Title: Employer Health Insurance & Benefits - HKP
1Employer Health Insurance Benefits
New Strategies to Consider
2Workforce Management
- HKP is your comprehensive workforce solution
offering a menu of solutions from one provider.
From hire to retire, HKP can assist with Tax
credits Payroll Retirement plans Benefits Time
attendance HR consulting Benefits consulting
3Workforce Management
- HKPs workforce management solution can
- Provide a greater return on investment
- Simplify your interface, increase efficiency and
reduce errors - Allow you to better manage your human capital
- Guard your executive information and support
confidentiality procedures - Minimize your risk
- Consolidate your entire human capital system
4- Health Insurance Legislation Update
- ACA still law of the land
- QSEHRA (small employer reimbursement
arrangements) - Small Employer health insurance offering
strategies - Large Employer health coverage strategies
- Employer Benefits Strategies
- Contain Costs
- Optimize administration with online enrollment
5- ACA still in effect
- Employers still mandated to follow requirements
- 1095s to be postmarked to employees by 1/31/2018
6- Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement
Account (QSEHRA) - Signed into law on December 13, 2016 by
President Obama (Cures Act) - QSEHRAs are compliant as of January 1, 2017
7Benefits Strategy and Financial Modeling
- What kind of an employer do you want to be when
it comes to benefits? - Are you more paternalistic/maternalistic?
- What kind of employees are you trying to attract
and retain? - The answers to these questions can help you focus
on the types of benefits to offer
8Benefits Strategy and Financial Modeling
- Small employers health coverage options
- Calendar year timing of the implementation of
QSEHRA is critical - Group health insurance (fully insured)
- Group alternate-funded health (stop loss
w/monthly max payments) - Group health insurance with account-based plans
(see large group) - Group traditional self-funding (stop loss and
paying claims as-you-go)
9Benefits Strategy and Financial Modeling
- Large employers health coverage options
- NO QSEHRA allowed (no individual health insurance
w/employer reimbursements) - Group health insurance (fully insured)
- Group alternate funded health (stop loss
w/monthly max payments) sometimes not available
for groups over 150 covered lives - Participating contracts with refunds for good
experience - Group traditional self-funding (stop loss and
paying claims as-you-go)
- Advantages for employer
- Less responsibilities (verify coverage in place
and reimburse) - No COBRA processing
- No ERISA regulations to follow
- No payroll deductions or enrollment forms
- Disadvantages for employer
- Not many ? need to have the right employees that
will responsibly go out to find their own good
- Disadvantages for employee
- Employee is on their own to find coverage and
deal with bill and claim problems
- Rules
- Small employers only under 50 FTEs per the ACA
definition - Employer must offer reimbursement to all
similarly situated employees - Reimbursement amount can be up to 412/month for
single or 833 for family - Employer must fund NO pre-tax salary reductions
from employees allowed - Employees must provide proof of coverage in order
for employer to reimburse
13Benefits Strategy and Financial Modeling
- Group coverage
- Advantages for employer
- Available to purchase any time during the year
- Broker/consultant available year-round to help
with employee questions and employer
administration - No 20 rate-up for smokers with many major group
health insurers - Group premiums are generally less than individual
premiums in the current environment
14Benefits Strategy and Financial Modeling
- Group coverage
- Disadvantages for employer
- More administration and regulation
- Pretax employee deduction administration,
including Section 125 plan set-up - COBRA or state continuation regulations (IA, IL
and WI) ? Need to offer coverage to terminating
employees, spouses, employees moving to part-time
status, etc.
15Benefits Strategy and Financial Modeling
- Account-based plans
- Non-funded health reimbursement accounts
- Some used to buy-down deductibles for employees
can be offered on pay-as-you go basis - HSAs (Health Savings Accounts)
- Employers can contribute but are not required
- Beware of IRS/DOL comparability and
discrimination rules to ensure you are not
discriminating against non-highly compensated
employees - Flexible spending accounts
- Health FSA
- Commuter
16Benefits Strategy and Financial Modeling
- Cost saving trends
- Telemedicine
- Voluntary benefits
- Account-based plans
- Wellness plans
- Baked in to insurance products
- Separate wellness vendors, or home grown plans
Win-win for employer employees!
17Open Enrollment Planning
- Is electronic enrollment right for you?
- General process
- Employees become responsible for signing up
online - All educational benefits info is at their
fingertips online - Employer can still offer group informational
meetings for questions - Employees can print off their benefit statement
- Employees have year-round online access to
benefit info - Less chance for error in addresses and SSNs. No
questions left blank computer wont allow it!
18- www.hkpayroll.com
- hrconsulting_at_hkpayroll.com
- 888.556.0123
Thank you!