Title: Dancer's Gallery - Contemporary Dance Classes
1Contemporary Dance Classes
2Contemporary Dance is a genre of expressive
movement originally informed by and borrowing
from classical, modern, and jazz styles. It has,
since its inception in the 1940s, become one of
the most popular forms of dance to date. It
incorporates elements from many styles of dance
including Afro-Caribbean Japanese forms such as
Butoh (categorized as a post- World War II genre
created to depict slow, somber movements
dedicated to honor the fallen).
3Contemporary dance is said to be the offspring of
modern and post-modern dance styles. It
incorporates not only fundamental ballet
techniques with the leg and foot movements, but
also Modern dances emphasis on the torso.
4Performers and beginner dance students alike
appreciate the extreme creativity and diversity
offered by Contemporary Dance.
5At Dancers Gallery, our goal is to bring forth
the true innate abilities of the dancer while
offering a place where artistic creativity can
flourish. So, register for Contemporary Dance
Classes at Dancers Gallery today.
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