Title: Mohammad Wajihullah
1Mohammad Wajihullah
2Mohammad Wajihullah
Mohammad Wajihullah teaches the value of sharing
and helping others. Those have the need of the
valuable things to survive. By doing good and
shunning. The spirit of helping each other has
grown bigger with every passing generation.
3Mohammad Wajihullah
Islam We all know Islam is second largest
religion in the world. It is also one of the
oldest religion. Islam is fastest growing major
religion in the world. Muslims make up the
majority of a population in 50countries and has
over 25 of global population. Like every
religion, Islam teaches that there is only one
incomparable God known as Allah.
4Mohammad Wajihullah
Salah (Prayer) Salah is the Arabic word for
prayer. Among all acts of worship, Salah is the
best. Other acts of worship are only accepted if
Salah is accepted by Allah The Most Merciful, The
Most Forgiving. And, if not accepted, other acts
are not accepted as well. Performing prayers five
times a day purifies ones sins just like bathing
five times a day which makes our body clean from
dirt and filth.