Title: Tips for Filing a Water Damage Claim
1Tips for Filing a Water Damage Claim
2Here are a few tips to help you get started
3About Water Damage Coverage
Did you know that some of the most common home
insurance claims deal with water damage?
Water damage is the second most recurring claim,
right behind wind and hail damage.
4What You Need to Do
Review Your Policy
As stated earlier, not all types of water damage
may be covered by your plan. Review your policy
before you start filling out unnecessary
5Record the Proof
Pictures and videos are going to be your best
friend in proving your case. If there is anything
that is damaged or broken, document it.
6Create a Detailed List of the Damages
In order to be compensated for your lost items,
you need to have a detailed inventory of
everything that was affected by the water damage.
7This article is originally appeared on