Title: GPYC Cheat Sheet
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4Question 1
What happens if a programmer fails to build
exception handling into a program, and the
program encounters an unexpected error
condition? A. The interpreter will ignore the
error and move to the next line B. The
application will print a warning to the console
and continue to the end C. The computer will
"fuzz" input until it finds one that generates no
error D. The application will terminate
immediately or after resources are exhausted
5Question 2
When creating a new socket using the Python
"sockets" module, which of the following
parameters is used to specify the socket will
send and receive TCP traffic? A.
socket.SOCK_STREAM B. socket. AF_NET C.
socket.SOCK_DGRAM D. socket.socket Answer D
6Question 3
What is the output of the following line of code
typed into a Python interactive session? gtgtgtprint
(8 ltlt1) A. False B. 16 C. SyntaxError invalid
syntax D. True Answer A
7Question 4
What is the output of the Is(TCP) function? A.
It lists all of the TCP port numbers in a TCP
stream B. It lists all of the packets that have a
TCP layer C. It lists the contents of the TCP
layer D. It lists all of the fields associated
with the TCP layer Answer C
8Question 5
With a requests session object named "browser",
how can the expiration attribute of a cookie
named "MUID" from "gpyc.com/" be accessed? A.
.expires B. browser.cookies._cookies'.gpyc.com'
'/' 'MUID'.expires C. browser.cookies._cookies
.gpyc.com.MUID.expires D. browser.cookies.gpyc.com
'MUID'. expires E. browser.cookies.gpyc.com.MUID
.expires Answer A
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