Title: MGT 445 CART our Dreams Our Mission/mgt445cart.com
1MGT 445 CART our Dreams Our Mission/mgt445cart.com
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2MGT 445 CART our Dreams Our Mission/mgt445cart.com
MGT 445 Assignment Week 1 Communication and
Personality in Negotiation Paper
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MGT 445 Week 1 Communication and Personality in
Negotiation Paper Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word
paper describing a negotiation in which you have
participated (e.g., sale or purchase of a house,
car, salary, etc.). Analyze two of the
following three roles (communication, personality
or relationships) and how they contributed to
or detracted from your described negotiation
3MGT 445 CART our Dreams Our Mission/mgt445cart.com
MGT 445 Assignment Week 2 Negotiation Strategy
Article Analysis
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MGT 445 Week 2 Negotiation Strategy Article
Analysis Use the Internet or other resources to
find at least two articles that describe a
business negotiation situation related to two
different industry sectors within Fortune 500
companies that employs different negotiation
4MGT 445 CART our Dreams Our Mission/mgt445cart.com
MGT 445 Assignment Week 3 Organizational
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MGT 445 Week 3 Organizational Negotiations Identif
y a negotiation situation that took place in one
team members organization (It can either be
internal to the organization or it can be between
organizations). Prepare a 1,750- to 2,100-word
paper that includes the following
5MGT 445 CART our Dreams Our Mission/mgt445cart.com
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