Title: Trademark your Abandoned Trademark
1How to Trademark an Abandoned Trademark?
Securing your brand is one of the first struggles
which are faced by every entrepreneur. The ideas
are what give direction to any business, and it
is essential to safeguard them before anyone
copies them. Choosing a name, logo or even a
slogan which differentiates your brand from
others in the market is one of a task. It is
necessary to get your brand name registered
before you commence any business. It acts as an
identity to your business and provides exclusive
rights to its protection. Trademark
registration entitles you to legal rights which
you can use in case of any infringement.
Know More Abandoned Trademark
3What is an Abandoned Trademark?
- An abandoned trademark is the one which has not
been in use from an extended period, or the owner
does not use it anymore. There are many reasons
when a trademark status changes to be
abandoned. Below are some of the common grounds
- Delay in replying to the examination report
- Delay in Trademark Renewal
- Delay in case of Opposition
More Trademark Objection Reply
4Steps to Register
- Several companies or entrepreneurs wish to
continue with a single trademark through their
entire business life. In case the trademark has
been abandoned it becomes necessary to claim it
before anyone else does. - To re-register an abandoned trademark, you need
to conduct a thorough trademark search to make
sure it is not in use currently. - In case you see the abandoned trademark already
in use or registered by someone else then you
would require filing a fresh application TM-A. - One can also restore a dead or abandoned
trademark by filing the prescribed form - TM-13.
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