Title: Tall Cabinets is no Tall Order with E-Kitchens
1Tall Cabinets is no Tall Order with
E-Kitchens Update Your Kitchen With E-Kitchen
Flat-Packs E-kitchens is the quickest way to
update your kitchen, or simply add a couple of
new cupboards or cabinets. If you are looking to
add a tall cabinet to your kitchen, award
winning E-kitchens in Perth offer a quick,
stylish and well-crafted product with a choice
of over 500 colours and tones, ready to assemble.
To add that free-standing pantry or broom
cupboard, E-Kitchens have a range of tall
cabinets that can be custom made to your
Designed to Fit Your Kitchen Your new tall
kitchen cabinet can be configured in a variety of
ways with hinges to the left or right, or with
centrally opening double doors. All tall cabinets
come with top doors for the extra cupboard on
top for your larger and less used items, like the
candy floss maker youll definitely use next
birthday party. E-kitchens have a range of
accessories you can add, such as bins and drawer
kits to improve the functionality of your
cabinets. Versatile Heights, Sizes and
Styles With 1 fixed shelf and 3 adjustable
shelves you can arrange your pantry cabinet how
you prefer, whether you like your large
containers for grains and cereals at the top or
bottom, with smaller items like spices and
packets in the middle, top or bottom it
2doesnt matter. Legs can be adjusted to suit as
well, ensuring your tall cabinet will match the
rest of the kitchen heights. Putting your broom
cabinet or pantry together couldnt be simpler.
All holes are pre- drilled, and the timeless
tongue and groove design allows simple assembly
and durability. Soft closing world-best Blum
hinges made in Germany are safe for fingers as
well as avoiding damage to doors and handles.
Other hinge options are also available simply
tick the online box for your choice. Durable
Construction That Is Also Easy To Assemble All
e-kitchen cabinets are constructed from 16mm
Laminex HMR which stands for highly moisture
resistant and is ideal for kitchens and laundries
or a towel cupboard for the bathroom. Your
choice of door relies on your personal décor
style we have several options, from Laminex to
vinyl wrapped, painted or raw, leaving you to add
your own finish. E-kitchens offer an amazing
choice of colours, guaranteed to match any décor
and please the most discerning taste. Their
online ordering system lets you peruse the
colour palette extensively before you make your
decision. Locally Made for Quality E-kitchens
are a local WA company and make all their tall
cabinets and other kitchen items on site,
shipping Australia wide for your convenience.
Call us to discuss your requirements for a
brand-new custom made tall cabinet or set of
kitchen cabinets. With E-Kitchens you dont even
need to leave the house. Simply go online and
order your size, style and colour, and wait for
delivery. Your kitchen cabinet will arrive flat
packed with complete, easy to follow
instructions, or for 20 extra, can be assembled
by our helpful staff for you.