Title: Download alexa app to setup echo alexa
1- Download Alexa App to Setup Echo Alexa
2- Amazon has made it an easy task to setup
Echo with its Alexa app. For the setup, you need
to have a smartphone or a tablet on which you
can Download Alexa app to setup Echo. Go to the
app store on your device and search for Alex app.
This app is available for Android on the Google
App store and for iOS users on the Apple app
store. Do check the compatibility of the app with
your operating system version as Alexa app is
compatible with Android 5.0 or higher and iOS 9.0
or higher versions only
3The Echo device setup can also be done through
any desktop or PC by visiting Alexa.amazon.com fro
m your browser. If accessed through the browser
on your smartphone, this web address will guide
you to download Alexa app to setup Echo.
4Once you have the latest version of Alexa app,
you can begin to setup Echo through the following
Sign into your Amazon account on the Alexa app
and select Setup a new device option from the
app menu. Continue to select your Echo device
from the list of devices displayed. At this
stage, make sure your device is plugged in and an
orange light is appearing on the ring. The orange
light indicates the device is in the setup mode.
If you cant see the orange light, hold and press
the Action button on your device for six
seconds and the orange ring light will appear.
Now the app will prompt you to select an custom
Amazon wireless network from the Wifi button on
your phone.
This custom network will have a name starting
from Amazon. You will have to move out of Alexa
app for this step. Once connected to the custom
Amazon wireless network, come back to the Alexa
app which will now show a list of the available
Wifi networks.
Choose your preferred network and connect to it.
It may take few seconds for the connection to be
complete. The app will prompt you and so will the
device once the setup is complete.
5Your device is now ready for use and you can
interact with Alexa by using the default wake
word Alexa. Once you setup Alexa enabled device
through Alexa app, the device can be monitored
remotely and can be customised to suit personal
6- Insert the title of your subtitle Here
7- Website https//www.setupechoplus.com
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