1Tips for Using Social Media during Your Divorce
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2For a select few divorces, things can proceed
smoothly and amicably, yet this is the exception,
not the rule. For most divorcing couples, going
through a divorce can be emotional and stressful.
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3Further adding fuel to an already complex process
is how each person uses social media during their
divorce proceedings.
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4Courts today are taking into account social media
posts, pictures, and comments
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5when reviewing evidence for various aspects of
the proceedings, including but not limited
toChild CustodyChild Support
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6Child AccessSpousal SupportDivision of
Martial AssetsDisposition of Martial Home
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7Even though social media can be a great tool and
valuable support system to connect with friends
and relatives during your divorce, you do need to
take extra precautions to protect your interests
by using the following suggestions.
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8Do review your friends list and privacy
settings.Chances are your spouse is still on
your friends list so they will see anything you
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9It is a good idea to unfriend them, as well as
any other mutual friends during the divorce.
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10This can help prevent your posts being seen by
your spouse. In addition, review and update your
privacy and security settings to verify who can
see your posts.
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11Do not post pictures of newly acquired belongings
and property.You might think it a great idea to
show off your new sports car you just bought that
your spouse would never allow you to purchase.
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12However, this could be viewed as attempting to
dispose of martial assets, namely the cash and
trade-in you used for the down payment.
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13Tip Before making major purchases during a
divorce, it is best to consult with your Toronto
divorce lawyer.
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14Do not bash your spouse on social media.It is
important to show restraint and respect, even
though both can be difficult during a divorce.
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15Posting negative comments about your spouse, the
divorce proceedings, and other rants can
seriously hurt your case if these are brought to
light in court. If you need to vent your
frustrations do them offline by talking to your
lawyer, a counsellor, or trusted friend.
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16Dont delete social media accounts or posts.It
can be tempting to simply erase your social media
presence during a divorce.
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17However, you spouse may view this action as an
attempt to hide something from them. It is better
to leave accounts as-is and just not use them
until the divorce is finalized.
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18Do be mindful of pictures you post.Things are
often taken out of context during a contentious
divorce. Posting a picture of you with a group of
your friends having a fun night out might seem
okay to post,
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19but your spouse could attempt to us it against
you. Pictures that seem insignificant can quickly
become the focal point during child custody and
support hearings, or other divorce proceedings.
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20Your social media usage can be considered
evidence during a divorce. The more information
you share in public forums only increases the
likelihood of your spouse and their lawyer
attempting to use it against you.
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21Remember, Davies Law Firm is here to help you
through your divorce. Our law firm has helped
many people through complex and contentious
divorces. Call (613) 688-0462 now to schedule a
consultation. Source- http//www.daviesdivorce
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