Title: CIT 245 Effective Communication/tutorialrank.com
1CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
2CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Entire Course For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 1
Individual Performing Initial Device
Configuration CIT 245 Week 1 Individual Interface
Configuration and Cabling
3CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 1 Individual Interconnecting Cisco
Networking Devices For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week
1 Individual Interconnecting Cisco Networking
Devices Complete the following Practice Labs
courses 100-101 Interconnecting Cisco
Networking Devices Part 1 200-101
Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part
2 Spanning Tree and Etherchannels
4CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 1 Individual Interface Configuration
and Cabling For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 1
Individual Interface Configuration and
Cabling Complete the following exercises in
Practice Lab 100-105- Interconnecting Cisco
Networking Devices (ICND1 v3.0) Interface
Configuration and Cabling Exercise 1
Interface Configuration Opt
5CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 1 Individual Performing Initial
Device Configuration For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 1
Individual Performing Initial Device
Configuration Complete the following exercises in
Practice Lab 100-105- Interconnecting Cisco
Networking Devices (ICND1 v3.0) Performing
Initial Device Configuration Exercise 1
Essential Switch Configuration
6CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 2 Individual Configure and Verify
Switching Concepts For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 2
Individual Configure and Verify Switching
Concepts Complete the following exercises in
Practice Lab 100-105- Interconnecting Cisco
Networking Devices (ICND1 v3.0) Configure and
Verify Switching Concepts
7CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 2 Individual Configure, Verify, and
Troubleshoot Port Security For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245
Week 2 Individual Configure, Verify, and
Troubleshoot Port Security Complete the following
exercises in Practice Lab 100-105-
Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices (ICND1
8CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 2 Individual Simple Network Diagram
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com CIT 245 Week 2 Individual Simple Network
Diagram Create a 1-page network diagram depicting
the scenario from the Week Two Learning Team
9CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 3 Individual Configure, Verify, and
Troubleshoot Interswitch Connectivity For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 3 Individual Configure, Verify,
and Troubleshoot Interswitch Connectivity Complete
the following exercises in Practice Lab
100-105- Interconnecting Cisco Networking
Devices (ICND1 v3.0)
10CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 3 Individual Configuring and
Verifying VLANs For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 3
Individual Configuring and Verifying
VLANs Complete the following exercises in
Practice Lab 101-105- Interconnecting Cisco
Networking Devices (ICND1 v3.0)
11CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 3 Individual Layer-2 Collision and
Broadcast Domains For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 3
Individual Layer-2 Collision and Broadcast
Domains Create a 1-page network diagram depicting
the scenario from the Week Three Learning Team
collaborative activity Layer-2 Collision and
Broadcast Domains, keeping in mind the
following Use Microsoft Visio to create the
network diagram.
12CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 4 Individual Cisco IOS
Troubleshooting Tools For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 4
Individual Cisco IOS Troubleshooting
Tools Complete the following exercises in
Practice Lab 101-105- Interconnecting Cisco
Networking Devices (ICND1 v3.0) Cisco IOS
Troubleshooting Tools Exercise 1 Ping and
Extended Ping
13CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 4 Individual IPv4 Addressing and
Subnetting For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 4
Individual IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting Complete
the following exercises in Practice Lab
101-105- Interconnecting Cisco Networking
Devices (ICND1 v3.0)
14CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 5 Individual Designing IPv4
Addressing For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 5
Individual Designing IPv4 Addressing Create a
1-page network diagram depicting the scenario
from the Week Five Learning Team collaborative
activity Designing IPv4 Addressing, keeping in
mind the following Use Microsoft Visio to
create the network diagram
15CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
CIT 245 Week 5 Individual Troubleshooting
Methodologies For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CIT 245 Week 5
Individual Troubleshooting Methodologies Troublesh
ooting Methodology for Networks Exercise 2
Implementing Troubleshooting Methodologies
16CIT 245 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com