Title: non surgical body contouring-New You Body Sculpting
1W E L C O M E T O
Weight Loss Program Nutrition Detox
2New You Body Sculpting
Is A Weight Loss Program That Combines The Best
Technology With The Best Nutrition And Detox To
Get You Real Results. With Our Technology, We Are
Able To Target The Areas Of The Body You Want To
Non Surgical Body Contouring
New You Body Sculpting fulfills a need for
people to get results in their health and weight
3Marion Il 62959 Murphysboro Il 62966 Phone
6618-684-3344 618-998-9333 email-id
Non Surgical Or Laser Lipo For Short Has Been A
Popular Salon Treatment For A While Now. The
Treatment Works By Using A Particular Which
Penetrates About 6 Cm Down Into The Subcutaneous
Fatty Layer And Causes The Fat Cells To Release
Their Stored Content Thus Deflating Them And
Therefore Causing Inch Loss.
Frequency of laser
The non-surgical procedure is meant to scale back
fat in particular areas of the body via
controlled cooling areas of the body that include
the thighs, abdomen, under the chin, back, sides,
and by the buttocks. Additionally it is come in
several countries, but each one has their very
own restrictions for the areas of the human body
that they may use it on.
5The treatment does indeed provide inch loss which
can last around 30 days. In fact it guarantees
inch loss or your money back. Beware however
the company claim that you will lose six inches
and this is a point that many treatment
practitioners are guilty of because measurements
given are cumulative.
6Thanks For Watching