Title: QuickBooks POS: Troubleshoot Multi-Store Exchange
1How to Troubleshoot Store (Mailbag) Exchanges in
QuickBooks POS
2QuickBooks is accounting software which faces a
lot of errors and problems and one such problem
is Multi Storage Exchange Issues in QuickBooks
Point of Sale. This error causes delay or
non-delivery of the mailbags that are pending.
Due to this problem, a series of errors can occur
with QuickBooks while one tries to run
multi-storage exchange QuickBooks POS. The
following are the errors that can occur
- Error Code 175135 When you find yourself
unable to store exchange file. - Error Code 193 When the primary key for dept
keywords is not unique. - Error Code 175305 You encounter errors, click
on VIEW LOG to get the details about the error. - Error Code 175411 When you mistakenly enter
the number that has been used by any other store - Error Code 175414 When you try to copy a file
and detect this error. - File s0X.qbt (Error Code2)The store
exchange password you enter does not match the
password in preferences. - When you find that no files are to be
processed, choose to exit the software.
3Causes of these Errors in Store Exchange
- The common causes of these errors in store
exchange - As a user, you wont be able to receive the
mailbags during a store exchange in QuickBooks
POS and this may be because of any of the
following reasons - There is not proper set-up of the Multi-store
preferences. - The .QBT has been damaged.
- The Windows you are using is facing
compatibility issues. - You are not logged into Microsoft Windows as an
administrator. - The store exchange password available in the
Remote Store is not matching the password at
Headquarters. - You attempt to process in a mailbag from one
Headquarters file to another file. - There is some another store configured using
the license number. -
- Now, its time to resolve the errors that you
face during multi-store exchange issues in
QuickBooks POS.
4Multi-Store exchange issues in QuickBooks Point
Of Sale
If the file is received through an email
attachment, open the file with the .qbt
extension and save it to the desktop.
Error Code 175135
- Click on Stores and then, choose Receive Files.
- Click on Browse for Files, find and open the
mailbag. - Click on Close.
- Follow all the general troubleshooting steps
for store exchange.
Error Code 175414
When you face this error, you can follow the
below steps to resolve it
- Close POS.
- Right click on POS icon and select the Run as
administrator. - Run the store exchange.
5You also need to ensure that if you are facing
this error in the remote store, then you can
follow different steps for different versions of
Windows which are as below
Version 10
- Make sure that your internet connection is
working properly. - Click to open the web browser outside of POS
and trying to access a web page. - If you find that there is no connection, then
reboot the routers and retry to access the web
page. - Now, you can try to send the mailbag again.
Version 9- Older
- Ensure that internet is working properly.
- Choose Filegt Preferences gt Company.
- After that, chose Communication Setup in the
left pane. - Click to setup the internet connection.
- Click to use computers internet connection
settings. - Click on Next and then, Done to finish.
- Now, save and try to send the mailbag again.
If this article resolved your error, you can
begin working but if you have any queries, you
can get in touch with our executives at
our QuickBooks Support Helpline
Number 1-800-880-6389.
6Contact Us
Company Name Pro Accountant Advisor Contact No
1-800-880-6389 Email info_at_proaccountantadvisor.c
om Official Website https//www.proaccountantadvi
sor.com Address Comp Groovy LLC- 611 60th ST
SE,Unit a Everett, WA 98203 USA