Title: Predictive Lead Generation
1Predictive Lead Generation
Discover your market, buyers with precision.
- Build your pipeline
- Contextual prospect intelligence
- Identify new markets
- Validate your territory planning
- Case studies
- Anytime, anywhere
3Build your pipeline
The success of a marketing team is directly
proportional to the pipeline it creates.
- Fuel your marketing engine with relevant leads
that are not in your pipeline yet. - Fiinds Predictive Lead Generation solution uses
machine learning to analyze your existing
customers and runs it against our growing library
of over 100 million of signals to discover a
universe of look-alike prospects in your target
4Contextual prospect intelligence
Signals Context Access anytime, anywhere
- Ingest Using Public and Fiind APIs
- Built on Azure Private/Public
- Advanced algorithms Profiling, Fuzzy, NLP
- Proven transformation techniques Best-in-class
- Advanced predictive algorithms
- Visualize data instantaneously
- Connect to Azure ML
- Actionable insights and not reports
5Examples of signals that predict customer buying
Advanced Unique High Value
Omni channel High audit needs IoT enabled B2B
Highly regulated sectors Trends in MA New
product developments Manufacturing Consumer
Goods, Financial, Public Sector, Oil Gas,
Requirement for cost reduction OPEX vs CAPEX
Regional, national or global Growth vs decline
Government Contracts Multiple locations New
production facilities New plant capacity New
product launches RD spend
New C-level Hiring for specific roles or skills
Corporate or plant level roles Employee
attrition rate Employee satisfaction trends
Local or geographically dispersed workforce
Strategic growth or people initiatives
Use of analytics and SEO keywords Analytics to
run Ads E-commerce and mobile commerce features
IoT capabilities Decentralized operations
(leveraging Cloud, ERP, CRM) Integrating
business systems with suppliers
Product, company or industry related keywords
Relevant blogs/tweets/posts Management quotes
Promotions on new products Discussing growth,
key initiatives, concerns Sentiments and
Historical transaction data Firmographics
Campaign response Attended events and trade
shows Downloaded gated content (white paper,
MSDS, TDS) Attended webinar
Basic Out-of-box Commodity
6Identify new markets
Identify net new leads and foray into newer
Fiinds Predictive Lead Generation intelligence
helps you identify your total addressable market
and serviceable market by segmenting your
prospects based on intent, product-fit, match
with your existing customers and more.
7Validate your territory planning
Validate your newer sales territories based on
prospect buying signals.
- Validate your newer sales territories based on
the signals that you may be looking for in your
prospects. - Fiinds predictive account modelling allows you
to build your territory roadmap, validate your
marketing experiments, justify your investments
based on revenue potential and more.
8Case studies
Global Systems Integrator
Data Sciences Platform
Enterprise ISV
Productivity Platform
- Commercial expansion
- Enable product launches
- Accelerate cloud
- Enable partners
- Sales missing targets
- Unhappy with leads
- Growth ambitions
- Account based Mkt
1 hr/day
gt2X lift
1K leads
Saved by focusing on the right Signals with the
right accounts, integrated with SFDC CRM.
Improvement in qualified marketing leads through
targeting of buying Signals, integrated with
Dynamics CRM.
In O365 conversions. Identified right
upsell/cross-sell customers for O365, CRM, Azure
and SQL.
Identified the right leads and message, based on
50 Signals mapped to the value proposition.
We took a different approach by listening for
customer signals that signified buying intent.
Fiinds solution built on Microsoft Azure
resulted in over 2X improvement in conversions.
Fiind enables to transform marketing with the
ability to sense and respond to potential
customers based on buying signals. We now have
the equivalent of a Marketing GPS.
Identified the right leads and message, based on
50 Signals mapped to the value proposition.
Fiind amplifies our sales IQ with easy to use
customer buying signals on everyday tools like
CRM and Email.
Greg Jung VP Marketing, Civis Analytics
Igor Rikalo COO, O9 Solutions
Ganesh Ramakrishnan CEO, iLink Systems
Nicolas Facon Sr. Director, Microsoft
9Delivering prospect intelligence within your apps.
Access anytime, anywhere.
10Know more about us at www.fiind.com 1 (425) 214
4747 info_at_fiind.com