Title: Detailed information about Trademark Exam Report
1What is Trademark Exam Report?
Trademark registration is not just about filing
it is a long process which involves multiple
stages involves an examination report. Trademark
provides an identity to the business and helps to
market the brand. It is one of the initial
formalities that every entrepreneur needs to
complete to enjoy long-term protection. Once you
have applied for the trademark, you will get an
application number, to track the status of your
registration process. The tracking process
facilitates clarity between the applicant and
his/her attorney. As per the Indian Law, the
applicant can use TM with the brand name, logo
or symbol until the trademark is approved.
More Trademark Exam Report
3Replying to Trademark Examination Report
It is essential to respond to the examination
report so that the registration process can move
forward. A reply can be filed either by the
applicant or by his/her attorney. Here are a few
suggestions for replying to the examination
report. If your trademark is identical to any
other mark, then you need to explain how your
mark is different. If you have applied to the
wrong class, then you can request on correcting
the class. Evidence for distinctiveness can be
filed if the trademark falls under lack of
distinctiveness. There can be different grounds
on which a trademark objection can arise
therefore it is necessary to take action at the
appropriate time so that your application does
not get abandoned.
Exam Report can be filed under section 9 and 11
of the Trademark Act 1999. It specifies the
reasons under which a trademark can either be
opposed, objected or even be rejected. Since a
trademark is essential for brand development, the
complete process must be tracked from time to
time. It is always better to consult a
legal attorney so that there is no confusion and
all the formalities are done without any trouble.
Once you reply to the examination report, the
examiner will review the same, and if he/she is
convinced with the explanation, then the status
of your application will change.
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