Title: Innovative Hip Seat Baby Carrier by Huggs | Abiie
1 Innovative Hip Seat Baby Carrier by
Huggs Abiie LLC
2About Huggs Hip Seat Baby Carrrier
Huggs Contour is an innovative baby carrier built
for versatility. Its revolutionary carrier
booster seat not only provides all-day comfort,
the ergonomic design ensures a healthy sitting
position (frog-leg or M-position) for a growing
baby. Huggs Contour is lightweight, yet rugged,
and has been designed to deliver the very best
ergonomics in every carrying mode, for both the
parent and child. Huggs Contour is the perfect
companion for parents who want to keep their baby
close and comfortable, at anytime and anywhere.
36 CARRYING MODES The Huggs Contour has been
designed to deliver the very best comfort in
every carrying mode.
Hip Carry Modes - Use the hip seat alone by
detaching it from the main body of the
carrier. Front-Inward (3-36 months) Front-Outward
(6-36 months)
Full Carry Modes - Front-Inward (3-36
months) Front-Outward (6-36 months) Back Carry
(6-48 months) Crisscross Carry (6-36 months)
5Patented Healthy Hip Seat Carrier The carrier
booster seat provides all-day comfort and keeps
your baby ergonomically seated in a healthy hip
position (M-position). The patented arch design
not only occupies less storage space, but it has
also been engineered to distribute the load
evenly and provide support for children up to 45
lbs (20 kg).
Family Choice Gold Award
Creative Child Product of the Year Moms
Choice Gold Award
7 http//www.abiie.com/
Us MyQuestion_at_abiie.com Abiie, LLC
Plaza-7000 7000
North Mopac Expressway 2nd
Austin, TX 78731, United States