Title: The Dos and Don’ts of Oral Hygiene
1The Dos and Dontsof Oral Hygiene
2Here, we have compiled just a few dos and donts
when it comes to your overall health.
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Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should see your Claremont dentist regularly!
Consider it like an oil change you really need
that maintenance and check-up even if you take
care of - your car day-to-day!
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should keep the caramel, and other sticky
desserts, to a minimum. Remember it is how long
your teeth are exposed to sugar that also
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should eat fibre-filled vegetables and fruits
or nutrient-dense foods, for example, nuts,
peanuts have calcium and vitamin D and almonds
have large amounts of calcium.
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should hydrate! water is the essential
segment of spit, serving to flush your mouth.
Green and black teas have polyphenols, which can
positively interact with bacteria that causes
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should reveal to us the condition of your
teeth, and what different drugs you are on so
that we can know the best course of action for
your teeth and gums.
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should not smoke tobacco since smoking can
lead to gum disease by affecting the attachment
of bone and your soft tissue to your teeth. You
want to keep them around, right?
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should not crunch on ice! thinking to the
last winter storm you experienced, you realize
how hard ice is so combined that with the force
of chewing on it, and you can see why it can
cause harm to your teeth.
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should not ignore anything unusual in your
mouth. Maybe it is a dry mouth or maybe it is a
sore. Tell us about it!
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should not accept your sleep apnea, sleep
disorder, disruptive snoring, and/or related
problems. We can help you with a solution, so you
can sleep well again.
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
- You should not underestimate how important it is
to take care of yourself. A great smile can
really make a difference for your self-worth and
Dentist Claremont Dentist Mount Claremont
Nedlands Dentist Floreat Dentist
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