Title: Wisconsin Card Sort Online CogQuiz Tests
1Wisconsin Card Sort Online CogQuiz Tests
Computer Based Tools
2About Us
CogQuizs card sorting test like other sorting
tests might be administered to individuals with
brain injury (e.g., TBI, stroke, etc.),
neurological/neurodegenerative disorders (e.g.,
Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease, etc.),
psychological/mental disorders (e.g.,
schizophrenia, depression, etc.), or to assess
development in children and decline in elderly.
3The CogQuiz General Philosophy
CogQuiz is a company committed to the development
of powerful computer-based tools for cognitive
and neuropsychological research and evaluation.
Our goal is to design computerized
neuropsychological and cognitive tests that are
affordable for assessment of medical and/or a
mental health status. We have strived, and think
we are successful, in making an easy to use,
affordably priced tests usable by the general
public. As a consumer, you will take a test that
is the equal of any test in terms of norms and
receive feedback at a fraction of the cost of
seeing a licensed professional.
All CogQuiz products come with preprogrammed
tests that were used to collect the normative
data provided in the test documentation. There
are few or no commercial products with equivalent
norms, anywhere.
Processing Speed
Executive function and Planning
5History and Validating Data
Our products reflect over 50 years of experience
in using computers for experiment control, data
acquisition, and data analysis in cognitive and
behavioral research. Our products have been used
as part of a long-term research program in
several universities and by licensed
practitioners alike. Many of the tests have
extensive sets of age-stratified normative data
which are included in each test product's
This test will take about 20 minutes to
complete. Recommended minimum screen resolution
is 1000 x 700.
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1(719)888 9121
7Thank you
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