Title: Evangelical Outreach (1)
1Wel Come
Evangelical Outreach
This free Bible study will help as you search the
scriptures for answers. There are many bible
heroes besides the martyr Stephen and John the
Baptist. This salvation quiz on everlasting life
and the related is very concise and important.
Moreover, these questions related to the
believers conditional security are also
important as their answers dismantle OSAS. You
are battling for eternity. Make your life count
for God.
2The Mary of Catholicism is prayed to, honored and
venerated, but that is just a small part of how
devout Catholics show their devotion to Mary.
Though often denied, at times Catholicism has
actually taught Mary is to be worshiped! Proof of
that can be found
3Though it should never be, the lingering question
for many remains Is once saved always saved or a
conditional salvation the Biblical truth? While
some Bible believers embrace a conditional
security in Christ (or NO eternal security) most
professing Christians live in no fear of God or
concern about sinning as they embrace once saved
always saved. Eternal Security Once Saved Always
Saved .
4Part of the message of the eternal security (or
once saved always saved) teachers is that the
disagreement between those who reject eternal
security and those who hold to this
security-in-sin gospel (a better way to identify
the eternal security doctrine) is that it is an
in house debate. false teachers.
5One day before I had this debate with Mark
Driscoll, the Calvinistic pastor of Mars Hill
Church in Seattle Washington, I was contacted by
phone but it wasn't initially mark driscoll dan
corner debatefor a debate but merely for a two
hour interview on eternal security.
6Contact Information
Business Name Evangelical Outreach Business
Email eternallifeblog_at_gmail.com Phone (724)
632-3210 City Washington Country USA Street
PO Box 265 State- PA Zip Code 15301