Title: Card Sorting Test Online, CogQuiz
1Card Sorting Test Online
2About Us
CogQuiz is a company committed to the development
of powerful computer-based tools for cognitive
and neuropsychological research and evaluation.
Our goal is to design computerized
neuropsychological and cognitive tests that are
affordable for assessment of medical and/or
mental health status in consultation with
licensed professionals. We have strived to make
easy to use, affordably priced tests usable by
the public. As a consumer, you have the
opportunity to take a test that provides
age-based norms with feedback. You may print out
a report that you can take to a licensed
professional for an evaluation beyond the report
we provide. We believe that an informed
individual is their own best advocate.
3Card Sorting Test
CogQuizs card sorting test like other sorting
tests might be administered to individuals with
brain injury neurological/neurodegenerative
disorders psychological/mental disorders or to
assess development in children and decline in
Berg, E. A. (1948). A simple objective for
measuring flexibility in thinking. Journal of
General Psychology, 39, 15-22. Eling, P., Derckx,
K., Maes, R. (2008). On the historical and
conceptual background of the Wisconsin Card
Sorting Test. Brain and Cognition, 67, 247-253.
Flashman, L. A., Horner, M. D., Freides, D.
(1991). Note on scoring perseveration on the
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. The Clinical
Neurologist, 5, 2, 190-194. Feldstein, S. N.,
Keller, F. R., Portman, R. E., Durham, R. L.,
Klebe, K. J., Davis, H. P. (1999). A comparison
of computerized and standard versions of the
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. The Clinical
Neurologist, 13, 3, 303-313
This test will take about 20 minutes to
complete. Recommended minimum screen resolution
is 1000 x 700.
Card Sorting Test Online Test Prices
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