Title: A Close Look at Centrifugal Bowls
2Centrifugal bowls work by using a stainless
basket centrifuge that spins 3000g- forces,
separating fluids and solids from batches of
wastewater. This device filters at a rate of 4800
litres an hour and can separate 10 litres of
solid from 3000 litres of wastewater.
3Its rotated bowl throws the solids to the sides
where they form a thick coating of sludge. It has
four load cells and when it reaches a pre-set
weight, it automatically goes into a cleaning
cycle which scrapes off the accumulated solids.
The cleaning cycle doesnt stop the machine. It
continues to spin, releasing filtered water
through its outlet pipe while it cleans.
4If the solids are too light to be detected by the
load cells, then you can set a timer which will
start the cleaning cycle after a given period of
time. The IC 45-AV prevents downtime because it
never stops, the cleaning cycle ensures maximum
5Automated and Manual Cleaning Options
If you want to clean the centrifugal basket by
hand, you can scrape the bowl by hand before
re-attaching it. It only needs two-way electrical
and plumbing, going in and out of the machine. It
can be used as a stand-alone or attached to a
system, riveted in place or trolleyed around the
6In its automated form, you can programme all the
necessary weights and timers using the touchpad,
then it can function without further
intervention, cutting the expense of a human
operator. Its designed to require minimal
maintenance, adding to its cost-saving function.