Title: CMGT 413 Effective Communication / snaptutorial.com
1CMGT 413 Effective Communication /
2CMGT 413 Effective Communication /
CMGT 413 Week 1 Individual Assignment Competitive
Advantage With IT Paper For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Consider the
following The changing business environment
requires organizations to find creative ways to
compete with others in their industry, both at
home and globally. Select a company with which
you are familiar.
3CMGT 413 Effective Communication /
CMGT 413 Week 2 Individual Assignment
Self-Sourcing Memo For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Select an
organization with which you are familiar. Write a
2- to 3-page memo to senior management promoting
the idea of self-sourcing business intelligence
application development.
4CMGT 413 Effective Communication /
CMGT 413 Week 3 Individual Assignment Hot
Technologies Paper For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Consider the
following You have been hired by the
organization of your choice. Your job is to bring
them into the 21st century in terms of supporting
their staff with state-of-the-art hardware.
5CMGT 413 Effective Communication /
CMGT 413 Week 4 Individual Assignment Contract
Writing For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com Select an organization with which you are
familiar. Create a draft contract for
consulting services to help with the migration to
cloud computing your team is performing.
6CMGT 413 Effective Communication /
CMGT 413 Week 5 Individual Assignment Project
Evaluation For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com In this final assignment, you
individually evaluate your teams effortsuch as
a candid assessment of how your team did. Use a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to create an
evaluative matrixsuch as a set of metricsthat
you will use to assess all team deliverables.
Your matrix must include at least two metrics for
each of the following
7CMGT 413 Effective Communication /
CMGT 413 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Moving
to the Cloud For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CMGT 413 Week 5
Learning Team Assignment Moving to the Cloud
8CMGT 413 Effective Communication /