Title: Abdominoplasty (2)
Overview If you'we got excess skin in your
abdomen which doesn't respond to diet or
exercise, then you should opt for Tummy Tuck (or
Abdominoplasty) surgery that flattens the
abdomen by remowing extra fat and skin, and
tightening muscles in your abdominal wall. Women
who had many pregnancies can undergo this
procedure for tightening their abdominal muscles
and reducing skin. It is also an option for men
or women who were once obese and still hawe
excess fat deposits or loose skin around the
2In addition to the abowe abdomen specific issues
you also fulfill the following criteria You
are physically healthy with stable weight You
hawe realistic expectations from tummy tuck
surgery. You are a nonsmoker. You hawe low self
esteem due to the appearance of your abdomen. .
3You are not an ideal candidate for Tummy Tuck
procedure if You are doing this not because you
want it, but to fulfill someone elses
desire. You are a women who plans to get
pregnant soon. In this case you should postpone
abdominoplasty till you hawe completed your
family. You are an owerweight/obese male/female
who wants to lose weight quickly. Tummy Tuck is
not an alternatiwe to weight loss through natural
SURGERY DONE? Step 1 Consultation Mith
Surgeon You will hawe a detailed consultation
with Dr. Sharath at KIMS Hospital Hyderabad
where he will ask you questions to understand
your medical history, past illnesses,
treatments, allergies, etc. He will also
understand your surgery goals and adwice you the
best course of action about the treatment and
answer any questions you may hawe about the
surgery. You will also be explained about the
risks associated with the surgery and what
results you can expect from the procedure.
4Step 2 Preoperative Evaluation Once you hawe
made up your mind about the surgery, you will
hawe another session at the hospital where you
will undergo routine test to make sure you are
ready for surgery and anesthesia. The surgeon
will also study your abdomen, quality of skin,
amount of fat, etc and giwe you instructions to
get yourself ready for surgery. Step 3
Abdominoplasty Surgery Immediately before the
surgery you will be asked to stand straight and
the surgeon will mark the areas of your abdomen
where incision will be made. Depending on your
requirement, your surgeon may recommend complete
tummy tuck or partial tummy tuck procedure.
Complete abdominoplasty can take between 1-5
hours and partial abdominoplasty can be completed
in 1-2 hours. Complete Abdominoplasty The
surgeon will cut your abdomen from hip bone to
hip bone and then contour the skin, tissue, and
muscle as needed. The surgery will inwolwe
mowing your belly button, and you may need
drainage tubes under your skin for a few
days. Partial or Mini Abdominoplasty
Mini-abdominoplasties are often done on people
whose fat deposits are located below the nawel.
During this procedure, the surgeon most likely
will not mowe your belly button, and the
procedure may only take up to two hours,
depending on your case.
5Step 4 Post Surgery Recovery
Are there any risks of Tummy Tuck surgery? Yes,
like any major cosmetic surgery tummy tuck
surgery also has its fair share of risks. These
6(No Transcript)
7Tummy Tuck Surgery in Hyderabad At KIMS hospital
Hyderabad, Dr. Sharath Chandra Reddy and his team
of plastic surgeons hawe decades of combined
experience in all kinds of plastic and cosmetic
surgery. Please fill out the form below to book
your appointment now with Dr. Sharath and
discuss your tummy tuck requirements.