Title: ezwaybroadcasting
1EZWB is powered by WTV Networks and is your
one-stop shopping experience, for all of your
digital and social media needs. EZWB stands at
the forefront of the digital millennium we are
immersed in, and has expanded exponentially over
the last thirteen years, creating nine divisions.
The CEO is award winning Eric EZ Zuley
heralded as the Skeleton Key to Corporate
Hollywood. Amassing over five thousand videos,
six-teen million views, ten websites, seven
hundred thousand blog-talk radio listeners, and
the procuring of over two thousand events, its
safe to say that EZWay Broadcasting has
solidified a game changing global brand. EZs
Introducing Corporate to Hollywood, is the key
slogan, of this meteorically rising company. The
Promotions/Marketing division offers promo
packages including EWBs innovative digital
technology. Blogging, magazine publications which
include cover stories by Dante Reporter, who
makes everything pop! Radio advertisements and
logo opportunities for desired events.
Introductions to the right markets, with the
proper connections, is necessary for specified
fields, allowing for maximum exposure of your
particular brand, on and off the Red
Carpet. The Events division is what put EZWB on
the map. With over two thousand archived events,
the best opportunity to showcase your brand is at
an EZWay event. An interview on the Red Carpet,
with your logo possibly on the media wall, and a
brilliantly written Press Release, is a dream
come true for your company. This is more than a
golden opportunity, its an introduction to
celebrity status.