oceans yet to be
    explored, scientists, biologists, and charities
    are pooling their funds to help facilitate more
    ocean exploration missions, including the
    research missions undertaken by Orpheus.

  • With Orpheus being a mere 5 feet in length and
    weighing only around 550 pounds, there is much
    more scope for developing such crafts, since the
    cost is significantly lower and its easier to
    do conventional robotic exploration crafts or
    ROVs are the size of a large car and are far
    more expensive to create.
  • Over the next couple of years, Orpheus and other
    autonomous vehicles like it will employ
    image-recognition technology, such as that which
    is currently used in autonomous cars, and while
    it has yet to enter the hadopelagic zone, or
    hadal zone (the deepest region of the ocean lying
    within oceanic trenches), there is hope that with
    its ability to endure pressure, this may be a
    possibility one day.

  • It seems as if the deepest darkest, murkiest and
    previously uncharted depths of the worlds
    oceans, may not be such a mystery to us all for
    much longer.
  • Beverly Hills Aerials is a fully licensed and
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