Title: How Do I Test My Car Battery?
1How Do I Test My Car Battery?
2To avoid the sudden breakdown of your car battery
Adelaide, it is essential that you check it
regularly. As soon as there is a slight sign of
weakness, you should take proactive measures.
Either you check it (if you are well-versed with
it) or tell your car mechanic to do it make sure
the checking happens every six months. The best
way is to have the quick five-minutes battery
test while your car is in the workshop for the
routine maintenance. Thus, you will reduce the
chances of sudden failure of the battery. If you
are crazy for long-drive, then it becomes
furthermore necessary.
3Here are some tips to check the performance of
your car battery.
Check The Battery Voltage A fully charged
battery gives 12.6 volts or above. When the
engine is running, the voltage goes a little bit
high (typically between 13.5 to 14.5 volts).
The multimeter is used for checking the
voltage. It can also be done by turning the
headlines on when the engine is running.
4If you feel that the headlights are dim, then it
indicates that the battery is not generating
enough voltage. Try to rev the engine a little.
Do the headlights become brighter? If yes, then
the battery is not getting enough charge by the
alternator when the engine is running. In the
ideal condition, there shouldnt be any change in
the brightness when you rev the engine. It
indicates that the battery charging system is in
the pink of its health.
5Perform The Load Test There are specific
guidelines for load-testing. It is a technical
test that cant be performed at home. You need to
take the vehicle to the service station.
The safety handling instructions must be
followed when the load testing is done. While
doing the load-testing, the battery has to be in
a high state of charge. Experts recommend the
load testing when you find the battery charging
level low. If you live in an area where the
temperatures are extreme, then it is mandatory to
keep the battery in a healthy condition.
6When Should You Replace The Battery? If the
battery shows low levels of charging even after
replacing the faulty parts, then you must change
the battery. It is the heart of your car. All
electrical electronic functions depend on the
battery. Hence, it has to be healthy always.
A well-maintained battery ensures a safe ride
excellent performance of your car.
7- Contact us
- Visit Our Website- http//www.modburybattery.co
m.au/ -
- Mobile no- 61 882643799
- Address - 7 Jennifer Ave, Ridgehaven, SA