Title: Jim Neumann - President & CEO
1Jim Neumann
President CEO, OOS Investment, Inc.
2Jim Neumann currently works as the President and
CEO at OOS Investment, Inc which is located in
Chicago, Illinois.
3He has also gained his experience by previously
working at City Door, Ben Franklin Corporations,
and SRC Bus Advertising, Inc.
4Jim Neumann Chicago is owner of many awards and
he is honored to be amongst the 100 marketers who
have helped evolved American Culture from
Advertising Age.
5Jim Neumann has also proved his expertise in the
outdoor media industry. He has been supervising
whole business and franchise operations.
6Jim Neumann Chicago initially started working as
an installer at and outdoor sign market of 3M.
And gradually availed the privilege of becoming
the youngest VP of a 110-years old company.
7Jim Neumann has also worked as a sales executive
and handled OEM territory for a 3M line of
commercial and industrial automotive products.
8He has been contributing many different
corporations occasionally. And he also has an
extinction of being the founding member of the HD
Digital Billboard Alliance.
9Jim Neumann Chicago is a socially active person
with a broad spectrum of interest in doing
outdoor activities. Some of those activities
include boating and riding off-road vehicles. He
has been at different destinations, majorly
Europe and South America.
10Thank You