Title: CBRN Respirators8
1- NIOSH CBRN Respirator Certification Activities
Terrence K. Cloonan Physical Scientist
NIOSH, NPPTL Pittsburgh, PA September 15, 2015
ISRP Americas Section Annual General
Meeting Morgantown, West Virginia
2Mapping of 8
- History
- Regulatory authority
- Standards publications
- Notifications
- Re-test phase
- Restoration phase
- National inventory
- 2015 and beyond
Previous photography is courtesy of U.S. Army
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center and NIOSH.
Above drawing was created by Terrence K. Cloonan,
NIOSH, and Mr. Marion Molchem, KI, LLC, with
technical input from John Kuhn, MSA, The Safety
- Tokyo, Japan, 1995
- NIOSH 1999 workshop
- September 11, 2001
- NPPTL and ECBC 2001
- NIOSH and NFPA 2001-2007, 2012-2015
- NPPTL, NIST, and ECBC 2013-2015
- NIOSH and ECBC 2015/16 update to IAA
Images courtesy of Terrence K. Cloonan, NIOSH,
and NFPA.
4Regulatory Authority
- Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
- Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977
- OSHA 29 CFR 1910.132-138
- NIOSH invoked policy making authority for CBRN,
per 42 CFR Part 84, 84.63 (c) (d) H-84.70,
I-84.110, L-84.190 - Since CY 2007, informal rulemaking or consensus
standards organizations
5Standards Developed
- CBRN SCBA upgrade (retrofit) kit
Photograph courtesy of Terrence K. Cloonan,
NIOSH, Allegheny County Fire Academy, PA, and
MSA. Re-touch courtesy of Marion Molchem, KI, LLC.
- NIOSH Pub No. 2011-183 Whats special about
CBRN SCBA? http//www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2011-183/
- NIOSH Pub No. 2013-157 Whats special about
CBRN APR? http//www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2013-157/ - NIOSH Pub No. 2013-156 Whats special about
CBRN PAPR? http//www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2013-156/
Photograph courtesy of Terrence K. Cloonan,
- November 18, 2013
- Test concentrations were less than required
- All discrepancies were self-identified
- Impact period July, 2012 to October
2013 - Root cause analysis conducted
- 5 approval holders notified on 11/21/2015
SMARTMAN mounted with SCBA for HD droplet
application. Drops 1-25 identified for test and
certification purposes. Photograph courtesy of
U.S. Army ECBC, APG, MD Terrence K. Cloonan,
8Re-test Phase
- November 19, 2013 NIOSH met with ECBC to
define a path forward - ECBC corrective action plan developed, 12/2013
- ECBC corrective action reports created
- With NIOSH oversight, ECBC conducted vetted
re-testing from January to April, 2014 - ECBC found to be conforming in June, 2014
Benchmark test configuration from October 2001.
Foundation test method. Photograph courtesy of
U.S. Army ECBC, APG, MD, Terrence K. Cloonan
NIOSH, Interspiro, http//www.interspiro.com/
9Restoration Phase
- NIOSH issues a respirator user notice on July 31,
2014, lifting use restrictions http//www.cdc.gov/
l - NIOSH increases oversight of 5 ECBC unique areas
- Formal system to handle test method
deviations - Work instruction review
- Observe ISO 17025 debriefs
- NIOSH QA audits scheduled
- NIOSH randomly audits ECBC technicians conducting
NIOSH CBRN live-agent testing (LAT)
Photograph of a pristine SMARTMAN headform
is courtesy of U.S. Army Edgewood
Chemical Biological Center, Protective Equipment
Team Branch (PETB) and Terrence K. Cloonan, U.S.
10Back to Normal? No.Back to the Future!
- In parallel, next generation test methods and
equipment are being assessed, procured,
integrated, vetted, and validated for the future - Lab relocation in November
- Lab renovation in December
- Fume hoods and walk-ins
- A U.S. Army defined form, the DD Form 1222, is
the lynchpin for requesting tests - Simultaneously, alternative labs are being
Photograph of a research and development SMARTMAN
headform configuration in a non-contaminated
exposure chamber is courtesy of U.S. Army ECBC,
APG, MD, and Terrence K. Cloonan, NIOSH, NPPTL
Pittsburgh. PA
11National Inventory of Respirators - CBRN
- NIOSH Certified Equipment List (CEL) Approval
holders continue to add to the United States
national inventory of NIOSH-approved CBRN
respirators - Since January 7, 2014
over 45 requests for test issued to ECBC - accounting for 141 individual
respirator systems - As of September 11, 2015
- 33 candidate CBRN SCBA, 1 PAPR, 5 APR, and
1 APER are in LAT queue - Out of all the NIOSH approvals,
204 are active CBRN records in the NIOSH CEL 167
Photographs courtesy of Scott Safety, MSA, ILC
Dover. U.S. Army ECBC, and NIOSH NPPTL.
122015 and Beyond
- NFPA 1981 2013 edition SCBAs are commercially
available for purchase - NIOSH acknowledges the contributions of ECBC,
NFPA, SEI, the DHS/FEMA Assistance to
Firefighter Grant Program and the affected
approval holders - NIOSH is working with ECBC to enhance the IAA for
2016 - 5 areas of additional oversight
- CASARM grade or equivalent agent
- NIOSH specification for LAT CWA-TBD
- Alternative laboratory initiatives continue in
the U.S. and abroad
Going on-air photograph courtesy of Terrence
K. Cloonan, NIOSH, and Director
Al Wickline, Allegheny County
Fire Academy, PA
14Quality Partnerships Enhance Worker Safety
Visit Us at http//www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl
Disclaimer The findings and conclusions in this
presentation have not been formally disseminated
by the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health and should not be construed to
represent any agency determination or policy.
15Re-Stated Abstract
- Since 2001, NIOSH has developed chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN)
respirator standards to evaluate devices meant to
provide such protection. Through its research,
standards development, certification programs,
post-market evaluations and collaborative
relationships with the Armys Edgewood Chemical
Biological Center (ECBC) Edgewood, as well as
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
and other partners, NIOSH continues to identify
opportunities to improve existing standards and
enhance operational laboratory efficiencies. In
2013, while conducting respirator evaluations
under an interagency agreement, Edgewood
self-identified technical errors with toxic
agent challenge concentrations. NIOSH was
notified and a plan was formulated to increase
oversight, conduct re-tests, recommence
certification support, and begin work on next
generation capabilities. Simultaneously, NIOSH is
determining the feasibility of using alternative
laboratories and their capacity to perform NIOSH
special CBRN GB and HD tests. The Army plan is
expected to result in repeatable performances
that verify Edgewoods laboratory capacity and
sustainability. In 2015, NIOSH seeks a renewed
Edgewood capacity to generate sustainable
challenge agent concentrations over time, while
improving current methods and designing new
methods needed to move toxic agent wet chemistry
protocols into the year 2020 and beyond. NIOSH
expects to work collaboratively with interested
parties to create conformity assessment
infrastructure improvements in data sensitive
areas such as test methods and reports that rely
on the use of SiMulant Agent Resistant Test
MANikin (SMARTMAN) headforms and equivalent torso
or full body articulated technologies.
All of this is done in parallel with NIOSH
sustaining cooperation with appropriate standards
development organizations such as the NFPA and
interested private and public stakeholders. TKC,