Be Alert Of These Warning Signs Of Bookkeeper Fraud! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Be Alert Of These Warning Signs Of Bookkeeper Fraud!


QuickBooks Pro remote access gives you all the necessary tools and more to help with management of accounts remotely, from anywhere and at anytime. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Be Alert Of These Warning Signs Of Bookkeeper Fraud!

Be Alert of These Warning Signs Of Bookkeeper
Bookkeeper fraud is very common, unfortunately
for business owners. It is difficult to find out
if your bookkeeper is involved because they know
how to manipulate financial records. But keep in
mind that they are human, and human can show
signs of sketchy behaviour that should alert you
of a red flag.
  • QuickBooks Pro remote access gives you all the
    necessary tools and more to help with
  • management of accounts remotely, from
    anywhere and at anytime. This helps you to
  • monitor your books regularly without
    letting your accounts department know.

QuickBooks Pro Remote Access
Human Behavior A Sign
  • Unlawful activities can be a repercussion
    of an external factor in the employees life. A
    sick relative, a
  • personal debt, a spouse losing a job, or any
    other financial pressure. These issues are
    sometimes accompanied by a change in behavior.
  • Here are a few tell-tale signs that you
    should keep a lookout for in employees.

Change In Habits
  • An employee can become disorganized,
    discontented, or generally distant. They might
    suddenly start making a lot of
  • personal calls. They might mean
    something else, but there is no harm in having a
    personal conversation with your
  • employee.
  • Too often we are suspicious of an employee
    who is a slacker or an underachiever. But beware,
    those burning the
  • midnight oil can be suspicious. If your
    bookkeeper or anyone who has access to important
    financial records and
  • papers, start working on weekends, or
    longer hours, it is important to take notice.

Financial Difficulties
In most cases, it is the result of circumstances
that pressure an employee to commit embezzlement.
There may have been a sudden debt situation,
like, gambling, drug addiction, divorce alimony,
can cause a desperate need for extra money. Some
people have a habit of spending more than they
can afford. Overspending, loans, high credit
debts are far too common. They can affect people
in such a way that can steer them to take the
chance to commit a crime, especially if they have
no prior record of it.
Control Issues
It is critical to have separation of duties for
different financial functions like payment of
bills, account management, etc. If you notice
that your bookkeeper wants to control all the
activities and financial management functions,
there might be something wrong.
Be wise, Be safe
  • Embezzlement, theft, fraud, call it by any
    name, its effect on a business
  • is disastrous. Sometimes it may happen
    just because it is too easy.
  • Blindly trusting your employees and
    leaving your business assets
  • unsupervised is like leaving your
    companys vault wide open for
  • everyone.
  • Cloud-hosted accounting software allows you
    to remotely access your
  • books that lets you randomly check your
    accounts from anywhere you
  • want. QuickBooks Pro is a powerful
    accounting software that helps
  • you prevent human errors, and cloud
    hosting of the software gives
  • remote access which can be a huge help
    in regular monitoring and
  • security.
  • Enjoy working on one of the most popular
    software worldwide, QuickBooks Pro!

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SageNext Infotech is an Intuits trusted premier
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We visions to host all the QuickBooks accounting
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