Title: non surgical body contouring-Murphysborochiropractic
1LIPO Light Body Sculpting Treatments
New You Body Sculpting
2Of the spot fat reduction techniques there are
three contenders. Laser Lipolysis, Ultrasonic
Cavitation and Cryo Lipolysis or 'Cool
Sculpting' as it is sometimes called.
3SmartLipo / Laser Lipolysis Technique
SmartLipo is a pulsed 1.064 nm NdYAG system
with very special and specific features
- Ultra short pulses (one ten-thousandth of a
second) - Extremely high peak powers (up to 1,500 watts).
- The positioning of the cannel is highlighted via
- trans-illumination from a red guiding beam
4Laser Lipolysis or Laser Lipo for short has been
a popular salon Treatment for a while now. The
treatment works by using a particular frequency
of laser light which penetrates about 6 cm down
into the subcutaneous fatty layer and causes the
fat cells to release their stored content
thus deflating them and therefore causing inch
The desired area is treated by applying paddles
that are embedded with cold laser diodes, the
light from which penetrates the skin down into
the subcutaneous fatty layer causing the fat
cells to release their contents.
5About New You Body Sculpting
New You Body Sculpting is weight loss program
that combines the best technology with the best
nutrition and detox to get you real results.
With our technology, we are able to target the
areas of the body you want to target. Our
nutrition and detox help to nourish the body,
so that you dont experience the cravings for
junk food.
6106 S. 14th Street Murphysboro Il 62966 7992
Aviation Drive Suite A Marion Il 62959
618-684-3344 618-998-9333