Title: Process Management System
1 Process Management System
Navvia (BPM Solutions, Process Manager) latest
release - join the webinar and find out all
about our new features released in Navvia in the
Fall of 2013
2Business Process Development
Workflow Management Process
Navvia - Releasing Simple, Effective, Workflow
Management Processes, BPM Tools, and Software. A
number of process-modeling techniques are defined.
Business Process Development (Navvia.com) -
Register and join webinars about newly released
tools including the introduction of a new module
called Collaborate.
3ITSM Methodology
- Navvia - Register today and join our online
webinar to understand more about the 3 Steps you
can take for ITSM Success - help deliver lasting
business value
4 ITSM Tool Implementation
- Discover 7 Steps to a successful ITSM tool
implementation. There are many isconceptions and
mistakes in this journey, find out how to avoid
common pitfalls
Have you been told by your ITSM tool
vendor Dont worry, it works out of the
box. or No problem, we can stand it up in a
week.  Has your boss said to you Why do you
need so much time to develop a process, its SaaS
- just turn it on
5ITSM Tool Implementation
Register to attend Fusion15, Learn about ITSM
Tool Implementation, Management Processes capable
of running process design, the way you want them
to work.
When a tool vendor tells you that their product
works out of the box, that might well be true,
but the chances are that it is not going to work
the way YOU want it to without some work on
Trying to rush the implementation of a tool is a
recipe for dissatisfaction and history tells us
that you are likely to be back looking for a new
tool in a very short time. The tool is probably
not at fault the rushed implementation is
6Contact Us
Address 2100 Bloor Street West, Unit
201, Toronto, Ontario, M6S 1M7 Toll-free
1.866.609.0677 Tel 416.539.9836 Fax 416.539.0243
Address 9075 BluffviewTrce, Roswell, GA 30076,
USA County Name Fulton County Toll-free
8666090677 Tel 7709922270 Fax 7709939684