Title: Raheel Naviwala - Former General Manager, Burger King
1Raheel Naviwala
Former General Manager, Burger King Former
Floor Manager, CWA Convenient Wholesalers Of
2(No Transcript)
3Raheel Naviwala is an experienced operation
professional and he has excellent experience in
developing innovative and cost-effective business
4Raheel Naviwala has been working for multiple
organizations and he has been handling the
operations very well. Raheel Naviwala also
provides consultation in the field of advertising
and business administration.
5Raheel Naviwala attended the University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL where he completed
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Advertising. After
that, he completed Minor in Business
Administration as well from the University of
6Raheel Naviwala has worked for various
organizations in the past including Burger King,
Miami, FL. He worked as a General Manager and
handled his responsibilities efficiently.
7Raheel Naviwala has 11 years of experience in
business management and he has handled his
responsibilities efficiently.
8Raheel Naviwala has always stayed focused on
business growth, profitability, and efficiency.
Raheel Naviwala also has excellent leadership and
strong communication skills.
9Raheel Naviwala is a charismatic leader and
believes in teamwork. He has been handling his
team properly in all the organizations he has
worked for.
Find out more about him at his official site