Title: ilFornino Wood Fired Pizza Ovens - Platinum Series
1ilFornino Wood Fired Pizza Ovens - Platinum Series
ilFornino Platinum Series wood fired pizza oven
is one of the top tier ovens. These ovens
boasting over 795 square inches of cooking space.
Constructed from the proprietary one flat cooking
surface, the flooring guarantees even heat
distribution and retention. These are highly
functional and reliable. The Platinum Plus wood
fired pizza oven series is perfect for the
serious outdoor cook. Backyard Pizza Ovens are
becoming Luxury Home requirements these days.
2Platinum Plus ilFornino Wood Fired Pizza Oven
1007 Square Inches Cooking Area
- The Platinum Plus oven is made from heavy gauge
stainless steel with an attractive Octagon Dome. - Brushed Stainless Steel.
- 3-Layers of Refractory Ceramic Fiber Insulation
that guarantees hours of heat retention. - Double walls that are 6" thick.
- Quality straight line continuous welding shows
excellent workmanship. - 900 F Thermometer dome mounted.
3ilFornino Platinum Series Stainless Steel Wood
Fired Pizza Oven 795 Square Inches Cooking Area
- The Platinum series oven is made from heavy gauge
stainless steel with an attractive Octagon Dome. - Double walls that are 6" thick.
- 3-Layers of Refractory Ceramic Fiber Insulation
that guarantees hours of heat retention. - Brushed Stainless Steel.
- Quality straight line continuous welding shows
excellent workmanship. - Ready to be placed on your mantel or outdoor
kitchen island. - 900 F Thermometer dome mounted.
4Platinum Plus ilFornino Wood Fired Pizza
Oven Adjustable Height - One Flat Cooking
- The Platinum series oven is made from heavy gauge
stainless steel with an attractive Octagon Dome. - Double walls that are 6" thick.
- 3-Layers of Refractory Ceramic Fiber Insulation
that guarantees hours of heat retention. - Adjustable height from 30"- 42"
- Quality straight line continuous welding shows
excellent workmanship. - Brushed Stainless Steel.
- 900 F Thermometer dome mounted.
5ilFornino Platinum Series Stainless Steel Wood
Fired Pizza Oven
- The Platinum series oven is made from heavy gauge
stainless steel with an attractive Octagon Dome. - Made of Brushed Stainless Steel and weight
without stand about 240 lbs. - Double walls that are 6" thick and 3-Layers of
Refractory Ceramic Fiber Insulation that
guarantees hours of heat retention. - Quality straight line continuous welding shows
excellent workmanship and Comfortable working
height of 40". - 900 F Thermometer dome mounted.
6IlFornino Platinum Series Stainless Steel Wood
Fired Pizza Oven
ilFornino Wood Fired Pizza Oven Offering The
Taste And Tradition Of Italy In Your Own
Backyard. ilFornino is offering Wood Fired Pizza
Ovens and all accessories at one place. For
more information Visit 711 Executive Blvd.
Suite U Valley Cottage, NY 10989 Website
www.ilfornino.com Make an appointment Today 1