Title: Medical Technology Careers
Medical Technology is growing at a fast rate and
the number of technicians needed across the
world is constantly growing. Luckily, people are
responding to this calling and pursuing careers
in medical field in a large number. The term
medical technician is often understood too
broadly, as a term that labels a person who helps
and assists a more qualified colleague. However,
medical technology includes a variety of jobs and
directions in which one can go, from dental
assistants to sonographer technician.
2Radiologic Technology
Radiologic technicians, commonly known as
radiographers or x ray technicians, are in
charge of imaging human anatomy through the use
of advanced x ray machines. Radiographers operate
those x ray machines in order to create images
that are further sent for diagnosis or
treatment. The average yearly salary of a
radiographer equals to around 57 000, which is
pretty amazing, considering the fact that their
job is much easier than that of a nurse.
However, the reason why they get paid more is
because they are risking their own health to
help others by being constantly exposed to
harmful x rays. In terms of requirements, to
become an x ray technician you need a specific
professional Bachelor diploma, while in some
areas of the world you may have to undergo extra
3Vet tech
Vet techs are also called paraveterinary workers,
even though it is much easier to simply call
them vet techs. A vet technician is a person who
assists a veterinary physician, that is, a fully
qualified doctor. They help the doctor in
performing various tasks, depending on their
ability and qualifications. What falls under a
vet techs duties are different animal health
procedures, even though their tasks are limited
to minor operations and they cannot perform any
major surgical operations on their own.
Therefore, a day in a life of a vet tech can
include everything from keeping the pets company
and cleaning them to helping the doctor perform
more complex tasks. The average salary of a vet
tech is around 32 000 per year. To pursue this
career, you will need practical experience and
formalized training alongside your school
degree. http//findmedicaltechnologistjobs.com/