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Claimant was not entitled to COP because he filed an Occupational ... procedures Periodic observations On ... accident investigations and the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Kelley Ireland
  • Workers Compensation
  • Program Manager
  • Tucson, AZ
  • 520-792-1450 ext 6082

  • Broaden and develop knowledge of proper accident
  • Work together as a team with Safety during
    accident investigations and the development of
    accident prevention countermeasures

  • Identify/analyze accident trends
  • POWER Initiative Target reductions in

  • How accident investigations relate to WC case
  • VA Form 2162 - Incident Report
  • CA 1 2
  • Preserve critical information at accident scene
  • What supervisors need to know
  • Information collection techniques tips
  • Determine root causes

  • Reduce potential for similar employee injuries
  • Hazard recognition - mitigate subsequent
  • Foster alliance with Safety/Workers Comp/TORT
  • Create safer work environment
  • Reduce operational costs
  • Direct costs versus indirect costs
  • (Medical bills are not the end of the story)

  • Observe and analyze trends
  • Countermeasures and observations are key to
  • Near miss today could mean accident tomorrow
  • Compare accident reports to CA forms
  • WC writes better/more timely challenges based on
    information gained from good supervisory
  • Why VA Form 2162 and CA-forms must match

and finally
  • Save VA money
  • Claims pay outs on questionable WC claims
  • TORT Claims and associated legal costs
  • Provide accurate information that can be used in

POWER Initiative
  • On July 19, 2010, President Obama established a
    4-year Protecting Our Workers and Ensuring
    Reemployment (POWER) Initiative
  • The scope of POWER is to extend prior workplace
    safety and health efforts of the Federal
    Government by setting more aggressive performance
  • Each Federal agency is to improve performance in
    seven areas

What are the initiatives and what do they
really mean?
  • Reduce total injury and illness case rates
  • (Less claims safer employees and
  • 2. Reduce lost time injury and illness case rates
  • (Lost time injuries and illnesses are the
    most severe so we want to reduce them)
  • 3. Analyze lost time injury and illness data
  • (Identify trends - what injuries are happening
    where, why and by whom to enlist improvements)

4. Increase timely filing of workers comp
claims(Claims processed immediately aid injured
worker in getting benefits and in healing)5.
Increase timely filing of wage loss
claims(Injured employee gets paid on time no
loss of income)6. Reduce lost production day
rates(Less injury time more production to
7. Speed employees return to work in cases of
serious injury or illness(Reduces financial and
emotional impact of injury when employee is back
at work. Employee is back in the saddle again)

Form 2162 Incident Report
  • Must be completed for all accidents regardless of
    extent of injury or amount of damage
  • Should not differ from information on CA forms
  • Data mined from Incident Report ensures correct
    data is captured for Bureau of Labor Statistics
    OSHA Log
  • Stats can be used to monitor, create and alter
    current workplace safety programs
  • Data can be used to identify trends and generate
    accident countermeasures

What is the definition of an accident?
  • The National Safety Council defines an accident
  • An undesired event that results in personal
    injury or property damage.

Definition of Near Miss
  • Near miss describes events where no property
    was damaged and no personal injury sustained, but
    given a slight shift in time or position, damage
    and/or injury could easily have occurred.

OSHA Regs - Accident Investigation
  • 1960.29(d) The investigative report of the
    accident shall include appropriate documentation
    on date, time, location, description of
    operations, description of accident, photographs,
    interviews of employees and witnesses,
    measurements, and other pertinent information. A
    copy of the investigative report required by this
    section shall be forwarded to the official in
    charge of the workplace, the appropriate safety
    and health committee, and the exclusive employee
    representative, if any.

When should an investigation be conducted?
  • Immediately after all incidents, whether near
    miss or actual injury/damage event
  • Who should do it?
  • The supervisor in charge of the activity or
    operation and for severe or serious injury, the
    facility Safety Professional

Why Me?(Or Is this why I make the big bucks?)
  • Supervisors are in charge of the operation or
  • You know the ropes, the job tasks and the
    employees involved - youre experienced!
  • You know the terminology and how work should be
  • You know the hazards
  • You know the layout of the area and the equipment

Who should support me in every work related
Injury/Illness Investigation?
  • Safety Officer
  • The Safety Officer is responsible for obtaining
    an investigative report for every accident which
    must be retained for a minimum of 5 years and is
    subject to review and inspection by the
    Department of Labor.

Can anyone else help me investigate?
  • In the event more expertise is required or after
    a serious event, of course!
  • Police or emergency services
  • Safe Patient Lifting Coordinator
  • Patient Safety Advocate
  • Employees at the scene
  • Environmental services Industrial Hygiene
  • Ergonomist

Where do I begin?
  • Start with the 6 key questions
  • Who?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • Why?
  • How?

Investigation Tips
  • Get to the scene as quickly as possible
  • Preserve critical information
  • Photos
  • Measurements
  • Lighting
  • Layout
  • Hazards present
  • Get witness statements immediately
  • Though they witnessed the same event, stories
    vary because of perceptions
  • Stories change when people talk
  • People forget very quickly

The Ebbinghaus Curve How quickly we forgetIn
1885, Herman Ebbinghaus did an experiment where
subjects memorized a list of meaningless three
letter words and tracked how quickly his subjects
forgot the words Learners rapidly forget
informationĀ In the case of meaningless
information, only 20 minutes afterward, they only
remember 58 of the information
Investigation Tips
  • Secure the accident scene and ensure your own
  • Distinguish fact from opinion
  • Conduct thorough interviews with those involved
    who have knowledge of the incident
  • No such thing as too much information
  • Dont ask leading questions of employees or
  • You werent wearing your seat belt, were you?

Investigation Tips
  • Dont assign blame
  • Get witness statements immediately
  • Just the facts maam, just the facts
  • Opinions, gossip and hearsay dont matter
  • Listen carefully
  • Document everything
  • Look for causal factors
  • (there are usually several factors that lead to
    the accident not just one thing!)

Make sure you have the tools you need to conduct
your investigation
  • Container for investigation materials
  • Paper and pens/pencils
  • Tape measure or other measuring device
  • Clipboard
  • Camera
  • Flashlight/extra batteries
  • Protective gear

  • Barricade tape
  • Nitrile or latex gloves
  • Digital or tape recorder
  • Witness forms
  • Sign-in sheet (for employees on scene at the time
    of the incident)
  • Sticky notes
  • Business cards
  • Baggies (sealable)
  • Flares
  • Water
  • Accident forms
  • Maps
  • Rain gear

Contributing factors
  • Weather
  • Work hours
  • Layout
  • Ergonomics
  • Traffic patterns
  • Short-cutting
  • Haste
  • Lack of training/experience
  • Obstructions
  • Work practice methods
  • Equipment condition
  • Environmental or physical hazards
  • Skills/abilities of worker
  • Lack of enforcement

And now the report
  • Write in a narrative style
  • Remember the 6 key questions!
  • Who?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • Why?
  • How?

Which narrative is best to describe an accident
that happened at your facility?
  • Worker slipped and hurt his knee when he fell to
    the floor

  • On Thursday, May 24, Nurses Aid Adam Briscoe,
    slipped and fell on water tracked into the
    building from a rain storm at the hospitals
    north entrance. Adam struck his right knee
    against the floor. He was not wearing shoes with
    slip resistant soles. He was texting as he
    walked into the hospital to report for work and
    didnt notice the water. He was treated by his
    physician who diagnosed a right knee
    strain/contusion. No weather matting or signs
    were in place near the door. Maintenance had
    been called earlier to mop and put signs up, but
    had not yet responded.

  • 6 key pieces of information were identified
  • Hazards were identified
  • Contributing factors identified
  • Root cause can be determined from information
  • Preventive measures can be put in place
  • Future accidents/injuries can be prevented

What will this accident cost?
  • It Depends!
  • Every workplace accident or injury has both
    Direct and indirect costs. The direct costs, we
    recognize right away.
  • Can you name some direct costs?

Direct Costs
  • Ambulance bill
  • Diagnostics MRI, CT Scan, X Rays
  • Medication
  • Physical therapy Often 16 visits
  • urgery
  • Damaged equipment or materials
  • Continuation of Pay (COP)

What is meant by indirect costs?
  • Indirect costs are behind the scenes costs that
    add additional expenses to the direct costs of an
    accident/injury that we often dont even consider
  • Can you think of some indirect costs?

Indirect Costs
  • Hours taken for supervisor to investigate and
    fill out reports
  • Replacement costs for injured worker
  • Workers Compensation
  • Overtime
  • Lost productivity
  • Low morale (sick calls, short staffing)
  • OSHA complaints

Class Exercise
  • Housekeeping Aid filed CA-2 for groin pain he
    sustained when stacking chairs.
  • Date of injury on or about 6-1-2011
  • Date employee filed claim 6-30-2011
  • Employee took 3 weeks off between date of
    injury and date claim was filed, using all his
    accrued leave. He helped his family move
    household goods belongings onto a large truck
    during a wildfire and moved his family to another
    city. The employee notified his supervisor of
    this before he took A/L but never mentioned an
    injury until after he returned to work, saying he
    hurt himself on June 1 and it worsened over the
    month. The employee requested COP for his time
    off. The supervisor was never aware that the
    worker had allegedly sustained an injury until
    his return to work, so no investigation was done,
    and no reports were completed.

  • The employees supervisor alerted WC that
    employee had hurriedly moved his family during
    the fire. He had loaded and unloaded belongings
    onto a large truck and could have been injured
    moving his family since he had not mentioned a
    work injury previously.
  • Supervisor also stated the employee has a small
    ranch with horses and cattle to care for. He
    rides horses.
  • The claimant stated hed had a hernia repair 2
    years prior and worried it might have returned.
    He was examined the day before he filed his claim
    and while being examined, he made no mention of a
    work related injury to the treating NP. All
    told, the employee visited 8 physicians or NPs,
    had an ultrasound, a MRI and an Agency Medical
    Exam that all concurred there was no hernia.

See any potential issues with this claim?
  • What red flags do you see?
  • Could the supervisor still do an accident
  • Was the information he provided to WC helpful?
    If yes, in what way?
  • Was the employee entitled to COP for this injury?
  • What corrective actions or countermeasures could
    be taken after an accident of this type is

  • Claimant was not entitled to COP because he filed
    an Occupational Illness, saying his pain
    worsened over time
  • Claimant chose NP for treatment - not authorized
    by OWCP
  • Supervisor CAN do after the fact accident
    investigation, but asking the 6 key questions,
    looking at the work area where the injury
    occurred, and observing the employees work
  • Maybe not as optimum as on the spot
    investigation, but still helpful
  • Supervisors information critical to WC because
    otherwise, no factors exist to disprove work

Possible corrective actions
  • Safe lifting training (always document) for
    employee and others who do same work
  • Discussion with employee on proper accident
    reporting procedures
  • Periodic observations
  • On the spot corrections of unsafe practice or
  • Change in written policy
  • Change in procedures for clearing room of
    furniture to minimize lifting

Hmmm lets see
  • Claimant reported injury after the fact
  • Claimant reported his intentions to move family
    to his supervisor and spoke of having done so
    after return to work
  • Claimant engaged in outside activities that could
    have caused a muscle strain
  • Claimant used all his leave because he thought
    he should without a physician's medical
    rationale supporting his idea

  • Information on CA-1(Injury) and CA-2 (Illness)
    Forms should be compared to the information on VA
    Form 2162
  • This provides a means of checks and balances
    between Injury Compensation and Safety
  • OSHA can audit this information. It should be the

  • 1. Which form is completed by the supervisor of
    the employee involved in any accident regardless
    of the extent of the injury or amount of damage?
  • a. No forms are necessary
  • b. VA Form 2162
  • c. Note to self

  • 2. The local facility retains their copy of the
    VA Form 2162/301/300 for a ____ year period per
    OSHA regulations
  • a. 1
  • b. 7
  • c. 5
  • d. 2

3. Writing a good accident report is important
  • A. Its not important because nobody will see it
    after I send it in
  • B. It is a legal document that can be used
    after- the-fact by attorneys, OSHA, OWCP, TORT
  • It helps Safety with record keeping, Workers
    Comp to challenge claims successfully, OSHA for
    recordkeeping, and the TORT Claims Administrator
  • Both B C

  • Which form is completed after an employee has a
    hazardous materials exposure incident.
  • a. CA-1 or CA-2
  • b. VA Form 2162
  • c. Both a and b

  • 5. The information on a CA-1 or CA-2 form should
    match the information on a VA Form 2162.
  • a. True
  • b. False

6. Which of the following questions should a
supervisor ask when writing a successful accident
  • Who, what, where, when, why and how much?
  • Who, what, where, when, why and how?
  • Who is at fault, what, where, which, when and how
  • Who, which, where, how, why and when?

7. Why should I investigate accidents?
  • To determine contributing factors that may have
    caused the accident
  • To try and prevent future accidents of this type
    from happening again
  • To try and determine root causes or systems
  • All of the above

8. Whats the big deal about investigating near
  1. Nothing, but it gets you out of the office for a
  2. Near misses have the potential to become future
    accidents with injuries. By investigating them,
    you have a chance of mitigating those factors
    that could otherwise have led to an injurious
  3. You can identify workplace hazards or unsafe
  4. Both B C

9. Why is the Power Initiative so important and
what part do I play in it?
  1. When an employee files a claim form, I can fill
    out the supervisors part of the claim the CA
    form and the VA Form 2162 immediately.
  2. I can assist Workers Comp in designing a
    temporary light duty job assignment
  3. I dont play any part in this. It is not my job
  4. Both A B

10. There have been 6 lifting injuries in your
unit. Would you classify them as
  • A. A trend
  • B. A category
  • C. A cause
  • D. A hazard

  • Module end
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