TRUTH & LIES ABOUT THE IRS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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They start lining up before 7 a.m. An hour and a half later, more than 60 people are waiting to get into the Internal Revenue Service’s Taxpayer Assistance Center. Last year, to reduce the lines, the IRS discontinued its practice of preparing simple tax returns as a courtesy for people. The queues have stayed the same or grown longer, because so many people come in with questions about tax credits for Obamacare and what to do to prevent identity thieves from stealing their refunds.” – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • They start lining up before 7 a.m. An hour and a
    half later, more than 60 people are waiting to
    get into the Internal Revenue Services Taxpayer
    Assistance Center. Last year, to reduce the
    lines, the IRS discontinued its practice of
    preparing simple tax returns as a courtesy for
    people. The queues have stayed the same or grown
    longer, because so many people come in with
    questions about tax credits for Obamacare and
    what to do to prevent identity thieves from
    stealing their refunds.
  • The IRS has never been an easy place to work. Its
    nearly 85,000 employees, toil in purposely
    anonymous buildings. More recently, the IRS has
    become a casualty of the budget battles between
    the Obama White House and House Republicans.
    Meanwhile, the agency has lost 11 percent of its

  • Last year it initiated nearly 20 percent less
    criminal investigations than 2013. This year
    alone, it expects audits to drop by more than
    40,000. Nobody likes being audited by the IRS ,
    but it claims they are a key component of the tax
    system that is core to the country,
  • The agencys customer service operation has been
    hobbled, too. In late March, the IRS said fewer
    than 40 percent of the people who call during
    this tax season will get through to someone. A
    decade ago, the figure was nearly 85 percent.
  • With a presidential election next year,
    Republicans seem determined to keep the scandals
    percolating. Texas Senator Ted Cruz may have set
    the tone in March, announcing his candidacy with
    a promise to abolish the IRS.

  • He says its agents wont be needed after he
    throws out the current tax structure and replaces
    it with a simple flat tax, enabling Americans to
    fill out their returns on postcards. Cruz wants
    them reassigned to border patrol duty.
  • People whove spent their careers at the IRS all
    say the same thing The pay wasnt fantastic, but
    the health care and pension benefits were. And
    they went to the office each morning with a sense
    of purpose. Without their efforts, they knew, the
    federal government would stop working or so they
    have thought.
  • These are the lies being spread to IRS employees
    as well as the main population are designed to
    make people believe the Service is needed to
    bring in money that supposedly keeps the
    country running. Nothing could be further from
    the truth.

  • The IRS exists in its present form, illegally and
    unlawfully collecting taxes from the labor of
    most American only because the government is
    deceptively withholding the truth from us. The
    truth is federal income tax was never meant to
    apply to most Americans. We have been tricked by
    coercion to enter into the system by employers,
    who refuse to hire people who do not submit to
    the IRS and have federal taxes withheld from
    their pay.
  • Once in the system, a rebuttable presumption that
    you are a tax payer has been established, now you
    are locked in. You entered the trap and locked
    yourself in and didnt even know it. You just
    thought you were doing was required by law. You
    just thought you were being a good American.

  • This is the kind of brainwashing that is plaguing
    the American people. Not one penny collected from
    income taxes goes to any programs for America or
    its people. It all goes towards the interest only
    of the national debt. How long before a loan gets
    paid off when you pay interest only? Answer
  • The only way to deal with the IRS is to get out
    of the system. There is a specific way this can
    be done but it requires the knowledge of how it
    can be done and accepted by the IRS. You need
    professionals who show you the way out and who
    have successfully done so for others. You can
    read more on our website at http//endtaxes4ever.

  • End Taxes 4 Ever offer services to our clients to
    ensure they are only paying the amount of taxes
    owed and getting the biggest tax refund that the
    law allows and remaining in full compliance with
    both State and Federal income tax laws. Our tax
    experts have discovered that nearly all Americans
    are not just overpaying on income taxes, but in
    the vast majority of cases they lawfully required
    to very little if anything at all. We give tax
    planning strategies for high income earners,
    guide individuals in how to legally stop paying
    taxes, remain in full compliance with the income
    tax law and get the biggest tax refund that the
    law allows. Get answers to your questions like
    how many years back can i get a tax refund? and
    more by visiting our website - https//endtaxes4ev
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