Title: Denim Trend you should Follow this Summer
1Denim Trend you should Follow this Summer
2Jeans have come a long way and become a symbol of
the modern man. With greater style options, such
as cut, color and fit, come numerous decisions.
Heres how you can shop for that perfect pair of
jeans from online stores.
3Select the Right Fit
Because the fit determines how you feel and how
you feel determines how you look, choose the fit
Skinny Fit
Slim Fit
Straight Fit
Jogger Fit
4All About the Wash
The next level is finding the right wash. It is
important to know what type of denim wash puts
the spotlight on you.
Bleach Wash
Acid Wash
Light Wash
Mid Wash
Rinse Wash
Vintage Wash
5Types of Denim
Although the first denim was a 100 cotton serge
material, you can now get it in an assortment of
Cotton Denim
Dry Denim
Crushed Denim
Ecru Denim
Raw Denim
Selvedge Denim
Stretch Denim
6Check the Pockets
Look for a clean thread pattern on pockets. Also,
make sure they arent too large or too long.
Ticket Pocket
Faux Pocket
Flap Coin Pocket
Slash Pocket
7No matter what your budget or body shape, if you
shop smart, you can pick up a few pairs of
quality jeans that'll last you years.