Title: Can a Trademark be Capitalized?
1Can a Trademark be Capitalised?
Trademark is the identity of every business and
is relatable to the products or services it
offers. It can be a name, logo or even short
phrases. Trademark is necessary to begin your
journey in the commercial market and therefore it
is essential to get your idea registered as soon
as you are sure about it. Trademark
registration protects your brand for a long-term
and entitles you with exclusive rights of its
usage. The trademark should always /be distinct
so that it does not get infringed by someone
else. There are different fonts, sizes and styles
which can differentiate your trademark from the
others. They apply to every type of mark
associated with the business world.
Related How to Trademark a Product
3Capitalization of Trademark
When a brand name is written in all capital
letters, then it is called "capitalization of the
trademark". A trademark can be designed or
written in numerous ways, and there are few
general rules which go in their
formation. Trademark application filing is free
from any font, colour, size or typeface as long
as it does not confuse the audience. At times,
some companies or entrepreneurs choose only the
initials of a long word in capital letters for
their brand name. For example AOL stands
for America On-Line. In this case, writing it in
lower case would be incorrect.
4Rules of TM Capitalisation
There are some rules which every applicant should
keep in mind before applying for his trademark
registration especially when it is supposed to be
in upper case. Usually, brand names are proper
names. Therefore, the initials are in the
capital. All caps apply to trademarks which are
to be spelt individually. The cannot be capital
in a trademark unless it is at the beginning of
the brand name. Several trademarks are registered
in India under the Trademark Act 1999. IP
India examines several trademarks which have
different font size and writing style. At times,
capital letters are also included in the middle
of a brand name. For example SlideShare. It
represents a hosting platform for all sorts of
professional content. More on Search All
Trademarks Registered in India
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