Title: Eunimart Cross-Border E-Commerce Analysis (1)
1Turbocharging Indias B2C Cross-border Exports
2016 Indian Exports to Major Countries (USD 302
3Eunimart Value proposition and risk analysis
- End to end Logistics 50 cost drop
- International payments repatriation - 3 cost
drop - Competitive Pricing per Channel
- 16 years Historical Sales Data -predictive sales
and variables affecting sales - Content Analysis and Scoring via Automated NLP
tool - Portfolio Analysis via BI tool
- Lack of access insight into the markets,
marketplaces and categories - High Operational Cost makes products non
competitive - High regulatory complexity and Low transparency
of process
Competitive Advantages
Barriers to Entry
- 10 marketplaces, 22 channels, 4 continents
- Full integrated - No extra cost
- Increase sales by 100 within 6 months
4Eunimart Value Add 360 degree Support
Automated Pricing, Content, Portfolio Analysis
Sales Insights
Orders and Inventory Management
Multi-Channel Shipping and Payments
Multi-Channel Management
Increase sales by 43, reduce costs by 50
Increase sales by 50
Increase sales by 50
Increase sales 2X
Detailed information available in annexure
5Where we are today
- 400 Small Medium Businesses
- 300 Brands
- 70 Manufacturers
- 22 Ecommerce Channels
- 60 Countries
- Global Payment Partners
- Smart Logistics Partner
- Full integration, Automated listing, Orders,
Inventory, Logistics, Payment
BIG DATA NLP analysis Predictive sales
analysis, Content scoring analysis, Portfolio
analysis, Competitive pricing
We are excited to work with Eunimart sellers,
provide a new market for your products, and learn
with you as you grow!
Payoneer is delighted to Partner with Eunimart
to evangelize the Indian Seller market to
sell Globally
Mark Dorsey, COO
Gaurav Shishodia, Director, Business Development
We are pleased to announce a strategic
partnership with Eunimart. Mayflowers expertise
in linguistic services combined with Eunimarts
proficiency in cross-border ecommerce, is a
definite accelerator in our mission to help
Indian merchants find new opportunities and
success in global markets
We are excited to work with Eunimart with a
vision to provide a global platform to scale your
María Ascencao, Head Commercial International
Marketplace America
Madhuri Hedge, CEO
7Market Size Potential
US 307 BN
Cross border ecommerce From India 2016 US 2.7 BN
B2B Exports from INDIA mapped to Retail
Categories US 60 BN
Overall Exports from India
Cross-Border Ecommerce
8Eunimarts Value Addition
WIN-WIN Through automated cross-border ecommerce
we cut out the middlemen and sell the same
product for 1.5X, thereby passing 1.5X value to
the end customer and 0.5X value to the seller and
increase overall sales by 50
US 307 BN
Overall B2B Exports from India
US 90 BN
Potential Cross-Border Ecommerce Sales outbound
from India
US 60 BN
Retail Categories B2B Exports from India
Growing at 10 CAGR
3X growth in final selling price in traditional
distribution methods means we leave 2X money on
the table
9Potential Growth Story
Captured Market Size 5
Target Market
Commission Revenues (3)
90 MN orders Processed
US 90 BN
US 4.5 BN
US 135 MN
Average Selling Price per order 50
10Eunimart Backend Engine
Eunimart UI Portal
Third Party Vendor Market Place
11Want to see more Slides
To get access to the complete Document, Please
visit https//www.eunimart.com