Title: BizKonnect - Actionable Sales Intelligence Solution - Delivery Model
1BizkonnectleveragE your dynamic ecosystem
for sales growth
2Engagement model
Qualified Leads
Your Sales and Marketing team
BizKonnect Platform
BANK Reports
Marketing Executive
Additional Sales Executive
Marketing Executive
Sales Executive
BizKonnect Sales Workbench
BizKonnect Analytics
Program Manager
BizKonnect Team
BizKonnect automated aggregators
Business Analyst
Business Analyst
Web Researcher
Web Researcher
Web Researcher
3 ISAAC Delivery Model
Business Ecosystems with Sales Intelligence
Set UP
4ISAAC BizKonnect Delivery Model
- Week 1 Initiate and Set Up
- Gather data for the ecosystem
- Understand and define the Business Connect
Themes - Derive target profile
- Understand and configure the account lifecycle
stage - Set up communication protocol daily and weekly
calls, agenda etc. - Team ramp up
- Set up Email Account
- Capture and define communication templates
- Pull up the data from the BizKonnect database for
the given target profile
5Initiate - Understand Your Business Ecosystem
Management, Advisors,People Ecosystem
Customer Domains Problems Solved Solutions
provided Technologies Geography Decision
makers Case Studies
Key Employees
Employee Size Revenue Locations
Domains, Technology, Services Solutions Offered
Vision Culture
Aspirations Culture Communication Style
6Create Business Connect Themes
7Act-Iterative Theme based campaign cycle
Iterate till you get it right !
Create Theme
-Create Theme, Get Target Profile, -Pull up data
from database, Theme based templates case
Create Theme
-Send Theme based click campaign -Nurture using
case studies and track the clicks
Click Campaign
Click Campaign
Personalized Campaign
-Send personalized emails to clicks -Analyze
volume, message refine
Personalized Campaign
8You got it right when you got .
The Right Theme The Right Message gt Resulting
in Clicks and Responses
( - Business Connect Themes, - Add value Give
more than you take - Contents relevant to the
prospect )
Once you got it right , support it with.
The Right Volume and the disciplined execution
( - 5 to 8 touches per prospect - Nurture
Clicks with different contents )
9ISAAC BizKonnect Delivery Model
- Week 2 3 Act and Accelerate
- Start Theme based email campaign
- Get feedback and analyze responses
- Refine communication messages to the prospect
- Refine the strategy and refine volume and
frequency - Start Follow ups
- Get predictable Volume and Metrics
10Accelerate Cruise
4 Thought Leadership
Increase the volume
3 Nurturing
2 Event Travel Based Campaign
1 Follow ups Increased volume
11Nurture , Disciplined Follow ups
- Regular follow ups by sending contents relevant
to the prospect
Week 0
Week 2
Email 1 2
Email 3 4
Email 5 6
Email 7 8
- Send Personalized emails to the ones who click
- Send new content with each email
- Move out the ones who are not interested
On an average you need 5 follow ups before you
can expect a response !!
12ISAAC BizKonnect Delivery Model
- Week 4 onwards - Cruise
- Prospect research, qualification and email
campaigning at full throttle with minimum
guidance - Daily alerts to show progress
- Weekly communication on account strategies
- Collaborate to refine account strategy,
communication style - Refine configurations as needed
13Critical Dependencies to achieve results
- Strong collaboration between your Sales /
Marketing team and Program Manager - Discuss the Budget, Authority, Need and Konnect
indicators - Review the theme topic and indicators and give
feedback - Timely feedback on the quality of emails and
14Thank You