Title: Named Entity Recognition (NER) with NLTK
1Named Entity Recognition (NER) with NLTK
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3 Named Entity Recognition with NLTK Natural
language processing is a sub-area of computer
science, information engineering, and artificial
intelligence concerned with the interactions
between computers and human (native) languages.
This is nothing but how to program computers to
process and analyse large amounts of natural
language data.
NLP Computer Science AI Computational
n another way, Natural language processing is the
capability of computer software to understand
human language as it is spoken. NLP is one of the
component of artificial intelligence (AI).
4- About NLTK
- The Natural Language Toolkit, or more
commonly NLTK, is a suite of libraries and
programs for symbolic and statistical natural
language processing (NLP) for English written in
the Python programming language. - It was developed by Steven Bird and Edward Loper
in the Department of Computer and Information
Science at the University of Pennsylvania. - A software package for manipulating linguistic
data and performing NLP tasks.
5Named Entity Recognition (NER) Named Entity
Recognition is used in many fields in Natural
Language Processing (NLP), and it can help
answering many real-world questions. Named
entity recognition(NER) is probably the first
step towards information extraction that seeks to
locate and classify named entities in text into
pre-defined categories such as the names of
persons, organizations, locations, expressions of
times, quantities, monetary values, percentages,
etc. Information comes in many shapes and
sizes. One important form is structured data,
where there is a regular and predictable
organization of entities and relationships.
6For example, we might be interested in the
relation between companies and locations. Given
a company, we would like to be able to identify
the locations where it does business conversely,
given a location, we would like to discover which
companies do business in that location. Our data
is in tabular form, then answering these queries
is straightforward.
Org Name Location Name
7If this location data was stored in Python as a
list of tuples (entity, relation, entity), then
the question Which organizations operate in
HYDERABAD? could be given as follows
gtgtgt import nltk gtgtgt loc('TCS', 'IN', 'PUNE),
... ('INFOCEPT', 'IN', 'PUNE), ...
('WIPRO', 'IN', 'PUNE), ... ('AMAZON',
'IN', 'HYDERABAD) , ... ('INTEL', 'IN',
8gtgtgt query e1 for (e1, rel, e2) in loc if
e2'HYDERABAD gtgtgt print(query) 'AMAZON',
'INTEL gtgtgt query e1 for (e1, rel, e2) in
loc if e2'PUNE gtgtgt print(query) 'TCS',
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10Information Extraction has many applications,
including business intelligence, resume
harvesting, media analysis, sentiment detecti
on, patent search, and email scanning. A
particularly important area of current research
involves the attempt to extract structured data
out of electronically-available scientific
literature, especially in the domain of biology
and medicine. Information Extraction
Architecture Following figure shows the
architecture for Information extraction system.
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12The above system takes the raw text of a document
as an input, and produces a list of (entity,
relation, entity) tuples as its output. For
example, given a document that indicates that the
company INTEL is in HYDERABAD it might generate
the tuple (ORG INTEL in LOC
HYDERABAD). The steps in the information
extraction system is as follows. STEP 1 The raw
text of the document is split into sentences
using a sentence segmentation. STEP 2 Each
sentence is further subdivided into words using a
tokenization. STEP 3 Each sentence is tagged
with part-of-speech tags, which will prove very
helpful in the next step, named entity detection.
13STEP 4 In this step, we search for mentions of
potentially interesting entities in each
sentence. STEP 5 we use relation detection to
search for likely relations between different
entities in the text. Chunking The basic
technique that we use for entity detection
is chunking which segments and labels multi-token
14In the following figure shows the Segmentation
and Labelling at both the Token and Chunk Levels,
the smaller boxes in it show the word-level
tokenization and part-of-speech tagging, while
the large boxes show higher-level chunking. Each
of these larger boxes is called a chunk. Like
tokenization, which omits whitespace, chunking
usually selects a subset of the tokens. Also,
like tokenization, the pieces produced by a
chunker do not overlap in the source text.
15Noun Phrase Chunking In the noun phrase
chunking, or NP-chunking, we will search for
chunks corresponding to individual noun phrases.
For example, here is some Wall Street Journal
text with NP-chunks marked using brackets
The/DT market/NN for/IN system-management/NN
software/NN for/IN Digital/NNP 's/POS
hardware/NN is/VBZ fragmented/JJ enough/RB
that/IN a/DT giant/NN such/JJ as/IN
Computer/NNP Associates/NNPS should/MD do/VB
well/RB there/RB ./.
16NP-chunks are often smaller pieces than complete
noun phrases. One of the most useful sources of
information for NP-chunking is part-of-speech
tags. This is one of the inspirations for
performing part-of-speech tagging in our
information extraction system. We determine this
approach using an example sentence. In order to
create an NP-chunker, we will first define a
chunk grammar, consisting of rules that indicate
how sentences should be chunked. In this case, we
will define a simple grammar with a single
regular-expression rule. This rule says that an
NP chunk should be formed whenever the chunker
finds an optional determiner (DT) followed by any
number of adjectives (JJ) and then a noun (NN).
Using this grammar, we create a chunk parser ,
and test it on our example sentence. The result
is a tree, which we can either print, or display
17gtgt sentence ("the", "DT"), ("little", "JJ"),
("yellow", "JJ"), ... ("dog", "NN"),
("barked", "VBD"), ("at", "IN"), ("the", "DT"),
("cat", "NN") gtgtgt grammar "NP
ltDTgt?ltJJgtltNNgt gtgtgt cp nltk.RegexpParser(gram
mar) gtgtgt result cp.parse(sentence) gtgtgt
print(result) (S (NP the/DT little/JJ yellow/JJ
dog/NN) barked/VBD at/IN (NP the/DT cat/NN))
gtgtgt result.draw()
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19Chunking with Regular Expressions To find the
chunk structure for a given sentence, the Regexp
Parser chunker starts with a flat structure in
which no tokens are chunked. The chunking rules
applied in turn, successively updating the chunk
structure. Once all the rules have been invoked,
the resulting chunk structure is returned.
Following simple chunk grammar consisting of two
rules. The first rule matches an optional
determiner or possessive pronoun, zero or more
adjectives, then a noun. The second rule matches
one or more proper nouns. We also define an
example sentence to be chunked and run the
chunker on this input.
20gtgtgt import nltk gtgtgt grammar r""" NP
ltDTPP\gt?ltJJgtltNNgt ...
ltNNPgt ... """ gtgtgt cp nltk.RegexpParser(gram
mar) gtgtgt sentence ("Rapunzel", "NNP"),
("let", "VBD"), ("down", "RP"), ...
("her", "PP"), ("long", "JJ"), ("golden", "JJ"),
("hair", "NN") gtgtgt print(cp.parse(sentence))
(S (NP Rapunzel/NNP) let/VBD down/RP (NP
her/PP long/JJ golden/JJ hair/NN))
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23chunk.conllstr2tree() Function A conversion
function chunk.conllstr2tree() is used to builds
a tree representation from one of these
multi-line strings. Moreover, it permits us to
choose any subset of the three chunk types to
use, here just for NP chunks
gtgtgt text ''' ... he PRP B-NP ... accepted VBD
B-VP ... the DT B-NP ... position NN I-NP ...
of IN B-PP ... vice NN B-NP ... chairman NN
24... of IN B-PP ... Carlyle NNP B-NP ... Group
NNP I-NP ... , , O ... a DT B-NP ... merchant
NN I-NP ... banking NN I-NP ... concern NN I-NP
.. . . O ... ''' gtgtgt nltk.chunk.conllstr2tree(te
xt, chunk_types'NP').draw()
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