Title: Magento 2 Admin Mobile App
Introduction 1 Benefits of MageMob Admin
1 Installation Activation 2 Pre-requisite
2 Installation Steps 2 Installation via
Composer 5 Extension Activation 7 How it
Works? 9 Back End Configuration 9 MageMob
Admin Mobile APP 11 Points to Note 26 FAQ
26 Contact Us 29
MageMob Admin Version 1.0.0
Compatibility Magento Community Edition 2.0
Mobile OS Android 4.2 and Above IOS 9 and Above
2- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Introduction
- AppJetty provides effective solution in the form
of Mobile MageMob Admin that helps you to connect
your Magento store via your mobile. - An ideal extension for merchants which allows to
view all the information i.e., order details,
product details and customer details. It offers a
customized dashboard containing visual and
textual description of total order. You can
manage inventory using the enterprise version. - Note This extension works on the default
inventory configuration setting of Magento.
Manage Stock option should be set to ?YES?. - Benefits of MageMob Admin
- Helps to manage your Magento store easily.
- Helps manage customers, orders, products etc.
- Build a loyal relationship with customers by
providing a transparent sales experience. - Access anytime, anywhere at work, at home, on
the go. - Increases sales and revenue.
- It will help you improve the accuracy of
inventory orders. Helps you figure out how much
inventory you need to have on hand. - Helps manage customers products on the move.
- Useful for keeping track of sales data with
graphical representation.
3- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Installation Activation
- Pre-requisite
- This extension is dependent on default inventory
settings of Magento - This can be checked from Store -gt Setting
(Section) -gt Configuration -gt Catalog -gt
Inventory - Expand the ?Product Stock Options? and set the
?Manage Stock? option to ?Yes? - Installation Steps
- Manual Installation (Installing Magento 2
extension by copying code) Step 1 - For Windows OS
- Go to ltyour Magento install dirgt/app/code.
Under that, create the folders using
following hierarchy - Biztech
4- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Step 2
- After the successful installation you have to run
the command on Magento2 root directory- - ?php diY/wageYto setup upgrade?.
- If you see blank page or permission error,
go to Terminal (Linux)/ Command Prompt
(Windows). - cd magento root directoryvar
- run the following command
- chmod R 777
- Step 3
- After running the command, log into the admin
panel and clear the Cache.
5- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Step 4
- After the suÐÐessful iYstallatioY, ?ou ÐaY see
the ?MageMod AdwiY? uYder BIZTECH tad iYside - STORES -gt CONFIGURATION.
6- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Installation via Composer
- Step 1
- Install composer from this link. If you have
already installed composer, skip this step. - Step 2
- Go to app -gt code -gt Biztech -gt Mobile assistant,
right click on composer.json and select use
composer here.
- Step 3
- After that you can see command prompt where you
have to run the following command - composer update
7- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Step 4
- Now go to magento root directory and right
click on use Composer here.
- Step 5
- You can see the cmd window and run the following
command here - php bin/magento setupupgrade
- Step 6
- After running the command, log into the admin
panel and clear the Cache. Go to SYSTEM -gt Tools
(section) -gt CACHE MANAGEMENT to clear the cache. - Step 7
- After suÐÐessful iYstallatioY, ?ou ÐaY see
the ?MageMod AdwiY? uYder BIZTECH tad
8- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Extension Activation
- Get activation key
- Copy the activation key from the Order
Confirmation Mail. OR Login into your
account at website using the e-mail and password
that you provided at checkout process. - Go to Downloadable Options and copy the
activation key for the MageMob Admin. - Activate your extensions
- Log into Magento Admin Panel and go to
Stores -gt Configuration -gt Biztech /
MageMob Admin / MageMob Admin Activation and
enter the activation key in the ?Activation Key?
field for the MageMob Admin extension then click
the ?Save Config?.
9- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Select Websites
- When you enter and save the key it will be
verified and you can select the websites where
you need to use the MageMob Admin extension.
Click the ?Save Config? button after making your
- After successful license validation, you can
select the website. Now, your MageMob Admin
extension is activated.
10- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- How it Works?
- Back End Configuration
- Please follow the below steps to configure
MageMob Admin extension. - Go to Stores -gt Configuration
- In the left column you will see the tab Biztech
Extensions -gt MageMob Admin. - Enable Extension General Extension
Configurations - Select ?Yes? to enable the extension.
- General Configurations
- Enabled Select ?Yes? to enable the MageMob Admin
extension. The extension is disabled by default. - New Order Notification Message Enter message
which will be received on the Mobile app whenever
a New Order is received. - New Customer Register Notification Message Enter
message which will be received on the Mobile app
whenever a New Customer is registered. - Minimum Quantity Required For Product Enter
minimum quantity required for product inventory
alerts. - Product Inventory Notification Message Enter
message which will be received on the Mobile app
whenever a product quantity is lower than or
equal to minimum quantity. - Product Review Notification Message Enter
message which will be received on the Mobile app
whenever a new product review is added. - Store Base URL QR code Displays QR code for
store base URL.
11USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
12- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- MageMob Admin Mobile APP
- Professional Version
- Dashboard
- An easy to manage dashboard that can be
customized as per the business needs.
13- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Manage multiple stores from dashboard.
14- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- It can help you get all relevant details about
orders, products and customers thus keeping you
updated about your online store. - Displays current year sales
- Average monthly order value
- Number of orders placed
- A complete report of total sales etc.
15- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Manage Sales Orders
- Gives you a complete overview of the orders
placed, canceled, pending, delivered and many
16- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- It also allows you to search different orders
based on various filters.
- Some of the major Sales Order related features
are - Different orders can be searched using filtered
search feature. - Status for various orders can be viewed.
- Placed orders will be notified to you.
- You can view the complete information of orders
placed by different customers.
17- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Manage Products
- It displays product list and product details.
- Attributes like price, type, status etc. are also
displayed. - You can filter the products by product type
product quantity.
18- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Manage Customers
- It displays the list of customers and their
19- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Provides customer details, like order details
along with shipping and billing addresses. - Admin can also manage and edit the customer
details with a single click on the particular
customer account.
20- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Widget/Toda??s E?tension
- Displays list of Recent Orders, New Customers and
Low stock products - Displays order count, Orders total, new Customers
count and Low Stock Products count for the
selected duration. - Android/Apple Watch Support
- Admin can view Orders count and total, new
Customers count and Low Stock Products count at
glance on the their android/apple watch as well
as can view other app notifications on the same.
21- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Professional Version
- Manage Invoices for Sales Orders
- Admin can generate Invoices for sales order.
- Admin can also cancel and print orders with
MageMob Admin. - Admin can also mail the invoice directly to the
customer from mobile app.
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- Manage Customers
- Admin can create a new customer for your store
from MageMob Admin mobile app.
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- Admin can also edit details of the existing store
customer and can contact with the customer via
mail or call from the app.
24- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Manage Products
- Admin ÐaY edit stores siwple produÐts ?ith
MageMod AdwiY. - Admin can also ÐhaYge ProduÐts Nawe, ProduÐts
DesÐriptioY aYd ProduÐts PriÐe QuaYtit?. - Thereafter admin can change the status of product
and manage the availability of the product as
25- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Manage Product Reviews
- Admin can access product reviews on the phone.
Using it admin can also view all the reviews of
the store products submitted by the customers. - Admin also has rights to approve or disapprove
the reviews. - Admin can also delete the reviews for the
26- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Charts for Interactive Sales Reports
- Admin can generate charts for sales which would
help in staying up to date with the sales of
their store. - Charts can be generated for various filters
- Country Based Sales Chart
- Average Item / Order Chart
- Most Wish-listed Product Chart
- Best Seller Item Chart
- Charts can be generated for different criteria
such as - Last 24 Hours Sales
27- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Points to Note
- Products in all the modules of MageMob Admin will
only be visible if they are assigned to the
website selected while purchasing the Extension. - Limit of quantity of product to be out of stock
is configured from Magento admin. - FAQ
- General FAQ
- Will the mobile app work on Android and iOS?
- Ans Yes, the app is available for both Android
and iOS. You can download from the respective
stores. - What Versions of Magento does MageMob Admin
Support? Ans The MageMob Admin extension is
compatible with 2.0.. - Do I need to install anything on Magento?
- Ans Yes, ?ou Yeed to iYstall the ?MageMob Admin?
e?teYsioY oY MageYto.
28- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- Can I edit the extension?
- Ans All our extensions are 100 open source. You
can customize the extension except the file
containing our license code. - What if I get an error message after the
installation of extension Or 404 Error Page not
found, after installing extension? - Ans No need to worry. Just log out of your
Magento admin panel and login in again. - Can you customize the extension and app as our
store needs? - Ans Yes, we do customize the extension and app
as per your need. This requires extra effort and
estimation. - Do you have a refund policy?
- Ans Yes, you can refer our refund policy _at_
https//www.appjetty.com/refund-policy.htm we
stand behind the quality of our extensions with a
15-day money back guarantee. - Technical FAQ
29- USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin
- What if after trying all your suggestions, still
cannot login the app? - Ans There must be some major 3rd party extension
conflicts. You can shoot and email at
support_at_appjetty.com for further seamless
support. - What sort of notifications will be received in
the app? - Ans You will receive the following notifications
based on your back end configuration - Order notification
- Product notification
- Customer notification
- Review notification.
- Can the notification message be customized?
30USER MANUAL Magento 2 MageMob Admin Contact
Us We simplify your business, offer unique
business solution in digital web and IT
Live Chat
- Tickets
- Raise tickets for your specific question!
- Get instant support with our Live Chat.
- Send an email to support_at_appjetty.com or you can
login to your account _at_ www.appjetty.com and
click on My Sup- port Tickets on your account
dashboard, to get answers to your specific
- Visit our product page at https//www.appjetty.co
m/magento2- magemob-admin.htm and click on the
Live Chat button for instant support.
Customization If you would like to customize or
discuss about additional feature for MageMob
Admin, please write to sales_at_appjetty.com