Title: TIER1 RWF1022
1SGF-W31 Replacement For TIER1 RWF1022
2We are proud to provide consumers a healthy,
affordable, and eco-friendly alternative for
their filtration needs. Swift Green Filters has
worked to innovate water filtration products by
introducing the first environmentally friendly
product line of water filters in the industry.
Headed by an executive team with over 25 years of
experience, Swift Green Filters has become the
leading company in eco-friendly filtration
products. With a dedication to creating a
high-quality line of environmentally responsible
products, Swift Green Filters is committed to
providing consumers with a green, cost-effective
alternative for their water filtration needs.
3 We Provide a Varity Of Filters
Filtration Equipment
Filter Replacements
Refrigerator Filters
Commercial Filters
4SGF-W31 Replacement For TIER1 RWF1022
22.40 USD
25.76 USD
5Our Reduction Chart
Whirlpool2204324 2204326 2206039 2206048 2213384
8171413 8171414 8171787 8171788 Aqua FreshWF286
EFF-6010AEveryDropEDR8D1Kenmore469002 46-9002
4609002000 9002 9002PSwift GreenSGF-W41 Tier
1 RWF1022Water SentinelWSW-4 NL200 NLC200
7How it works
8Why us
100 Eco-friendly
Pure water
Lowest price
9USA 2678 Ram Bay RD, Manning, SC 29102 Contact
no. Toll-free 1 (888) 223-6762 Email Us
at https//www.thefiltersclub.com
10(No Transcript)