Introduction to Wifi & Hotspot - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Wifi & Hotspot


WI-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity is a generic term that refers to the IEEE 802.11 communications standrads for Wireless Local Area Networks.A Hotspot is any location where Wi-Fi network access is made publicly available. Know about Wifi and elements of wifi network. Also read how wifi works.IBerry Wifi provides solutions for the WiFi Hotel Hotspots, WiFi Hotspots & WiFi Wireless Hotel Hotspots. WiFi system for hotel WiFi Hotspots for business hotels, universities & colleges. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Wifi & Hotspot

Introduction to Wifi Hotspot
Introduction To WI - FI
  • Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is a generic term that
    refers to the IEEE 802.11 communications standard
    for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs).
  • Wireless Technology is an alternative to Wired
    Technology, which is commonly used, for
    connecting devices in wireless using radio waves.
  • Allows you to access the Internet while on the
    move you can remain online while moving from
    one area to another, without a disconnection or
    loss in coverage.

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What is Hotspot ?
  •  A Hotspot is any location where Wi-Fi network
    access is made publicly available.
  • Hotspots are equipped with a Broadband Internet
    connection, and one or more Access Points that
    allow users to access the Internet wirelessly.
  • Hotspots can be setup in any public location
    that can support an Internet connection. All the
    locations discussed below are examples of

Wi-Fi Hotspot Locations
  • Airports
  • Hotels Resorts
  • Restaurants
  • Coffee Shops
  • Bookstores
  • Shopping Malls
  • There are several online services allow you find
    hotspot locations.

Elements of a Wi-Fi Network
Access Point (AP) - The AP is a wireless LAN
transceiver or base station that can connect
one or many wireless devices in the same time to
the Internet. Safeguards - Firewalls and
anti-virus software protect networks from
uninvited users and keep information
secure. Wi-Fi cards (Adapters) - They accept the
wireless signal and relay information. They can
be internal and external.
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Setting up Wi-Fi Access
If you're wanting to set up your own Wi-Fi at
home, you need a wireless router and access to
the router's admin management pages to configure
the right settings like the Wi-Fi channel,
password, network name, etc. It's usually pretty
simple to configure a wireless device to connect
to a Wi-Fi network. The steps include ensuring
that the Wi-Fi connection is enabled and then
searching for a nearby network to provide the
proper SSID and password to make the
connection. Some devices don't have a
wireless adapter built-in, in which case you
can buy your own Wi-Fi USB adapter. You can
also share your internet connection with other
devices to create a wireless hotspot from your
How Wifi Works
Like mobile phones, a WiFi network makes use of
radio waves to transmit information across a
network. The computer should include a wireless
adapter that will translate data sent into a
radio signal. This same signal will be
transmitted, via an antenna, to a decoder known
as the router. Once decoded, data will be sent to
Internet through a wired Ethernet
connection. As the wireless network works as a
two-way traffic, the data received from the
internet will also pass through the router to be
coded into a radio signal that will be received
by the computer's wireless adapter. 
Advantages of Wi- Fi
  • No Wires - A truly wireless networking solution.
  • No Waiting - Fast, easy deployments.
  • No Worries - A wireless networking system that is
    secure, easy to manage, and built to grow with
  • Ease of Installation - Quick, easy setup.
  • Fast data transfer rates

Contact Us
Address 598, 1st Floor, Durga Ice-Cream,
Lawrence Road, Amritsar, Punjab, 143001. Phone
91-8872372233, 91-9815214011 Website Email, support_at_iberrywifise
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