Title: MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
1MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
2MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  MGT 411 Week 1
Innovative Elevator Speech (2 Papers) MGT 411
Week 2 Innovation/Entrepreneurial Mishaps (2
Papers) MGT 411 Week 2 Innovation and Competitive
Advantage Changing Environments (Starbucks) MGT
411 Week 2 Innovation and Competitive Advantage
Changing Environments (Coca Cola)
3MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Final Exam Study Guide FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  MGT 411 Final Exam 1.
Technology pushes society when 2. Technologys
impact 3. Technologys impact is 4. The goal of
management of technology and innovation in an
organization should always be to 5. There are
several definitions of technology in the text
all the definitions have some common elements.
4MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 1 Creativity and Innovation Table
(UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  C
reativity and Innovation Table Complete the
Creativity and Innovation Table located in the
Materials section in Week One. Describe
creativity, innovation, and the rules of
innovation in your own words.
5MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  MGT 411 Week 1 DQs Week
1 DQ 1 Of the seven innovation rules listed in
Ch. 1 of making Innovation Work, which two rules
are the most important to successfully managing
innovation? Explain your answer.
6MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 1 Innovative Elevator Speech (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com Â
?This Tutorial contains 2 Papers MGT 411 Week 1
Innovative Elevator Speech Write a 2- to 3-minute
elevator speech in which you describe how you see
yourself as creatively intelligent, innovative,
and/or entrepreneurial. Describe at least one
example of how you promoted innovation in your
personal or professional life.
7MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  MGT 411 Week 2 DQs Week
2 DQ 1 Adventuring, confronting, and creating a
portfolio of skills are all ways to encourage
creative thinking among employees. What are the
pros and cons of each strategy? What strategy do
you believe is most effective? Why?
8MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 2 Innovation and Competitive
Advantage Changing Environments (Coca Cola) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  ?MGT 411
Week 2 Innovation and Competitive Advantage
Changing Environments Resource Page 69 of
Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 4
Competitive advantage according to Hisrich and
Kearney (2014) requires organizations to engage
in six processes to maintain innovation.
9MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 2 Innovation and Competitive
Advantage Changing Environments (Starbucks) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  ?MGT 411
Week 2 Innovation and Competitive Advantage
Changing Environments Resource Page 69 of
Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 4
Competitive advantage according to Hisrich and
Kearney (2014) requires organizations to engage
in six processes to maintain innovation.
10MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 2 Innovation and Strategic
Management Annotated Bibliography FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  Write an
annotated bibliography of three references on
innovation and strategic management. Your
annotated bibliography must complete the
following Include three APA-formatted references
that are not from the same author.
11MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 2 Innovation/Entrepreneurial
Mishaps (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  This Tutorial contains
2 Papers MGT 411 Week 2 Innovation/Entrepreneurial
Mishaps Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which
your team identifies 2-3 organizations that have
missed opportunities for innovation and/ are on
the verge of closing down because a more
innovative competitor has overtaken the market.
12MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 2 Managing Innovation Summary
(UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  D
iscuss the characteristics of managing innovation
listed on p. 23 of The Management of Technology
and Innovation. As a team, rank the six factors
in order of most important to least important to
the innovation process.
13MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 3 Aspects of Design Thinking Paper
(Coca Cola) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.c
om  ?MGT 411 Week 3 Aspects of Design Thinking
Paper or Presentation Resources Page 109 of
Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 6
and the organization you selected in the Week 2
Individual Assignment Choose from one of the
following options
14MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 3 Aspects of Design Thinking Paper
or Presentation (Starbucks) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  ?MGT 411 Week 3 Aspects
of Design Thinking Paper or Presentation
Resources Page 109 of Managing Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, Ch. 6 and the organization you
selected in the Week 2 Individual Assignment
Choose from one of the following options
15MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 3 DQ 1, DQ 2 and Team
Reflection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.co
m  Week 3 DQ 1 Describe a time when you used
heuristic thinking to solve a problem at work.
What steps did you take to solve the problem?
What was the outcome? Is there anything you might
have changed about your problem-solving process?
16MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 3 Innovation Entrepreneurial Change
Annotated Bibliography (Blockbuster) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  ?MGT 411 Week 3
Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change Annotated
Bibliography Select one of the organizations that
your team wrote about in the Week 2 Learning Team
Assignment Innovation/Entrepreneurial Mishaps.
17MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 3 Innovation Planning and Design
Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  W
rite a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper on the
innovation planning and design process addressed
in Week Two. Include the following in your paper
Analyze the internal and external factors related
to designing innovation strategies.
18MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  Week 4 DQ 1 What are
two advantages of merger or acquisition? What are
two disadvantages of merger or acquisition? List
two examples or situations when merger or
acquisition would be more beneficial to a company
than developing technology internally.
19MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 4 Global Business Plan
(Starbucks) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.c
om  ?MGT 411 Week 4 Global Business Plan
Resources Table 8.1 on page 139 of Managing
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 8 and the
organization you selected in the Week 2
Individual Assignment Choose from one of the
following options
20MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 4 Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change
Paper (Blockbuster) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  ?MGT 411 Week 4
Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change Paper Use the
same organization that your team selected for the
Week 3 Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change
Annotated Bibliography Assignment.
21MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 4 Innovative Technology Worksheet
(UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  I
nnovative Technology Worksheet Complete the
Innovative Technology Worksheet
22MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 4 Innovative Thinking in a Business
Measurement and Reward System (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  You are a
management team in a selected virtual
organization. Your business is shifting its focus
and has indicated innovation as a high priority.
To integrate innovation into the culture of the
company even further, an employee measurement and
reward system is being developed by your team.
Access the Virtual Organization on the student
web page to select either Kudler Fine Foods,
Riordan Manufacturing, or Huffman Trucking as the
basis for your team assignment.
23MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 4 Organizational Ecosystem Case
Study (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.c
om  Organizational Ecosystem Case Study Complete
the Organizational Ecosystem Case Study
24MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  Week 5 DQ 1 What is the
role of leadership in a creative and innovative
culture? What tasks and qualities must leaders
focus on to create and maintain an innovative
culture? Week 5 DQ 2 How might a leader generate
employee motivation to maintain creativity during
times of organizational change? What are two
effective strategies to generate motivation? What
are two ineffective strategies to generate
25MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 5 Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change
Presentation (Blockbuster) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  ?MGT 411 Week 5
Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change Presentation
Use the same organization that your team selected
for the Week 3 Innovation/Entrepreneurial Change
Annotated Bibliography Assignment.
26MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 5 Innovative Thinking in a Business
Theory-Based Strategic Experiment Powerpoint
VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  Present two innovative
ways to solve the problem.?Create a 7- to
10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation,
with detailed slide notes, on your strategic
experiment. Incorporate the following into your
presentation Address the following six changes
involved with theory-based planning in your
process and presentation
27MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 5 Self-Reflection Motivation FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  ?MGT 411
Week 5 Self-Reflection Motivation Write a 700- to
1,050-word self-reflection on what would motivate
you to work more innovatively. ?Detail how your
current employer can change strategies within the
organization to promote your internal motivation
and innovation. ?Discuss what motivates you in
general to be innovative. Be creative,
innovative, and entrepreneurial in your
28MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com
MGT 411 Week 5 Training Session Handouts
(UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt411aid.com  Y
ou are the director of an organization and you
are tasked with training your management team on
creative problem solving, leadership, and
employee motivation. Create three bullet-point
handouts to distribute during your training
session. The handouts must address the following
topics Creative problem solving Describe
approaches to creative problem solving and ways
to encourage creative problem solving among
29MGT 411 AID Principal Education / mgt411aid.com